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Good Fences

List Price: $24.98
Your Price: $22.48
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Rating: 4 stars
Summary: True To Life!
Review: I thought this movie was a comedy when I got it,but it is a far cry from that. Although there are some lighthearted moments in it, this is a heartfelt film.
Whoopie Goldberg and Danny Glover play a black family. Glover had a disturbing past with bigot whites in his youth. His determindation to make something of himself pays off and soon he and his family are living on easy street. However, things are not as they should be. This movie shows, I believe, that we must all be true to ourselves, rich or poor, black or white, we are happiest when we do not try to be what others what us to be.
No one can be happy when they surpress their true desires and try to live the way they feel others think they should.If we respect one another, try to live peaceable our world would be a much happier place to live in. I feel this was the basic of the movie and they did a very job in showing that.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: check it out
Review: First let me state that despite the back of case description this movie is not a comedy. It does have its funny moments but comedy it is not. Set mainly in the 70's, this is the story of the Spaders, a black family that's movin on up. The father, aptly named Tom, is a promising lawyer who is driven to prove that he and his family are every bit as good, if not better than white people. As they get richer, and move into, and up in the affluent white world, they gradually become that which they hated, vapid, spoiled, stuck up bigots. The only family member who seems mainly unaffected is the son, Tommy 2. The film is sad, moving and disturbing. The direction is superb and the actors give powerful performances, with Whoopie Goldberg really standing out with her portrayal of a housewife increasingly trapped, isolated and alienated in a world in which she both belongs and dosn't belong.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: A Serious Drama!
Review: First of all I would like to say that this movie is not funny or meant to be funny as one customer stated in their review. I don't want viewers to get confused and miss out on a serious drama portrayed quite well by Glover and Goldberg. I have seen this movie a few times, and I myself never even thought about the roles they played in The Color Purple, which incidently was also a serious drama. For anyone to think otherwise, they simply have a closed mind, and really missed the point. This is a "must see". A story that is very common, because so many people "Forget where they came from."

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Never thought I'd see the day...
Review: When whoopie goldberg and danny glover play in another movie together after the Color Purple. When I saw this movie on Showtime, and I saw those two in the same scene, I fell out laughing cause all I kept thinkin' about was the Color Purple... "You cut me, and I'll kill ya!!"... "You told Harpo to beat me"... LOL. But once I got over it and I actually sat down and watched the movie, I knew it was one of those movies I had to have in my DVD collection. This movie is not only funny, but it's very powerful. And I want everyone to go out and buy this movie or watch it on Showtime. You won't be dissapointed.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Never thought I'd see the day...
Review: When whoopie goldberg and danny glover play in another movie together after the Color Purple. When I saw this movie on Showtime, and I saw those two in the same scene, I fell out laughing cause all I kept thinkin' about was the Color Purple... "You cut me, and I'll kill ya!!"... "You told Harpo to beat me"... LOL. But once I got over it and I actually sat down and watched the movie, I knew it was one of those movies I had to have in my DVD collection. This movie is not only funny, but it's very powerful. And I want everyone to go out and buy this movie or watch it on Showtime. You won't be dissapointed.

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