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Temple of Elemental Evil: A Classic Greyhawk Adventure

Temple of Elemental Evil: A Classic Greyhawk Adventure

List Price: $29.99
Your Price: $24.99
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Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Much better after patch
Review: No doubt, this game NEEDS the official patch. 'Nuf said.

After that, artwork is good, implementation of 3.5 rules is excellent and very insightful. NPCs are a bit weak, so make a good party. Fortunately, you have complete control over character generation. Game difficulty at the start can be tough because it's hard to tell which encounters are over your head as a 1st level party and resting is not a gimme - once you're past that, it's better.
Radial menu commands and mapping system can be tricky at first. There's a ton of helpful tips you might miss at first that let you hot key popular commands, check for "clickable" items, check your path, etc. Yes, for the first time ever, I'd recommend going through a few of the "Tip of the Days."
If you want a faithful electronic implementation of the latest D&D rules, here it is. If you're new to RPGs, Baldur's Gate II, while older, will be more fun.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: A sad set up
Review: Ok. I'm one of these guys who is basing his review on the demo.

The demo I played is no way to get people to buy a game. My characters were killed so fast, it was pathetic. Every time I rested to heal (even for 1 day) I would be surrounded by rats, thugs, or snakes. There was no way to heal my guys because I was taking hits from enemies every time I tried to heal someone.

Also, just about every attack I made was a miss while the enemies nailed me almost every time. Even spells were misses on a regular basis.

This is definately not recommended.

I played Heroes on X-box and had way more fun.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Beware!
Review: I ignored the reviews and bought this game. Big Mistake! Almost unplayable and certainly not fun at all.
Hasbro and Wizards (the owners of the brand) should be embarressed by this product. Atari did an incredibly lousy job.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Great Module poorly done
Review: I loved this module when it came out. I saw this and I was thrilled. Finally, they had done what I wanted done for so long. I bought it and installed it. Started off very fun. Then I played longer. I can not get any of my quest outside of Hommlet to update. I have been in contact with Atari and tried their suggestions and they don't work. This game is just not worth the money. I had to stop playing because not being able to complete the quests makes the game difficult and not very fun. Hopefully they will try to correct all the problems they have.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Disappointed D&D fan
Review: Man, this game is loaded with so many bugs that I cant recommend it to anyone. While the graphics are beautiful, the constant crashes and game lock ups just make it unplayable. I am glad I didn't pay for this ourtta my own pocket, I'd be really PO'ed if I had. And my PC is the latest from Alienware, with 2Gig of Ram and a 256MB video card, so you'd think this game would run smooth, but nope. Spend your money elsewhere, wait a few months and hope they get the bugs worked out. Oh, the latest patch for this game still hasn't addressed all of the bugs, just additional fyi.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Save your MONEY!
Review: This game is far from complete, in fact, I'm completely disguested that any company would even try to pass this as a "complete" product.

There is a good level of innovation taking form here. I do really apreciate the "combat mode" (with a few minor annoyances). As for everything surrounding that, it lacks. The role playing story provides only maybe a few hours/days of gameplay. Maybe I'm spoiled with Baldur's Gate and Final Fantasy games where it seems the gameplay never is going to end, but I certainly never expect to play through to the end on a long holiday weekend.

My opinion, I'm torqued I spend $40+ on this "product". In terms of value, I would only say I got $10-$15 worth of enjoyment out of it. It's defective, has certain elements that cumbersome in the interface, poor literature, poor item descriptions, conversations with NPC seem problematic (so pay attention the first time you chat with someone, you might not get to ask again), character portraits stink (try finding one in the list that fits even a blond, female cleric), can't import/export characters/portraits for re-play, path AI for moving, searching bodies that have stacked on eachother (good luck), quickly switching weapons in non-combat mode (can you say open inventory, click a tab, and close inventory, put the tabs on the portrait instead so I don't have two extra steps), and just not enough play "space"/adventure. I have more, but I'm limited to 1,000 words.

Atari, if your reading, try again. Use your validation teams and don't rush software developement! You guys missed alot. I (as a software developer) cringe at the easy to identify items (even developers should have spotted them). You destroyed what could have been an awesome RPG and did not do the Temple of Elemental Evil (D&D book) justice. Hang your heads low.

Next round, I would think the perfect RPG would have the interface of Baldur's Gate (or ToEE minus of the defects and poor design in hot keys, lack of item description, poor feat documentation, etc., so yeah, Baldur's Gate), the combat mode of Temple of Evil (with improvements and fixes), and the modular quest modules like Neverwinter Nights (but don't overdue it with a combersome 3-D engine) for unlimited expansion. Some of us actually want to quest and develope characters, not just go down 4 levels of a temple and game over.

In short, buyer beware. Don't spend your dollars and say that this quality of product is okay for consumption.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Patched Game is fun.
Review: Luckily I purchased this game after the 1.0 patch had come out. I find it interesting that the patch is 1.0, it seems Atari is admiting they released a beta version if the patch brings the product to version 1.0. I also downloaded the Circle of Eight patch that adds things to the game and makes it even more enjoyable. Once you get all of this installed this is a very fun RPG in the classic D&D style. For those of you that loved the Bioware games I highly recommend this game,(once patched) you will not be disappointed. The gameplay is fun and the graphics and environment are decent.

Too bad they didn't release the game once they had everything working properly or you might be hearing about this being awarded some Game of the Year talk.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: If you like D &D you'll like this
Review: A great great game. Don't listen to the people putting it down. If you're into D & D it's a must have.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Fun, but frustrating...
Review: I'm a big fan of all the medieval fantasy RPGs out there, so I get them all as soon as they come out and play! Once I got the guidebook to go along with it, I had a blast playing this game. I LOVE doing all the little quests in each town, but sometimes it's tedious so I use the book for hints. The game was fun overall, but once I got to the point where I had no more raise dead items, no clerics to raise my party and 2/3 of my party members dead - I quit.

The pros about ToEE:
-Nice Graphics
-Fun Storylines
-Lots of Fun Combat
-Complex character generation

The cons:
-Not enough raise dead items/opportunities!
-Too dark!
-Combat can be tedious at times

I rate this game about a 3.5/5 stars - mostly because I did get many hours of enjoyment out of it, but I was disappointed I couldn't finish the game. I might load it back up one of these days and play some more - but for now I'm too busy playing the Dungeon Siege expansion which I find to be much more enjoyable. This is not a bad game though, D&D players will probably like it!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Several good patches are available now
Review: The retail version of ToEE has some substantial bugs. It is virtually a requirement to download the patches. Having said that, once the free patches are installed, the game is very good.

IMPORTANT: The version 1.1 patch can be found at Atari's web site (www.atari.com). There is also an additional, 3rd party patch available for free from Circle Of Eight (www.co8.org) that has even more bug fixes and adds some features. Unlike the Atari patch, this one is updated frequently to address user reported issues.

If you are a fan of D&D and have even a little knowledge of the 3rd edition rules, I think you'll really enjoy it. If you are only familiar with the older 2nd edition rules, you'll probably want to pay extra attention to the manual or review some of the fan sites in order to get the most out of it. If you don't have any experience with D&D at all, I can't say for sure if you will enjoy it or not.

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