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Tears of the Sun

Tears of the Sun

List Price: $19.94
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Rating: 4 stars
Summary: He was trained to follow orders. He became a hero by defying
Review: "Tears of the Sun" manages to successfully distinguish itself from the long line of recent military flicks. To me, this film is everything that "Windtalkers", "Behind Enemy Lines", "Hart's War", and "Pearl Harbor" should have been. "Tears of the Sun" is bursting with fine acting, stunning cinematography, a beautiful score, a moving script, and realistic combat that, mercifully, isn't mind numbing.

When the democratic government of Nigeria collapses and the country is taken over by a brutal military dictator, Navy SEAL Lieutenant A.K. Waters (Bruce Willis), a fiercely loyal and hardened veteran is dispatched on a routine mission to retrieve Dr. Lena Kendricks from a Catholic mission in a remote village where she is caring for victims of the endless civil war.

However, when Waters and his elite squadron arrive, Dr. Kendricks refuses to leave unless he promises to help deliver the villagers to safety at the nearby border. If the villagers are left behind, they will be at the mercy of the massive rebel army. Waters is under strict orders from his commanding officer Captain Bill Rhodes (Tom Skerritt) to remain disengaged from the conflict.

As Waters and his men witness the brutality of the rebels first-hand, they are moved by Dr. Kendricks' cause and place their lives at risk by agreeing to escort the villagers on a perilous trek through the dense jungle to the safe ground just past the border.

The reality of this serious issue in Nigeria is quite frightening. When I was watching it, I sat back and thought "Wow. This is really happening to people. It's not made up." The veracity of "Tears of the Sun" makes it significantly more affecting than it would have been had it been a fictional story.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: It's about Africa folks!!!
Review: So everyone wants to see action, action and more action. Forget about atrocities, or how Africa has become an unraveled country, painted by in-fighting and greed, not to mention utmost corruption and outside intervention. Let's just sit back in our comfy couches and watch action.

You can't base this movie on it's action. Because there are soldiers in this movie, doesn't mean it has to be full blown combat.

Tears of the Sun was done very well, considering the same director did Training Day, which I thought wasn't very good. This movie shines: the action is good, and the backdrop is what holds this movie.

Forget the doctor they have to rescue and that they are soldiers, pay attention to what is going on all around.

Yes Hollywood does make over exaggerated movies, this does get a bit over-the-top, but it does hold it's own.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Tears of Boredom
Review: Whenever there is Tears in a title of a movie,it should be a warning sign, when Sun is added to it, then you will surely be in for a sentimentally drenched, cliche ridden ride, and yes I was not mistaken.
I really wanted to like this movie, for the director of Traning Day teaming up with Bruce Willis, to take us into another 'Heart Of Darkness' is something to follow with interest, sadly this was not the case, for several reasons:
1-With lines like 'God has already left Africa' or 'If we continue to slow down we will move backwards in time (??!!), the dialogue is pretty lame.
2-The first half of the movie is very slow and weak, and if you expect a thrilling warfare action that will cover the flaws in the script as in Black Hawk Down, you will be disappointed. And the flaws in the script are many,for instance we get no convincing reason why Willis's character changes his mind in mid air and goes back to help the other stranded people, who were still standing in the exact spot where he left them.(!!)
3-Monica Bellucci, as delightfully sexy and talented as she is, and who was great in Malena, Asterix and Cleopatra and Irreversible, was in my opnion miscat for this movie.It needs some effort to believe her as this doctor working in some monestary in the heart of the African jungle.In addition to that, Bruce Willis has a tired expression on his face throughout the film, and he does seem a tight uncomfortable.
4-The political side of the film is ridden with cliches. The images of rape and murder,especially the murder of the priest by the rebels, whose leader look at the cross around the priest's neck before ordering his murder,is harrowing as any images of war are, but they are too sentimental to have the desired impact.Thin Red Line, Deer Hunter and to a lesser extent Platoon and Black Hawk Down succeed much more in showing the brutality and effects of war on both soldiers and civilians.
One critic found Tears of Sun to be more Wild Geese and less Black Hawk Down,and I could not agree more.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Not Bad, Could of Been Better
Review: Tears of the Sun was a pretty satisfiying war film. The action scenes were well done, but not eough action for my taste. I expected an action war film, but I didn't get it. Although it was a very compelling story. What I did get was a very modern and dramatic drama story. Very Nice.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Well done empty Hollywood film
Review: Grade: C
Category: War
Director: Antoine Fuqua
(Training Day '2001, The Replacement Killers '1998)
Year: 2003
Running time: 121 min
Rating: R ( violence, brutality, language)
Starring: Bruce Willis, Monica Bellucci
My point: Well done empty Hollywood film

