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EverQuest (Jewel Case)

EverQuest (Jewel Case)

List Price: $9.99
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Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Depends on your tastes
Review: I personally like this game a lot. Although there are many people who play that can really get on your nerves, like many people have said before, there are also many nice players that are usually willing to help out new players. Yes, some of the fighting does get repetitive, IF you choose to fight the same things over and over and over. There are many creatures that are available for you to fight all over the EQ continent. You can fight the same things over and over, but that gets boring. I like to explore new zones and fight as many different creatures as I can. If you don't mind taking a while to earn experience and you can ignore some obnoxious players, this game would probably be great for you. That's it hope this helps

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Very addictive, but...
Review: I would not recommend buying this game if you at all have an addictive personality.

It's a good game, but very, very time consuming (and, eventually, very repetitious). Because there is no end, you never come to a time when you are finished.

I played for 1 year. I knew people (in the game) whose marriages ended because their wives walked out on them because they played so much. Personally, my wife felt quite neglected, and I did not play anywhere near as much as most people I knew. When you get to raiding, raids can go 4 or 6 or more hours, and it is really looked down on to leave before the raid is done. I get much more sleep since I quit EQ.

That's all--it really is the most addictive game I have ever played, so unless you really don't mind spending all your free time playing a game (at the expense of real world social interaction, chores, any other activities), be very careful. Seriously.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: This Game is the Best Game I've Ever Played!
Review: I've played alot of games, but none match up to this. This game is soooo addictive becuase of that fact that its 100% pure California Grown AWESOME GAME. The Graphics beat the living Hell outa most of the wanna be MMORPGS out there. Sure if, its a ten dollar monthly fee, but if your not willing to get the most out of your ten bucks then go play runescape. With a great amount of selections, of race, classes, and home towns, you can find almost no two characters alike. This game is fun, and great to play with friends as it is an online game. You and your frineds can venture into the deep dungeons, or battle the vile orcs at there encampments. To all you guys who think ever quest is not good, you can just watch TV had have your brain rot, improving no hand-eye coordination, and having a lot less multiplayer fun.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A fantastic, ongoing RPG experience
Review: Simply put, this game is one of the most long lasting,continually addictive games I've encountered...

Ok...now that that's out of the way, what is so addictive about this game? It's difficult to put a finger on. One of the many nice things about this game is that the designers are constantly working on it, and improving the world. As they make improvments to the game, your own copy is updated appropriately...so there's always new and interesting things to look for within the world. And it's a *big* world. Finding your way around is no small challenge...but it's made easier by locating starting characters in the areas they can explore in relative safety. As one becomes more powerful, further exploration becomes a natural direction to take.

To do this game justice in a short review is truly impossible. Suffice it to say that the game is a very well designed and maintained internet-based 3d RPG. (both an internet connection and a 3d card are required). Be prepared to put your life on hold and put in some serious time to get your character up to the higher levels...and be prepared to have a good time doing it.

As a final note, I do not actually play this game any more, because of its biggest drawback: it's simply too easy to get sucked into it for large periods of time. No joke.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: the only game you need
Review: Since buying EQ, Iv'e necglected all my other favorite games because it fills all my gaming needs. It has lots of action, strategy, and even social interaction since you play w/ people from all over the world. The undrlying theme of advancing your character in level can consume a bit of your time but it makes leveling so much more rewarding. And no, there is no "end game", in EQ, but other than your family, who really wants it to end?

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Don't buy this.. not because it's a bad game read on!
Review: Sure you CAN buy this seemingly cheaper version of Everquest for 9.99 and it might be a good deal... but later on you will realise you NEED the expansions to really be part of the game. Then you will end up paying 19.99 for Scars of Velious and another 29.99 for another original Everqeust and the Ruins of Kunark. You are MUCH MUCH better off buying the 29.99 Ruins of Kunark and then the Scars of Velious saving you 9.99. It's well worth it too because if you don't buy Ruins of Kunark you can't play the lizard man race. Sure it's 10 more of an investment to buy kunark now but you will save money in the long run.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: It's addictive, not particularly fun
Review: The entire game is based on raising your characters level to meet the next goal, it's a neverending treadmill. Verant realized this of course and added in "Hell Levels" where it takes two or three times the work to get through. Aside from the ease of communicating with others, which can be done in any chatroom, the game is pointless. It actually gets harder as you increase in level. It's addictive because they always hold something just ahead of you, and you think "just another couple levels and I can have that spell!". Every time you gain abilities npcs gain two. It's infuriating, and time consuming.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: EverQuest
Review: The key to liking EverQuest is actually PLAYING the game. Most people just go through and [destroy] creatures... the game isn't exactly fun then. You have to roleplay, set into the way the character would actually act. Once you do, the entire game changes! Trust me, its MUCH more fun that way.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Reasons for bad reviews
Review: The main reason for the bad reviews on this game are because either they started playing the game and didnt take time to learn more about it, or two, the biggest reason, they accedentaly started on a pvp, (Player vs. Player) server, this means that other people can kill you and take your stuff when your a lil weakling and they have enough power to kill you with bearly lifting a finger, all the other servers are not pvp and for the most part people will try to help you, BUT, i strongly advise buying kunark, and if you wish velious, if you buy kunark, you will have a much better experiance.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: It just takes too long...
Review: The problem with this game is the same one you get with most other games like it. To make it fair for the people who invest a lot of time, they have to make leveling something that takes forever. I played it when it first came out and enjoyed it for about a month. That's a pretty long time for a game i was paying money for after i bought it. If you are looking for this type of game, try Dark Ages of Camelot, it's a better version of Everquest...basically, it has wars with other countries as well...things are handled better. The point is, this game is, nowadays, a waste of money. It was good when it came out...if you have friends to play it with...but now there are much better games out there.

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