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Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Hmmmm...
Review: This was pretty annoying. The movie started off great. The first 20 minutes or so are funny, satirical, and to the point.

The rest of the material is ridiculous. It feels like the writers had a great idea and had no clue how to develop it or what to do with it. I like Warren Beatty and Halle Barry, but this was a low point for both. The worst thing about this movie is that if you saw the ads and trailers, you saw all the good parts already.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Funny and poignant
Review: This is another case where the box office for a movie truly doesn't reflect its merit. This was one of the most well thought out comedies of 1998, and Warren Beatty was given little to no credit for it. Why? Well, it doesn't exactly conform to motion picture norms. In fact, it pretty much spits in the face of convention.

Beatty's mentally unbalanced Senator Jay Billington Bulworth is one of the most bizarre characters to hit the screen in years. But the thing is ... he's somehow believable. And that was the real thrust of this film. What would happen if there were a politician who you could actually believe? Not just promises and campaign rhetoric, but what if he spoke the truth, always? It's not exactly a topic that's gone unexplored, but few have explored it more effectively.

The supporting cast mainly just phones it in on this one, and that could be one of its few flaws. But despite that, this film does a great job putting forth a message in an enjoyable format. It can be a bit preachy at times, but that remains expertly counteracted by outrageous humor. And that's really what makes this film work.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Halle Berry is Hot
Review: Halle Berry was the only saving grace of this movie for me - she was hot! Overall, it was very contrived and not as funny as I expected. The actors who portrayed Bulworth's campaign mangers were really good, but otherwise most of the performances were lackluster in my opinion.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Incredible Political Satire
Review: Warren Beatty has created an incredibly astute, biting and funny political satire.

The film works because Bulworth speaks his mind. The film hits all the right buttons with Bulworth's explanation of why he only ventures into the black communities at election time.

While Wag the Dog and Bob Roberts were interesting movies they were not funny. How many times does Robert Deniro have to phone in a performance and nevermind Dustin Hoffman doing his best impersonation of movie executive Robert Evans. Bulworth is a great movie while Bob Roberts and Wag the Dog had the potential to be great movies.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Nervous breakdown?
Review: Political satires from "Wag the Dog" and"Primary Colors" to "Canadian Bacon" and"Dave" work because they do much to expose the hypocrasy of American politics. These movies make a mockery of the office of the President and we laugh and sometimes cringe when it bites too hard.quot;Bulworth" shoots for this type of humor.

So why not tell the ugly truth about everything while there's still time? Bulworth reveals insider secrets about how money and politics roll around in bed together in a capitalist society - how democracy, and equality are not the true goals of today's politicians. This is the strength of the movie.

But this is the weakness: Rather than stick to humor, "Bulworth" attempts suspense, action, drama, and romance at the same time. So, the viewer gets a convolution of "In the Line of Fire" and "Manchurian Candidate" along with "Menace to Society" and "The Bodyguard." It's too much and the movie becomes very bizarre and unfocused about midway.

It could have worked, but it didn't. The other movies that I named are much better. A note to Halle Berry: The role of ghetto-style, hoodrat has been worked to death with "Jungle Fever, Losing Isaiah, BAPS," and now "Bulworth." I realize it's hard to find positive roles to fill when Hollywood has a stereotypical view of Black women, but please try harder to represent. This was truly embarrassing to watch.

Rating: 5 stars
Review: Warren Beatty is hilarious! Especially when he raps! My favorite quotes were "The life insurance companies, they have no fear because the tax payers, tax payers, take it in the rear" and when he's talking to the news reporter and says: "Everybody gotta keep f**kin' everybody til we're all the same color?" This movie tells the truth and if we ever get a man for president like Jay Bulworth, WATCH OUT!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: bulworth
Review: this is one my favorite movies.it tells the truth about politics.in the movie senator j.billington bulworth is feeling suicidal he hires a hit man to send a guy to kill him.in it he buys a ten million dollar life insurance policy.then he finds himself breaking out in the campaign at speeches,debates everything he connects with the african american community.this is beattys best performance.most of the scenes are hillarious specially the ones where bulworth(warren beatty)raps.i give this 100 stars.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: If only we had a Bulworth in politics...
Review: This movie is a wonderful, well-written, sharp observation about the American political process. It hits some of the fundamental issues that are often ignored about inner city problems and how our politicians don't deal with them. Besides being very saavy, the movie is just plain fun and enjoyable. I love this movie. I've watched it many times and I never get tired of it.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: telling it like it is
Review: the reason why this movie shines is the approach that warren took with it. telling it like it is. that's all that was needed. people are sick and tired of all the lies and corruption involved with the politics. warren took that approach and decided to have his character just simply tell it like it is which is how things should be done in the first place. sure the movie is hilarious and all especially when warren did his rapping, but even more than that was the part about telling it like it is which is what warren's main point of the film was. 5/5 stars

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: A great comedy with definitely something to say...
Review: even if I personally disagree with much of the political ideology the film espouses. When I first viewed the film I was kind of put off by much of the rhetoric. Subsequent viewings however revealed many fundamental truths about the political process if not necessarily swaying my opinion about the ideology.

All that aside, the film is extremely funny. Of particular note is the performance of Oliver Platt who is absolutely hilarious. Whether it's delivering some self serving oration or just displaying certain mannerisms he was superb. Halle Berry gives a credible performance although nothing I would consider particular outstanding. (For that check out 'Losing Isiah') And credit must be give to the many supporting players who really make it all happen.

Beatty however is definitely the star of the film. His performance, once I got past all the rhetoric, was terrific. My favorite scene is where he is taken to an after hours club with his political aides in tow and proceeds to have a great time. The music was great and it was just soooooo funny.

I don't care what your political views may be the film is just flat out funny and perhaps more importantly has much to say about the state of black america and the political process in general.

Worth the price of admission and the purchase price.

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