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Killer Condom: The Rubber That Rubs You Out

Killer Condom: The Rubber That Rubs You Out

List Price: $24.95
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: One on One: Cop vs. Condoms!
Review: "Police Hunt For Crazed Contraceptive." "One on One:Cop vs. Condom" Those are two imagined headlines that Detective Luigi Macaroni's straight-laced and straight partner Sam Hanks, come up with in Killer Condom, and they aren't far from the mark in describing the plot of this imaginative, hilarious, and very adult comedy.

Luigi, a gay NYC detective, loses one of his testicles to the title creature, but that isn't his sole problem. He has to contend with a former lover, Bob Miller, now a transsexual named Babette, who sings at the brothel where most of the castrations have taken place, and who is still in love with him. Babette comes out in an array of garish outfits, including a blue sequined outfit and long red wig, but at his most reserved, comes out in a blonde wig and tan outfit that recalls Dusty Springfield.

Luigi is lonely and burned out, as evidenced by his thoughts of New York and himself: "As a cop, you lose touch with reality. You see nothing but filth and scum." "...caught between the pedestrians, the fumes and busy streets. The streets are a stinking cesspool, a playground for perverts." He longs for his home back in Sicily. Some Italian music is played during these moments of introspection.

He has the best lines in the movie. He says of Phyllis, a student whose professor is one the first victims, "If she hadn't bitten down so hard, I'd have thought she had baby teeth." This is obviously before he discovers the cause of the castrations. He unzips his trousers before an unconvinced Sam, telling him, "What d'you think did this, a dust mite?" And on taking the case to a personal level, he says, "Nobody bites off a Macaroni's jewels and gets away with it. Nobody and nothing." Another is when he is stark naked, using a piece of hose to trap the condom. Babette tells him, "I'd get castration anxiety if I were you," to which he replies, "I'd get penis envy if I were you." His lines are delivered in a deadpan manner, and that only makes the dialogue that much funnier.

He plays a dirty trick on Sam, who is ordered by the beleaguered police chief to go undercover at a gay club, by stuffing a yellow hanky in his right trouser pocket as the only way to insure he'll survive without having sex with another man. What happens to him (offscreen) is funny. And it's a good thing it wasn't a red hanky, as Luigi lets Sam know.

Otto Sander, who played the Angel Cassiel in Wim Wenders' Wings Of Desire, has a cameo as Phyllis' father, complete in gray cowboy hat. I had to laugh upon hearing he is from Farmville, Oklahoma. I live in Farmington, New Mexico, and I often refer to it as Farmville or Farmpit. Both places have one thing in common: they don't have a pimp on 42nd street who stuffs his mother-in-law in a dryer and throws her out the window, as was reported to Luigi early in the movie.

There's a poke at the Republicans, as presidential candidate Dick McGouvern, cut from the same bolt of cloth as Reagan, speaks of God's morals. There are shades of Nixon, as he spreads his arms out into a V, and his demagoguery of making the country strong smacks of Adolf Hitler.

The condoms themselves, described as a cross between a "giant worm, jellyfish, and a piranha," are well realized. They squeak, coo, gurgle, and giggle, but they are vicious, with their rows of teeth. They are also jealous, as one hisses when Billy prefers a black rubber. And there's something surreal and funny about seeing a severed penis gliding around a corridor at top speed. The creatures were designed by H.R. Giger, unusual coming from the designer of Alien and the cover artist of Debbie Harry's KooKoo album. Then again, this movie is anything but usual.

It's interesting having a German movie about America, seeing German actors playing Americans and speaking German. They've gotten New York done to a tee.

Killer Condom is a comedy, but it's also a crime drama and a love story, with a touch of sci-fi rolled into it. Oh yes, and it's a twisted but wonderful movie. But thanks to this movie, I'll probably be afraid to ever have sex!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: One on One: Cop vs. Condoms!
Review: "Police Hunt For Crazed Contraceptive." "One on One:Cop vs. Condom" Those are two imagined headlines that Detective Luigi Macaroni's straight-laced and straight partner Sam Hanks, come up with in Killer Condom, and they aren't far from the mark in describing the plot of this imaginative, hilarious, and very adult comedy.

