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EverQuest: Shadows of Luclin

EverQuest: Shadows of Luclin

List Price: $9.99
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Rating: 1 stars
Summary: evercrack
Review: I dont like paying 10 dollars a mounth for a game, but once you start playing it you get addicted. As what i read from revews on this game it will probably be even more addictive than ever. So just dont buy it. You could buy a lot more cool games whith the money. Like get games that you have big guns with free multi player you can enjoy them without haveing to pay 10 dollars a mounth. Pluse there are a bunch of new multi player games coming out that are going to be a lot funnier than EQ.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Great Game
Review: If you really want to go any where in the EverQuest PC, interactive online game you need everything up to Planes of Power. The legends of Yeksha expansion is brand new, however it is very easy to play the game without it, but dont take me wrong, this game is NOT for all you people who just want to take an hour or two out of the night to get on your computer. No, this game does take alot of time and dedication, not for the light hearted gamers! You should only purchase beyond Ruins of Kunark if you are positive that you will be dedicated in playing this game, otherwise I strongly advise against it. (note: this game does require a online fee for server time, it's approxametly 120$ a year, however the new Legends server is quite a bit more, but isn't as widely used as the original servers, but much more reliable.)

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: The fun is up to you.
Review: Everquest is a disgrace to the mmorpg genre. The graphics are years outdated and the gameplay is horrid. If you're interested in a good mmorpg, go for Dark Age of Camelot.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: A Must have for EverQuest Fans
Review: Shadows of Luclin is an expansion pack with some excellent new features that is essential for any Everquest player. Probably the most exciting feature of this expansion is the new character models.

These models are drastically more detailed than the previous models. In addition to that, new customization features have been introduced. You can customize virtually anything, from eye color to hair style. On the down side, though, your friends running the old character models will not get to see all the nifty customizations that you have made. Also, the new models take some getting used to. Trolls are now more upright, Ogres look more fierce and less stupid and elves are more refined (facial-feature-wise). Just because there are a lot more details doesn't mean that you may neccessarily like the new models. One of my favorite features is armor is no longer just a texture, but it actually adds new polygons to give your armor girth.

In addition to that, Shadows of Luclin introduces the moon of Luclin, a mystical moon of Norrath that previously remained hidden in the night sky. There is a wide variety of zones to play in that add a new flavor to EverQuest, from the dank Paladual caverns to the empty void known as "the Grey" and exotic arabic styled city of Shar Vahl. Relatively speaking, each zone is 200% more detailed than the original EverQuest zones.

Also, this expansion introduces the playable race known as the Val Shir. These are basically giant cat-like men who are roughly related to the Kerrans and have been estranged on this moon for a long time. This playable race introduces the new class called the beastlord (which can be played by various other races). Now you can have a warder (an animal friend) who fights for you. Unfortuantely, this new little buddies often get lost, so you need to make sure they are right behind you. The Val Shir are well detailed, giving you a variety of different fur patterns to pick from (tiger stripes, leopard spot, etc.)

In addition to that, there has been a variety of excellent additions introduced since Shadows of Luclin, including the great Bazaar (in which hundreds of player gather in one place and use an interface to trade with one another). A brand new interface that is skinnable, an MP3 player and an out of game messenger so you can check in on your buddies when you can't make it in the game. Of course these are standard to regular EQ players as well.

With all the features, its hard not to get excited. Previous SOL was plagued with stability problems, but these are thing of the past. Despite the extensive memory requirements (which probably aren't so extensive anymore as of this writing), there are vitually no drawbacks to buying this game. However, if you do not like the mechanics of EQ, than chances are this expansion will not change your mind as they are all still there.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Love it.
Review: I was starting to get tired of playing EQ, but this expansion does so much to make it fun again! It not only adds a new world, race, and profession- it also redoes the graphics of characters and gives you much more custome options in character creation. And there's horses now!!!

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