Bruce Willis playing a Navy Seal unit commander. The mission is to evacuate American doctor from the African country during a military coup. But the doctor ( Monica Bellucci ) doesn't want to leave "her" people and in the middle of the operation Bruce decided to disobey the orders and help them.
Very good and very fake story with very unrealistic and too made up script. Actors doing excellent job, but has nothing really to go with. Their characters are too fake.
I even don't want to start talking about the combat scenes. After watching few of them I decided to go to the kitchen and make myself a cup of coffee. On the second shelf in my refrigerator I found few donuts. It made me very exited and what could be better than a big jelly donut with a huge cup of coffee in the early afternoon?! Definitely not this movie!
Very well made but very fake, war glorifying and boring film which could be used as excellent example how Hollywood being used to promote the war.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: First half boring Second half great thats it
Review: I expected more i guess from the same guy who directed Training day and The Replacement Killers and it was advertised as the best war film since Black Hawk Down.I was wrong and so were they the first half of this movie i was ready to cut it off not becouse it was that bad but i was expecting black hawk down like advertised instead i almost fell asleep.Then the second half started with explosions and all that great stuff and was good from then on,what were they thinking for the first half! Definately not BHD but the production,acting,and second half of the movie earned it somewhere between 3.5 - 4.0 stars Rent it.

Rating: 3 stars
Review: I am an avid reader of history and war chronicles. I have watched many "Special Forces" documentaries and movies. First of all, I do not believe the Special Ops team would disobey commands as Bruce Willis does in this film. They are trained both physically and mentally to do their job down to the last detail even, if it means leaving thousands to die. They also have a "Rules of Engagement" law. If any person in the U.S. Service goes into a country to do something specific, and we are not at war with this country, war cannot be waged against them. For entertainment purposes, it was watchable and the ending very touching. I guess to enjoy this movie, you can't have too much knowledge of our "Covert Mission Forces."I think some of the deleted scenes should have been kept which would have made this picture clearer to the watcher.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: terrible!
Review: This movie is not only BAD it's also one big insult to the entire continent of Africa, not to mention an insult to the intelligence of the audience.

Bruce Willis plays this squad leader for some indescript arm of the US military (is he a Navy Seal, special ops...?? who knows?!). Bruce is a tough guy who is grappling with his own morality. He manages to rescue the pretty girl with the big rack, but somehow magically grows a soul after leaving most of the people of her village in a field to be massacred by evil muslim rebels. (of course, all bad guys are muslim, according to these mindless movies). At any rate, he grows a soul then decides that he has to help them which involves a mean game of cat and mouse through the jungle with the innocent villagers/bruce/his guys/hot girl with the rack, and the predictably evil muslim rebels who make the occasional stop to rape and pillage along the way. The movie, of course, comes to an anticlimatic predictable conclusion involving a major gunfight, f-16s and the Cameroonian border.

Frankly, this movie is one big stereotype of conflicts in Africa, not to mention of the tough guy who realizes that he has a soft heart (for the right girl, with the appropriately large rack). It really just disgusted me with its generalizations and supposedly crazy plot twists. If you want to see Die Hard On Safari, go see this movie. Otherwise, if you are interested in something more political and historically accurate and not grossly stereotypical, you may want to see something else.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Great war movie?
Review: Far from it! This wants too bad to be too good and fails on so many levels, they should've just given up while in production. I can see during the film that Willis seemed upset that he even did this. Who knows, maybe I'm wrong. Perhaps he liked the movie. I myself did not. It had no power. It had no real emotion. It seemed as flat as a pancake. I was expecting a lot coming from the director of "Training Day", but I'll think next time before being so naive. I say don't waste your time. This film was so flat I had to watch it in four segments just to get to the end. If you want to see a recent war movie that is powerful, check out "We Were Soldiers" or "Black Hawk Down".

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Major Flaw
Review: I'll admit that this film was fairly intense. And it did have good acting from Bruce Willis and Eamonn Walker (Karim Said on HBO's "OZ"). And it had some good action set-pieces. And it has a good premise. And it starred the almost disturbingly beautiful Monica Bellucci. But it has one central question that it does not answer ... soldiers Willis and Walker go in to the jungle to extract Dr. Bellucci, but the film never bothers to answer why they would be sent to do this. And this is the very first stone laid in the building of the story and because it is never answered, the entire effort fails to reach the heights that it should have. Is this on par with BLACK HAWK DOWN as Amazon sugests? Not by a long shot.

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