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Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Skip it.
Review: Dreadful. Waste of time. De Niro's completely wasted. What on earth was Ron Howard thinking? What on earth was DE NIRO thinking?

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: incredible special effects!
Review: i don't care what the others say, this movie was great. the special effects were well done.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Good movie just to watch
Review: The movie is one of the best attempts about fire fighters. Not everything is true in the movie, but you need just to watch the film. How many people would have been interested in just seeing a blank screen in the action shots. You have to be able to keep the audience in the movie. I'm career fire fighter and I would recommend people to see the movie. Thanks

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: incredible special effects!
Review: while the storyline centers around two brothers following in the footsteps of their firefighter father, i thoroughly enjoyed the special effects in this movie.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: quit dissecting movies and just enjoy them!
Review: Okay once again I agree with all the other "firefighters" who reviewed this in the argument that it is not an accurate portrayal of firefighting. But good lord quit picking out what is wrong with something and try to enjoy a movie for once! After all what did you guys (and gals) expect 2 hours of a black screen. This is an extremely exciting and entertaining movie and would recommend it to anyone, except those who have nothing better to do but complain about how "it isn't real", and how "he'd have died" these are the same people who tell little kids that Santa is not real.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: A whole load of Crap
Review: This the most ridiculous look at firefighting that's ever been made. The amount of smoke that was in the fires in the movie wasn't even comparable to a real-life fire. In a fire you can't see ! It is nothing but black. When Krut Russell's character goes into the 2 story building, to rescue the child, he has his coat wide open and no SCBA equipment. The smoke would have killed him in a matter of seconds. If anybody was to run into a fire filled room with their coat undone they'd be cooked !

And the chemical fire at the end, oh my ! Kurt Russell and Billy Baldwin both go in there without SCBA gear and their coats wide open, 25-30 seconds and they're dead ! This was a terrible movie. It gives an aweful look to firefighters world wide.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Good but Phony
Review: As a firefighter by trade, I felt, that it was rather over dramatic of a picture in terms of the action scenes dealing with fire fighting. Other than that, It was a well written movie and I would reccomend it to anyone.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: This is an awesome movie and a must-see!
Review: I love Backdraft! I remember seeing it for the first time on cable about four years ago and loved it then - mainly because of Kurt Russell and William Baldwin. Recently, I bought the tape and am so glad I bought it. Watching Russell as the domineering older brother and Baldwin as the younger brother trying to make Russell's character proud of him and to uphold the family tradtion is what appeals to me. The suspense of the movie always gets me on the edge of my seat no matter how many times I've watched it. I always cry even though I know what's coming. This is a must-see movie if you like action and observing the sexy Kurt Russell and William Baldwin in action.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Good film. Poor DVD.
Review: I've always regarded this film as highly watchable: it was never intended to be too much more. However Universal has a bit to answer for with this DVD edition.

Firstly, the picture quality is very grainy and colourless, you really have to pump up the colour settings on your TV before the people start looking like they have skin tone. Secondly, the original aspect ratio of this film is (as advertised) 2.35:1, but after comparison to three other films in the same aspect ratio (Face/Off, Cliffhanger, Boogie Nights) one can clearly see that this DVD is actually in 2.30:1, meaning that parts of the sides of the film are cropped off. Thirdly, there are scenes missing from this edition, especially one noted scene with Kurt Russel - before he gets drunk and goes and to see his wife - about his report concerning Tim having his face burnt off. Fourthly, there are only 16 chapters here for a film spanning two and a quarter hours. To put that in perspective for you, a film like Zero Effect, which is less than two hours, has 31 chapters. This means that you cannot cut to prime action sequences and skip the parts in between when you do not have time to watch them.

The only good thing about this edition is the sound. Remixed in Dolby Digital 5.1, it can really pump out the low rumble of a wave of fire and the crackle of incinerating material if your sound system is up to it.

If you have to have this film, fair enough. But otherwise, wait until Universal gets smart and releases a proper edition that has all the scenes, more chapter divisions, better quality picture in the right aspect ratio, and hopefully a few bonuses like the theatrical trailer or enhancement for widescreen televisions.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Brainless fun. And the fires are incredible.
Review: I'm a snotty intellectual and usually turn my nose up at films like this, but a sinus headache made me skip the art films and look for something with light and noise that I wouldn't have to think about. The night before I had make a mistake with "The (pretentious) Abyss," but this time I chose right. It's loud and fun and never tries to pretend it's something it isn't. The brother stuff got me, and it made me wish that good old Kurt Russell would get an A-list role every once in a while. I had a blast.

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