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Bad Santa

Bad Santa

List Price: $29.99
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Use a little common sense, people!
Review: A couple of the above reviewers stated that they were offended by this movie. Well, don't you people watch trailers or read reviews? One can tell that this is an "offensive movie" from the TV spots. If not, then perhaps the R rating should be a tipoff. For those of you who are not easily offended, hate the holidays, and love black comedy, leave the kiddies at home and go see this film today. One of the darkest, funniest movies in years!

Rating: 5 stars
Review: this movie cracked me up! I thought all the actors were great - plus this movie had a story - it had heart, even if the heart was a little f'ed up. Oh well, go see Bad Santa, but leave the kids at home!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: It's like "Slap Shot" without the hockey; & NOT for kids
Review: There's something to offend everybody here. If you think you might be bothered by language or sexuality in a movie, you're probably going to be bothered by the language and sexuality in "Bad Santa" and you probably don't want to see it.

But there's a telling scene early on in this film. The title character has just, in a drunken haze, said something inappropriate that the mall manager didn't understand and a wise elf steps in to cool the manager out.

"It's a joke, he made a joke," says the elf. "An *adult* joke. Not for kids. But for adults."

That's what "Bad Santa" is: It's not exactly sophisticated but it's a joke for grown ups -- it tickles my jaded funnybone in the same way that the thoroughly unhealthy videogame "Grand Theft Auto" tickles me. As a relatively "enlightened" adult I can see the irony and satire, but I also know it's not appropriate for kids who might only laugh at the slapstick and miss the point.

It *does not* make fun of religion (in fact, Thurman's enjoyment of the advent calendar is particularly touching and sincere); it *does not* ridicule the spirit of holidays, either, its main targets are commercialization and greed.

It's like a straight shot of cinematic tequilla -- if you don't like tequilla, you're going to make a face. But if you brace yourself and keep an open mind, the movie's characters and messages will warm you and give you a smooth holiday buzz. This is one of the best movies of its kind since John Hughes stopped making movies. It's also the funniest, most satisfying comedy I've seen in a long, long time.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Too Much Good In A Bad Movie
Review: "Bad Santa" isn't really a good movie. It thrives on its mediocrity, which is odd considering that it was produced by the Coen Brothers, directed by Terry Zwigoff("Ghost World") and stars the ever versatile Billy Bob Thornton.
For the most part "Bad Santa" is a one joke movie. Santa gets drunk and curses at small children. Santa has sex with women. Santa beats up a paper mache reindeer. The joke is funny for a little while, but stretched out over an hour and a half, it becomes a little groan worthy.
Then the movie decides to put both Bernie Mac and the late John Ritter, both funny dudes, in thinkless roles with little too do, funny or not.
BUt the movie is worth seeing for Billy Bob Thornton, who once again proves he is one HOllywood's most versatile actors. When the sight of Santa stumbling around has long worn out its joke, he still sells the moments in a bit of meloncholie.
"Bad Santa" is neither great nor awful, but you would be well advised to wait for video

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: So bad it's good
Review: This movie will not be in the finalists for movie of the year but I'll bet it will be remembered when others are forgotten...filthy language adnausium but cute and lots of irreverant laughs...if you ae easy to offend, don't go but if you just enjoy a nasty joke, this is for you...Billy Bob, although a political joke, is a fine actor...

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A New Christmas Classic!
Review: Billy Bob Thornton is at the top of his game in this hilarious film, Bad Santa. In this film he curses non-stop, drinks, womanizes, insults, and plots a robbery of a department store, all while posing as a department store santa...and he's the hero! This is the perfect compliment to the Coen Brothers past films, such as Fargo and Raising Arizona. Thornton is at the top of his game as his insults and profanity-laden commentary will earn laughs without even trying. His interaction with his midget partner-in-crime, and an eight-year-old nerd he befriends is excellent. This is an entertaining Christmas romp that does have a positive message, without being preachy. The characters are multi-dimensional and evolve through the film, but it isn't unrealistic.

I highly recommend this ADULT film to anyone who is looking for a sarcastic sense of humor to this season of giving. This is right up there with The Ref as one of the funniest adult Christmas films of all time.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: GO SEE NOW
Review: this movie was hilarious. I couldnt stop laughing. Granted it is vulgar as other people have stated. However, my family and i didnt find it offensive and decided we were going to buy the movie the second it came out. This is a great movie to go see just to get a laugh and come out in a great mood.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Funniest movie ever.
Review: This movie was SO good...who doesn't like to see something so ironic as somebody so good being so bad? I mean, this is right up there with office space funny. Laughing within the first 2 minutes of the movie funny. It's an awesome movie. Don't miss it.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Bad Santa - Good Film - for lovers of Black Comedy
Review: If you are a bah-humbug individual, a Billy Bob Thornton fan, and/or have an appreciation for dark comedy....THIS is the Christmas film for you! Oh, yes, it requires an open mind and the ability to appreciate the unique, but finally here is a holiday film for those who like their seasonal entertainment with a little less 'sugar and spice'.

