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Ultima Online Renaissance (Jewel Case)

Ultima Online Renaissance (Jewel Case)

List Price: $9.99
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Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Terrible
Review: I had been playing Ultima Online for 3 years prior to the release of this expansion. The bugs surpassed anything I've previously seen Electronic Arts let out the door. They really outdid themselves with this one.

And that doesn't even get started on the fact they turned the entire game upside down and inside out, completely changing everything. I thought I'd logged into Diablo Online accidently.

The roll out was so awful, Electronic Art's subsidary, Origin Systems has offered a reward to compensate players for their trouble.

This expansion ruin a once great game. I stopped playing within 1 week of this expansion and moved on to Dark Age of Camelot. If you're looking for something like UO used to be, check out Shadowbane. Even for free, Age of Shadows is a waste of time.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: 5 year vet's opinion
Review: While the 2d version appears a little dated as far as artwork, the overall game and playability continues to offer the most for the money. You are free to choose and later change what skills you have, new areas have been added for housing, new skills, new spells, etc. The housing issue continues to be a primary concern and as soon as new areas open, it fills with housing. It may take a month or two for the older areas of the game to open up for housing since space becomes available as people upgrade or move their house. While many people get bored with the game it may be because it's not a hack and slash or shooter type game. Choosing which server to play on is as important as designing your character's skills. Buy it and see for yourself.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Was a Great Game
Review: I hate to say this but this use to be a great game, not only for newbie's but for veteran players alike. Now if you dont have good skills you cant go anywhere in the game. Being that most people who start out in the game as a New Character with low skills, unable to make money, unable to buy reagents, unable to buy armour, having to relay on other players to help you out. It is not a lot of fun. It also is not a lot of fun, due to they lower animal stats, now pets jet kills almost as quickly as the owner. Combat rules changed, now monsters can do more damage to chars...thus killing people and pets faster than they use to. If u want to die a lot get this game, enjoy dieing..this is the game for you..enjoy spending money monthly to die this is the game for you. What can I say unless you are a veteran player, it will take you at least 6-8 months to make a character that is able to make money and in the long run you will have died numerous times, unless a veteran player comes to help out. To bad you cant rate game with 1/2 stars, because that is what they have done to this game.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Don't waste your money
Review: I played Ultima Online for about 4 years and finally quit around the release of AoS. Honestly.. don't waste your time buying it. In the beginning, UO was UO. People played it because of the differences from EQ or Diablo. PvP was skill based and not item based. But that's what AoS has turned UO into - a mindless item based game just like everything else out there. PLUS OSI makes you pay ... a month for service that is completely [bad] and every new update only benefits those that refuse to engage in Player vs Player combat. Almost every single template has been nerfed and even though 99% of gameplay is based on magic, magery has been nerfed the most and[messed up] over time and time again. Melee templates with the best weapons and items dominate the game and can kill a mage in 2 hits or less. Casting delays for mages were set at a reasonable level before but now they've been prolonged even further. Seriously.. go play D2 or EQ if you'd rather play item based games so you can save 120 bux a year.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The BEST out there
Review: The depth of this game is just incredible. You can do virtually anything you can dream of.

Want to be a gardener and grow plants? Go ahead, some plants might mutate and produce odd offspring. Some plants will produce valuable resources.

Want to sail the oceans fending off Deep Sea Serpents? You can.

Want to be a warrior? A paladin with special holy abilities? How about an undead Necromancer who raises the creatures he slays to aid him in more mayhem?

Build your own house just the way you want it, too. Be warned, housing space is limited and very expensive. But once you get it there are no maintenance fees or such, so you can enjoy it without worry.

Want to tame dragons, you can, and can later train them to be better fighters to assist you.

Want to build weapons, armor, almost anything that's in the game can be crafted one way or another, and there is a demand for things! Run your own vendor out of your own house.