Luigi, a gay NYC detective, loses one of his testicles to the title creature, but that isn't his sole problem. He has to contend with a former lover, Bob Miller, now a transsexual named Babette, who sings at the brothel where most of the castrations have taken place, and who is still in love with him. Babette comes out in an array of garish outfits, including a blue sequined outfit and long red wig, but at his most reserved, comes out in a blonde wig and tan outfit that recalls Dusty Springfield.

Luigi is lonely and burned out, as evidenced by his thoughts of New York and himself: "As a cop, you lose touch with reality. You see nothing but filth and scum." "...caught between the pedestrians, the fumes and busy streets. The streets are a stinking cesspool, a playground for perverts." He longs for his home back in Sicily. Some Italian music is played during these moments of introspection.

He has the best lines in the movie. He says of Phyllis, a student whose professor is one the first victims, "If she hadn't bitten down so hard, I'd have thought she had baby teeth." This is obviously before he discovers the cause of the castrations. He unzips his trousers before an unconvinced Sam, telling him, "What d'you think did this, a dust mite?" And on taking the case to a personal level, he says, "Nobody bites off a Macaroni's jewels and gets away with it. Nobody and nothing." Another is when he is stark naked, using a piece of hose to trap the condom. Babette tells him, "I'd get castration anxiety if I were you," to which he replies, "I'd get penis envy if I were you." His lines are delivered in a deadpan manner, and that only makes the dialogue that much funnier.

He plays a dirty trick on Sam, who is ordered by the beleaguered police chief to go undercover at a gay club, by stuffing a yellow hanky in his right trouser pocket as the only way to insure he'll survive without having sex with another man. What happens to him (offscreen) is funny. And it's a good thing it wasn't a red hanky, as Luigi lets Sam know.

Otto Sander, who played the Angel Cassiel in Wim Wenders' Wings Of Desire, has a cameo as Phyllis' father, complete in gray cowboy hat. I had to laugh upon hearing he is from Farmville, Oklahoma. I live in Farmington, New Mexico, and I often refer to it as Farmville or Farmpit. Both places have one thing in common: they don't have a pimp on 42nd street who stuffs his mother-in-law in a dryer and throws her out the window, as was reported to Luigi early in the movie.

There's a poke at the Republicans, as presidential candidate Dick McGouvern, cut from the same bolt of cloth as Reagan, speaks of God's morals. There are shades of Nixon, as he spreads his arms out into a V, and his demagoguery of making the country strong smacks of Adolf Hitler.

The condoms themselves, described as a cross between a "giant worm, jellyfish, and a piranha," are well realized. They squeak, coo, gurgle, and giggle, but they are vicious, with their rows of teeth. They are also jealous, as one hisses when Billy prefers a black rubber. And there's something surreal and funny about seeing a severed penis gliding around a corridor at top speed. The creatures were designed by H.R. Giger, unusual coming from the designer of Alien and the cover artist of Debbie Harry's KooKoo album. Then again, this movie is anything but usual.

It's interesting having a German movie about America, seeing German actors playing Americans and speaking German. They've gotten New York done to a tee.

Killer Condom is a comedy, but it's also a crime drama and a love story, with a touch of sci-fi rolled into it. Oh yes, and it's a twisted but wonderful movie. But thanks to this movie, I'll probably be afraid to ever have sex!

