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Rating: 1 stars
Summary: I can't beleive someone bought this
Review: there are no words to describe how bad this really is. the only thing I can say is that it has no real plot. The progression of what plot it does have slow paced and it's not even funny not even once and usally if a movies really funny it can make you unaware of a terrible story

Rating: 5 stars
Review: Now I know there are a lot of you out there who found this movie silly. Who found it full of "stock characters," but unfortunately if you write it off at that then you have missed the entire point. This isn't about a senator or the corruption of government. It isn't about insurance companies cleaning up. It is about the American people. It is about apathy and not caring. It is about the truth. If you want to be blind then you will be, but if you want to see and try to see then you will have to face the truth and this film is full of truths. Check it out and ignore "film" critics.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: A DVD review
Review: A DVD that I got as a gift which I didn't consider adding to my collection. A very funny political satire. The sound and picture were adequate for the style of the film. Not much that makes use of the extra capabilities of a DVD. One trailer and some cast biographies. Overall a slightly below average value if you liked the film.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: hilarious
Review: A very different comedy and a stellar performance by Warren Beatty. Never have enjoyed a movie this much!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Loved it
Review: This movie joins two other movies I liked a lot, in dubious distinction, EYES WIDE SHUT and A THIN RED LINE. Both those movies' reviews, like the reviews below, are either one star or five star. I guess I like unorthodox, unformulaic movies, because I like all of them. Bulworth is original and resonant and funny. (To the reviewer below who thought Beatty was trying to be hip in his rapping, when in fact he was square and unhip. He was TRYING to be square and unhip. He said so in interviews when this movie was out.) A little side-note, the pulse of this movie, believe it or not, was inspired by a Jules Verne story. Beatty personally asked the Verne family if he could take credit for it as an original story, since the plot had changed so much, and they said okay. But the Verne story was about a man who hired a hit on himself, so to give credit here where it is due. I read about this in the book THE GROSS.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Critical success?
Review: We all know that politicians bend to special interests and that many, if not most, aren't guided by principle or morals. We also know that inner-city public education is inadequate, that some minority children face jobs that present no possibility of fulfillment, that cops are sometimes abusive and racist, and that people are hypocritical and power hungry. So with all this to rally around, why doesn't this movie-with-a-message work?

Well, partly because "Bulworth" isn't funny. We need more than simple shock to make us laugh. And Beatty leans on this crutch heavily. Simply put, a senator yelling obscenities at a fundraiser is old hat. It's been done in movies before, in more imaginative ways.

"Bulworth" is full of annoyances as well. Beatty's rhyming is supposed to be hip, but is incredibly square and unhip. The result is not something that is "so bad that it's funny," it's just plain bad. And we don't just get a little rhyming, we get a lot. We also have to watch Beatty eat, something that should be included next to the MPAA rating on the package. Fans of this movie who are puzzled by my rant should go back and watch the scene at the Bev. Hills fundraiser. Yes, it's that annoying.

Finally, the characters are one-dimensional: the cussing five-year-old street toughs, the assassin falling in love with the victim, the estranged wife who repeatedly sighs and rolls her eyes.

The critical acclaim this film received in 1998 was surprising, given the meandering plot, the tired jokes, and the cookie-cutter characters. The good news: you have alternatives and they're probably all available from Amazon.

The story of the conformist who snaps and cannot tell a lie is nothing new to cinema; Jim Carrey did it way better in the silly and superficial, but much more enjoyable "Liar, Liar." If you want to see a movie with a political message that seems a little fresher, consider "Traffic" or "The Contender." I would venture to say that these movies, as heavy as they are, actually have moments that are funnier than anything in "Bulworth," and they are both much better. In the department of white-bread rap, a Ronald Reagan sound-alike did "White House Rap." Finally, if you have to watch someone eat like a slob, catch John Belushi in Animal House.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Hardhitting Comedy
Review: "Bulworth" was suprisingly good and entertaining. Beatty gives a first rate performance as Jay Bulworth, a politician who suddenly begins to care for the ignored segments of society who desperately need help. His transformation into a rapping, obsenity spewing, Halle Berry liking guy is actually believable. Excellent soundtrack also, wow! Bulworth makes many apt points about politics, and corporation's influence. I loved this movie, and the ending is truly sad. A must see!

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: ...
Review: And now..cue the penguin music...

Here is mio, Miss Jenny, with a song dedicated to ALL boring movies...which in fact boring discribes "Bulworth"! Okay. Here it goes. *Ahem* (Takes out guitar)

Boring...Boring...Boring...Boring...Just like the movie itself!

Boring...Boring...*Goes soar* Ahem. Gee! I HAD to sign that song during the whole two hours of the movie! I am going to lose my voice. Okay. On to the review. First of, the screenplay-can you say "tacky"? Oh! I'm sorry! I guess that was a little off...how about, if you can say "NERDY"?! YES! Nerdy! God, I dipise that stupid rap! Ugh! I HATE IT! I HATE IT! This movie, in my opinon was in the verge of becoming a rap musical! Warren Betty looks like a dork singing rap all the time! Oh God. This is the worst movie I've seen in my WHOLE life. Never has there been a worst movie!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Beatty in 2004
Review: This was one of the most important films of the 90's and should be seen by everyone. Warren Beatty took a brave step and told us the truth. This is a passionate, funny and poignant look at the massive control that the wealthy have over us. It makes a great point in defining racial problems between blacks and whites as a diversion for the wealthy to maintain their insane control over society. This film should live on as an example of our need to change and identify with each other. Our willingness to accept the diversions made by large corporations only moves us farther apart. Bulworth is the only mainstream film that I have seen that has even made an attempt to tackle this issue.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: To Hell With What Spike Says...
Review: I loved this movie when it came out. saw it and laughed uncontrollably as warren beatty's "j billington bullworth" went from jaded politician to a rejuvenated crusader. ok, so he doesnt rap great and a politican in real life probably wouldnt engage in an interracial relationship(much less go public with it ), but i'm glad he took on such subjects. its about time more filmmakers showed that government no longer works for the people, but for big business and special interests. i personally agree with bullworth that everyone should have sex with each other until we become one color. unfortunately, this movie was too deep and too cynical for mainstream america( it bombed at the box office !) but it deserves a second life on video. an underrated political classic

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