There is really so much depth and variety to this game it's really overwhelming for new players. Although you get 40 hours of near-invulnerability to learn the ropes, you can barely scratch the surface of this game in 40 hours. .. The land is massive, there are scores of monsters and challenges, oodles of guilds, guild warfare if you so choose, and lots to be done here!

I don't want to sound like an ad, but I've been having so much fun lately, especially with Paladins and the customer housing that Iit's hard not to sound like a broken record.

This game has evolved *so* much since its previous releases it's incredible. This is very different from the previous releases of the game. Items have more properties and the possibilities to customize your avatar -looks and abilities- is astrounding.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Ultima Online
Review: Yes Ultima Online has had many issues and bugs since the release of AoS, but I have yet (being a vet of 5 years) not seen an expansion on Ultima that hasn't had it shares of bugs to deal with. I must say that OSI should have beta tested AoS to help resolve some of the issues before it was released, but none the less AoS has now been out for almost 2 months now and many of the issues and bugs have been fixed. For all you Dial-up peeps out there they have fixed the lag issue that was slowing everyone down. When I upgraded to AoS I was lagged on dial-up and DSL, now everything runs smoothly for me. There are a lot of profesions one can choose in Ultima Online. I myself perfer being a warrior adventure, but to those who get bored with just fighting there are many things you can do; the possabilities are left to the players imagination. As for housing there are spots available. You may hear many complaints about no housing spots available only because for those who wish to place only want to place the biggest house they can. In the many years that I've played I have learned to start small then work your way up to get what you want and it does work! I know because I started out with the smallest house possable in Ultima and have slowly been working my way up. Just remeber (as much as we would love to have them now) even in games things take time!!

I will admit I disliked the changes at first but I have now grown to love them. The new changes have intreaged me to learn and play more of the game.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Good Game...
Review: I have played this game for 6 years,but i recently stopped due to Real life related,then when i came back,it just got very and extremely laggy,im telling you this,cause i use cable connection,but for now ill just rate it as average,since they havent even fixed the bugs.

When everything gets fixed,thatll be different,but lets just give time to the time,and wait. It will be FUN again.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: It's OK
Review: UO has always been a decent game. People talk about the graphics but that's one thing I like about this game. Evryone is going for looks these days instead of gameplay. This new expansion made things crazy. For instance if you like to pvp which I used to, you will now need to either buy good equipment (like armor and magic jewelry) or go monster bashing which I have not done in years. Also If you plan on pvping make sure you have a top of the line computer and high speed connection because 99% of players will blast off screen before you can kill them or hide in their homes when in trouble. Resist has been destroyed in this expansion and is now all about equipment. No more can i run around naked with a hally and cause damage to players.

This game has gotten a 4 star rating only because of the Customizing house tool. Until they balance the pvp part of this game out That's probably the only thing That will keep me hanging on to UO otherwise I will probably be leaving soon. Maybe after 6+ years I'm just bored of it but any new players out there should really have a good time for a few years.

There is lots of housing available in this game no matter what others say. I can guarantee i can go on any shard and fit the small house plot somewhere in Malas at least. Then when inactive account housing starts to fall (phase 3 coming eventually) nobody should have a problem getting a home of decent size.

With the new patches coming alot of things will be fixed/nerfed and it's said loot on monsters will be uped a little again. Besides even now you can make a killing, there is a billion hunting spots across the 3 trammel ruleset lands then you even have felucca to hunt in which is usually deserted. Ok enough rambling.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Great game
Review: I like how this game give you so many possiblities. You can be a thief and gain from others. You can be a swordsman and storm dungeons and make your own money. this gmae is great fun

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Hmmmm.....
Review: well for one thing it gets quite boring, there arent many jobs to select from, the graphics ..., theres bugs, not for dial - up users well its a waste of time its terrible trust me there are a lot better mmorpgs out there like everquest and please dont buy this and stay away from it if you see it on the shelves trust me this ...

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