First, do not take your 11 year old to see this film, as did the gentleman sitting behind me in the theater. He elected to remain even though I advised him this was an adult film (seems the R-Rating didn't seem to do the trick). I stressed that was probably not suitable for his son - even if my answer to his inquiry: "Well, it's about Santa Claus isn't it?" was "YES". Because the entire answer was: "YES, but a very, very baaad Santa".

After the movie, the viewer told me that I was correct, that he should have left, and that he had in fact started to leave several times during the film, but didn't. He added that he himself did not like the film. This made be all the more curious as to exactly why he elected to watch until the credits were rolling.

All the other movie patrons must have checked the ratings (as they were all adults), read the reviews, watched the promos, and perhaps caught Billy Bob on every talk show on TV the previous week (where he spent an inordinate amount of time telling the public - 'This is NOT a family film'). They also must have enjoyed the film, because they all laughed, actually, they all laughed a lot.

Being an avid, devoted fan of Thornton, I understand and would be first to admit that I am more than a little biased when it comes to Billy Bob. I think he is incapable of making a film that is not entertaining. That being said, I would have enjoyed 'Bad Santa' if Santa had been portrayed by some other actor (except perhaps Jim Carey, but I digress). However, I don't know any other actor who bring the pathos, the heart, the lewdness, the earthiness, the seediness, and the overall great performance to this film that Billy Bob did.

Billy Bob Thornton continues to explore the depths of his talent and take fans along for the ride by always finding new and unique characters to portray. Generally he does this via the 'independent' film method, because indie films provide the greater opportunities for his enormous creativity.

This time his choice was not a 'new' character, rather actually a very, very recognizable character - recognizable at least by name - Santa, and this time in a film by commercial film makers. That is where our acquaintance with the character of Santa ends. Willie Stokes' Santa may resemble a lot of characters that we know really exist, as opposed to old Kris Kringle. We know this because many of us have met just such confused people in our real lives, though usually not wearing red velvet suits. The individuals we knew were known to us in the guise of losers, con men, hard-drinkers, and otherwise less-than-perfect people who are just a little bit mixed up about who they are, where they are going, and exactly how to get there.

The only disagreement I would have with many of the reviewing film critics about this film is their insistence that "Bad Santa' does not have a 'good hearted' ending. I would beg to differ. While I won't give it away, I would tell you it has what might be considered an ending that is totally 'appropriate' for a holiday film such as 'Bad Santa'. It isn't an 'It's A Wonderful Life' ending, but then again the film isn't 'Miracle on 34th Street'. But we already know that because the title reveals it from the git-go. I may be a bit of a softie when it comes to kids, but I must tell you some of the tears in my eyes at various moments in 'Bad Santa' were not tears of laughter.

Speaking of kids, Brett Kelly, the young actor who plays 'the kid' in "Bad Santa" is priceless in this film and perfectly cast. Brett is the Coronji Calhoun (Tyrell Musgrove - Monsters Ball) of this film. Thornton is excellent in acting in films with children, this film being no exception.

John Ritter, like Billy Bob, has played a variety of characters in a myriad of films during his career and is always 'absolutely on the mark' for the personality of each character. Rather than being 'sorry' for Ritter that his last film was 'Bad Santa'; I believe that making this film with his old friend (from 'Hearts Afire', the 80's TV series) Billy Bob Thornton, in their first film together since 'Sling Blade', was probably a tremendous source of fun and pleasure for Ritter. I am personally very glad that he and Billy Bob had the opportunity to co-star one last time before John's untimely death. While his on-screen time seemed short on this film, John Ritter, as usual, did an excellent job and was very funny, as was always his way.

Open your mind, prepare for laughter, and give yourself the gift of a different kind of holiday cheer this year - go see 'Bad Santa'. If what you want for Christmas is a little break from the often false cheerfulness of the traditional and instead a swig of dark humor for the delight of your soul, 'Bad Santa' can definitely make all your wishes come true - whether you have been bad or good.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Funniest film I've seen in ten years!
Review: Not since "There's something about Mary" have I laughed so hard in a movie theater! I got into one of the preview screenings of this last week in LA and I have to say 90% of the audience was laughing just as loud as me. Let the prudes stay home - this is a film for anyone who wants to laugh till it hurts!

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