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Killer Condom (1998) d: Walz, Martin
Review: A hilarious romp through New York's sludge and grime underbelly of drag queens; prostitutes, cops, and unhappy genitals. Based Ralph Konig's German comic book of the same name, Killer Condom was picked up by Lloyd Kaufman's notorious Troma Team after touring the alternative / underground film circuit, and doing quite well. The film features 'creative consulting' by H.G. [Alien (1979) / Species (1995)] Giger, and special effects by controversial splatter & gore director Jorg [Nekromantik (1989) / Schramm] Buttgereit. Determined to find out how the residents of a street wise hotel are ending up without there special purposes, a very hairy, and very homosexual Italian police detective named 'Luigi Macaroni' (played by Udo Samel) almost loses his own family jewels. ...A living, squirming, and worst of all, biting condom grips the city in prophylactic panic. Can the mega-endowed Luigi stop the cult of super villains who created the Killer Condom just to rid sexual deviants and other perverts from the City? Beware of the rubber that will rub you out.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Much better than the title entails
Review: Being a big fan of Troma films, I jumped on the oppurtunity to see this film in the theaters. I was expecting another bad horror movie, but I was mistaken once the film's plot got under way. Unlike most bad horror films, this film actually had a strong plot, and it was different from the average "teenage kids are killed one by one" horror film plots. This movie has heart, and is a great representation of intolerance towards homosexuals. I recommend this to anyone who is looking for something new, and not a HollyWood blockbuster. I was also wondering if anyone could tell me what song Bobette is singing while the detective has the quick affair with the young male prostitute in the elevator. If you know, PLEASE let me know.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: An excellent Troma film!
Review: I heard about Killer Condom for a long time and planed on buying it untill lloyd kaufman (president of Troma studios) came to my town and the store he came to had tons of troma movies so i choosed this one not knowing what to expect.as it turns out this is now a favorite of mine.

The story's about luigi mackeroni investagating cases of men losing there reproductive organs.As he goe's to a hotel he meets up with his gay lover bob or bobette.He then meets Billy a man that he has sex with,while looking under a dresser a condom bits one of his testicles.Now luigi wants revenge for losing his testicle,bob wants sex with luigi and billy wants love and all that stands in the way is the killer condom.I found that this movie has some really funny dialoge and hair raiseing speical effects with some nice germen edge.Also although it deals with gay relationships it doesn't get to any point of offence.

Troma DVDs are usally packed with extras but I felt that this was just so-so but don't get me wrong it still has some nice extras which include a commentary with the director public service announcements,trailers for killer condom,citizen toxie,terror firmer,cannibal the musical and the roady girls also is the tour of troma and t.i.t 2 which are on all troma DVDs.

All in all good extras ok picture/sound plus excellent movie which I highly recommend.Also movie's in german with english subtitles.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Typical Demonic Prophylactic Anti-Religion Comedy Genre Film
Review: I just don't know where to start in reviewing this movie. I bought it not as a fan of Troma, but because I like seeing movies with bizarre new monsters. I have seen killer mutant turkey men ("Blood Feast"), gassy killer sheep ("Godmonster of Indian Flats"), and every kind of dinosaur, lizard, or reptile known to man. I have even seen killer puppets ("Attack of the Puppet People"), and killer mushrooms ("Matango, The Fungus of Terror".) So I felt pretty prepared for a killer condom, but discovered I was not.

The film was shot on location in New York by a bunch of Germans, and all dialogue is done in German, therefore you have to read subtitles. I don't mind the subtitles that much, but sometimes they blend in with light colored backgrounds and are tough to decipher. I guess dubbing wouldn't have hurt it any. The lead role is played by a German Police Detective ('Inspector Macaroni'), who is ostensibly from Sicily. If that isn't enough to make your head spin, he and he alone can fend off the killer condoms, in a wild and somewhat disgusting (go figure) plot that involves a transvestite singer named 'Bob', a crazy Chinese scientist who craves "red jelly", and, unfortunately, a religious fanatic. Some have seen the story as allegorical, but mostly it's really too shallow to be anything other than silly and disgusting.

The film starts off strongly, but is quite long and begins to be repetitive after about the first twenty minutes. I am not easily offended, but do take exception to the portrayal of religion towards the end of the film. The movie pretends to be permissive, but comes across at some points as simply denigrating religion. It was an unnecessary plot device that adds nothing to the plot, yet manages to offend or at least annoy. The portrayal of a US Presidential candidate as a corrupt philanderer would have offended as well, but it was made by Europeans during the Clinton administration, so I can see their point.

That's it for the bad; now for the good. The film IS a strikingly original production, and far outside the norms for Troma. The production values are better than average, with a few cheesy sets, but largely good locations. The characterizations are generally spot on and funny, as are the names of characters. The dialogue is consistently amusing (when they aren't on an anti-religion rant), and the latex killers are very entertaining to watch, even if not genuinely scary (watch especially for the autopsy scene.) The DVD has a lot of extras including a preview reel, a virtual tour of the Troma studios (which is generally pretty entertaining), and a special Public Service Announcement featuring Sgt. Kabukiman.

