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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Pure Genius
Review: Not your ordinary comedy, that's for sure! This box office flop follows George Newman, whose uncle wins the rights to a UHF TV station in poker game. The uncle gives the rights to Newman, who uses it to brodcast strange, hit shows like "Wheel of Fish". Everyone loves these shows, but the station is caving in. Can Newman save it?

Written by "Weird Al" Yankovic, who also takes the role of Newman. Also starring Victoria Jackson, and directed by Jay Levey. The comedy may seem forced, but if you don't like this movie, you have no soul.

Also see my review for "Invader ZIM V. 1 of 3 Doom Doom Doom" which I recommend to fans of this movie and Weird Al.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: A Witless Comedy, and Sometimes That's a Good Thing
Review: It amazes me the number of people who go online, and write the most hyperbolic reviews, rating everything either one star or five stars. This movie, to me, is an in-betweener, a 3 1/2 star movie.

The laughs in this movie are cheap and not at all clever. But there is something to be said about being good at what you do, and in this sense UHF excels at getting you to laugh, and even occasionally regret doing so (such as the blind man playing rubic's cube). Critics universally panned the movie, which lasted all of two weeks in theaters, but since then it has developed a cult following simply because it delivers on what it's designed to do: make you laugh.

If you're looking for something to get your mind off of the daily grind, UHF is an ideal escape. I recommend it more for renting than buying, though.

That said, the buyer will find a wealth of rewards in the special features section. The director's commentary is one of the best I've ever heard, LOADED with information and even cameos by stars like Michael Richards. Other directors who earn critical acclaim but go on to make the most absurdly boring commentaries could learn a lot from this (read: Oliver Stone). Al clearly put a lot into this movie, and his disappointment with its failure, but pride in its resurgence is clearly evident in the attention he pays to revisiting the movie.

Go see it, and suspend your intellectualism for a very funny movie.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: 1 problem with the dvd.
Review: I love this movie but there is one problem. It is double sided. I hate double sided dvds (but, I can understand why "Gone with the wind" had 2 sides; it's too long to fit on on side.) It is stupid to double side a dvd for widescreen and full-screen formats. They should be made separately so when the company sells the dvd to stores, the stores will probably buy both to give their customers their choice. They'd probably make more money that way. Anyways, this movie is great. Weird Al rules. Buy this ASAP.

Rating: 5 stars
Review: Okay, I'm a fan. A BIG fan. I got Al's first album way back in the Pleistocene Age, when Vinyl ruled the earth. He was Allan Sherman reincarnated for the rock generation, goofy as heck and unafraid to be silly along with the sly. I can hardly believe but am so thankful that he is still going strong after all this time: just as funny, just as timely, and just as neccessary.
On to the DVD: this is one of the best DVDs released to date, and NOT just because it's Al. This is one of the best DVDs by ANYONE, and here is the reason: the feature-length commentary. On most discs, the commentary is disappointing: very little behind-the-scenes information or interesting side notes, just one or two or three principals droning on about how good it was to work with Such A Professional. Not on UHF! Al actually PREPARED for his commentary, offering a wealth of information and side notes, and works it as if he is playing to a audience, not just sitting around killing two hours for an extra paycheck. Also appearing on the commentary track are Jay Levey, Michael Richards, Emo Phillips and Victoria Jackson, each adding their own little gems. The commentary is hilarious, outstanding, and makes this DVD release indispensable! Al, you did a great job! THANK YOU !

Rating: 5 stars
Review: "Wierd Al" Yankovic is one of my favorite non-metal artists (I'm a real metalhead). When I found out that he made a movie, I thought, "What the hell? It can't be bad." I almost died laughing when I watched it. The story isn't top notch, but the acting is hysterical, as are the parodies and gags, and the script is very well written. I'm proud to own this film.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Funnies movie ever!
Review: this movie is about an offbeat guy who turns a deadbeet TV station into a raging success. broadcasting Wierd Al's hilarious brand of humor.
George Newman is a daydreamer who's hyperactive imagination keeps him from holding a steady job..... Untill his uncle hires him to manage channel 62, a station that's losing money(and viewers) fast. But when George replaces the stations re-runs with bizzare programs like "Wheel of fish" and "Rauls Wild Kingdom" (Where Poodle fly from three story windows). Ratings begin to soar. can george find the money he needs to keep this awesome TV station?

This was one of the funniest movies ever, and with weird al, it makes it even mor funny, with his immitations of Indiana Jones and Rambo.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: my favorite movie
Review: This movie is so funny. You can't even imagine. Maybe the funniest movie of all. He's a very good actor, and comedian. And humorous. I saw this movie on TV twice. And I wish, they will show it again.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: We've got it all on DVD
Review: I was one of the lucky few who saw this gem as a movie -- in fact, as a sneak preview on a college campus. I remember the reviews from the two major newspapers (at that time) in Houston: one panned it because Weird Al is a bad actor, and one enjoyed it because he realized that Stanley Spadowski (Michael Richards) is the star.

In gag films like this, different people are going to like different things. There's plenty here for just about everybody. But enough about the movie. You can read other reviews for plot synopses.

The remarkable thing about this disk is that it's so well-done. The picture quality, particularly the color, is great for an old movie. The sound and subtitles are fine, as you might expect, but the extras are really worthwhile, which you might not expect. Even the menus are funny (and less annoying than a lot of DVDs). The commentary track is packed with trivia (I found it funny that he gave the address of every filming location, but there is plenty of more genuinely interesting trivia), and several of the cast (Michael Richards, Emo Philips, and Victoria Jackson) pop in for a bit. Al points out continuity errors, explains references, tells about compromises they had to make to stay in budget, and makes fun of his acting and writing. He puts in a visual appearance, as well, standing up in front of the picture to yell at the scene.

The deleted scenes aren't particularly funny themselves (that's why they were deleted, after all), but the way he's put them together, again providing commentary and self-mocking criticism, turns it into a nice feature.

This is an affordable disk with a lot of good features, and it's one of those movies you just might be coming back to often enough to make it worth owning.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Must Have "Weird Al"
Review: You can't go wrong with this video. I guess I was one of the 10 people who actually went to the movies to see this when it came out. The spoofs and humor are top notch Weird Al. Its nice to see that Al decided to re-release it on DVD. Or else you would be paying upwards of 50 bucks on Ebay for the original VHS. The menus, outtakes, and intro by AL are all added DVD bonuses.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: I LOVE UHF

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