Three stars for originality, generally amusing plot points, and laughter inducing special effects.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Typical Demonic Prophylactic Anti-Religion Comedy Genre Film
Review: I just don't know where to start in reviewing this movie. I bought it not as a fan of Troma, but because I like seeing movies with bizarre new monsters. I have seen killer mutant turkey men ("Blood Feast"), gassy killer sheep ("Godmonster of Indian Flats"), and every kind of dinosaur, lizard, or reptile known to man. I have even seen killer puppets ("Attack of the Puppet People"), and killer mushrooms ("Matango, The Fungus of Terror".) So I felt pretty prepared for a killer condom, but discovered I was not.

The film was shot on location in New York by a bunch of Germans, and all dialogue is done in German, therefore you have to read subtitles. I don't mind the subtitles that much, but sometimes they blend in with light colored backgrounds and are tough to decipher. I guess dubbing wouldn't have hurt it any. The lead role is played by a German Police Detective ('Inspector Macaroni'), who is ostensibly from Sicily. If that isn't enough to make your head spin, he and he alone can fend off the killer condoms, in a wild and somewhat disgusting (go figure) plot that involves a transvestite singer named 'Bob', a crazy Chinese scientist who craves "red jelly", and, unfortunately, a religious fanatic. Some have seen the story as allegorical, but mostly it's really too shallow to be anything other than silly and disgusting.

The film starts off strongly, but is quite long and begins to be repetitive after about the first twenty minutes. I am not easily offended, but do take exception to the portrayal of religion towards the end of the film. The movie pretends to be permissive, but comes across at some points as simply denigrating religion. It was an unnecessary plot device that adds nothing to the plot, yet manages to offend or at least annoy. The portrayal of a US Presidential candidate as a corrupt philanderer would have offended as well, but it was made by Europeans during the Clinton administration, so I can see their point.

That's it for the bad; now for the good. The film IS a strikingly original production, and far outside the norms for Troma. The production values are better than average, with a few cheesy sets, but largely good locations. The characterizations are generally spot on and funny, as are the names of characters. The dialogue is consistently amusing (when they aren't on an anti-religion rant), and the latex killers are very entertaining to watch, even if not genuinely scary (watch especially for the autopsy scene.) The DVD has a lot of extras including a preview reel, a virtual tour of the Troma studios (which is generally pretty entertaining), and a special Public Service Announcement featuring Sgt. Kabukiman.

Three stars for originality, generally amusing plot points, and laughter inducing special effects.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Well Done... A Must Watch For Any Film Buff! Very Funny!!!
Review: I would have to start off by saying, that... My Nephew had the opportunity to work on this film and as well as myself, and it was a pleasure working with such talent. When i finally got a chance to see the finished product... i thought it was very well done. In-Deed! I think foreign films most of the time are better than our American ones!

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: rot
Review: I've seen some really bad films but this one is right down there, wallowing in its own putrid filth. Only a more bizarre than usual cast of characters gives this film any interest. We have, of course, an army of killer condoms that feast on male members of the species (pun intended..ooohhh!). A detective with "special talents", religious cultists, a drag queen and on and on and on. Is there a plot? I suppose there might be but the film is to busy exploiting the freaky characters and going for cheap laughs than trying to further something like a story. When some reason for the madness in the city is finally revealed, you don't know whether to laugh or throw your popcorn at the screen.
You'd be well to remember ... is ..., no matter how you dress it up. Be warned before wasting your money on buying this. A rental is warranted just to see how desparate some film makers can get.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: New York City will never be the same
Review: Imagine an incredibly funny "B" movie... now imagine it in German. Add to that a New York City that only exists in the mind of Matin Waltz and really old stock footage of Times Square and New York. A great new perspective on the city and our wonderful NYPD. Not the stuff your likely to find on prime time TV. A must see for those interested in cultural exchange.

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