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American Pie (Ultimate Edition - Unrated)

American Pie (Ultimate Edition - Unrated)

List Price: $29.98
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Rating: 2 stars
Summary: To me, this pie's not that hot
Review: To me, American Pie is no There's Something About Mary. Both are gross-out comedies, both had summer releases, and both made a lot of money. To think they are otherwise similar would be like claiming Danny DeVito looks a lot like Brad Pitt, only shorter.

American Pie is a straight out teen sex comedy. Outside of showing a new use for Mom's apple pie, it covers the same ground most such movies cover. It is by no means the worst movie ever made on the subject. What makes a picture a hit with kids is anybody's guess, but maybe this one struck a nerve because, despite all our open talk and explicit images, sex remains a fact of life many Americans are uncomfortable with. The characters here certainly don't know what to make of it.

The story revolves around a group of high school senior boys who vow that each will lose his virginity on prom night, if not before. There follows much stereotypical male and female behavior. Most of the jokes are based on the old idea that, at that age, one's hormones make the decisions, not one's brain. There is some truth in the idea, and the results can be humorous. American Pie's creators simply don't break new ground. They do use some situations modern teen's relate to. At the urging of his cohorts, for example, one boy sets up a computer WebCam in his bedroom to record his proposed conquest. Unfortunately for him, he accidentally links it to the computers of every student in the school, much to his embarrassment.

There are some truly talented young actors in the film. Paul Metzler was the unlucky guy who opposed Reese Witherspoon in the wickedly funny Election. Tara Reid nearly stole the show as the dimwitted rich girl in Cruel Intentions. Here, their talents are largely wasted, and they are not much more than part of the scenery.

While I was watching American Pie, I started to get a creepy feeling about these kids. It seemed like they lacked something. I decided that what was missing was passion. The boys pursue the girls - and vice versa - in an almost clinical way. Even the couple who forms the bond most likely to last seems lackluster. When one girl decides its time to give up her virginity, it doesn't seem to come from the heart. It's more of a calculated decision. Everyone acts like this rite of passage is just another in a long list of assignments that life hands us. These characters make the whole process seem about as thrilling as a science project.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: This film is a feeble punch at the dome of comedy.
Review: Im very disappointed to see veteran comic/actor Eugene Levy waste his time in a piece [like] this. Maybe he needed the money?!?!?!? WHo knows!?!?
Stupid film... Thumbs down.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Yuck!
Review: American Pie is yet another bad film for teens today who capture all the annoying things. This movie captures all of the annoying people like Jason Biggs who plays the kind of character who got on your nerves in high school. It is some what realistic but not even near I was expecting so much more but got a big boring teen movie once again. Boo! really stinky!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Funny movie. Not for the kids though
Review: Teenage sexual lust and angst. Does it really get any better. As I noted for the unrated version, the pie scene in this version (rated) is funnier than the pie scene in the unrated version. Basicly the whole gist here is 4 guys trying to loose their virginity before graduating high school. Parties, lots of alcohol and a new phrase, milf. Don't know that one? Just watch the movie. The laxative scene is pretty hilarious too. Great guy type humor.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Really bad
Review: Hey sorry everyone. I have to rate this movie poorly because thats what it is, a poorly made movie. The acting is predictable, the gags tired, and the humor is so obvious, that you'd have to be commotose not to get it. It's not to say obvious humor is bad, it's just delivered in such poor taste that you begin to wonder why you are watching this. Oh great, we catch him jerking off,... And the pie scene is probably the most overrated comic scene in this history of cinema. Thats something I don't really want to see, a guy humping a pie. For all the great movies out their with all the great actors, this movie get a lot of credit in the popularity department because a guy humps a ... pie.
Most intellegent people who watch this film realize that it's bad, but thats not the only reason this movie [stinks]. It's also destructive. It inspired a lot of other [stuff] out their now, like 40 Days and 40 Nights. Why oh why lord do movie studios feel that we are so [stupid] that we will simply pay [good money] to go watch movie about a guys phallis. I know this is the bible to most high school and college students, but let me say as a college student, I hate this movie. So if you are planning to watch this movie, don't... Hey, it gets two stars for a few cheap laughs, but thats not saying a lot.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Don't Like it and I'm not a Straightlaced Religious zealot!
Review: I don't agree with the guy who said people who don't like this movie are straightlaced religious zealots, I don't like this movie and I'm not a straightlaced religious zealot and I'm no prude, In fact two of my favorite movies are Animal House and There's Something About Mary which I personally think are 100 times better than this movie and prudish religious zealots definitely would not like those crass humor movies, I just don't like American Pie because I just think it's not all that funny and it's not very original, it is a clone of all the other Rated "R" crass humor movies that were made before it and an obvious attempt to cash in on the success of There's Something About Mary which kind of regenerated the market for those types of movies not unlike how the successes of When Harry Met Sally and Sleepless In Seattle brought forward a whole crop of romantic comedies!

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Some funny moments.
Review: The usual teen movie fare mostly dealing with losing ones virginity.

The movie is fairly true in depicting teen life, school, the internet etc. -- YES it's a bit exagerated, but it is fairly truthful. Sometimes the comedy is a bit uncomfortable, because it does at times comes uncomfortably close to the familiar real life experiences.

Not as witty as Ridgement High, nor as wild as Animal House though.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Totally Hilarious
Review: Ever since its release, I have been hearing about "American Pie" in the national media (especially the infamous apple pie scene and one real-life teenager's attempt to duplicate it), but I never really had the desire to watch this movie. Recently, however, a few people I know have been talking about it. Most of my friends are in band, so the "this one time, at band camp. . ." quote from this movie has been cited quite often. It sounded like a pretty funny movie, so I decided to watch it just to see what it was all about. The plot basically starts when four teenage boys (Jim, Kevin, Oz, and Finch) agree to lose their virginity by prom night. It turns out, however, that all of them are clueless when it comes to romance. Their numerous attempts to "score" with partners fail in the most comical of ways. Eventually, though, they realize that the real meaning of "scoring" doesn't have to involve intercourse because it's not the actions, but the relationships that matter. Their route to this knowledge, however, is an entertaining one filled with enough dirty jokes and lewd situations to satiate even the most eccentric teenagers.

I thought that the movie was absolutely hilarious. I can't ever recall watching a movie that has made me laugh so much. I could definitely relate to raging hormones of the teenage boys; one of the things that makes this movie so great is that most of the audience has been through situations similar to the scenes depicted, even if they didn't end in such a disastrous manner. Although straightlaced religious zealots will undoubtedly be slamming this "sinful" movie at every opportunity, the rest of us can enjoy the humor knowing that it probably isn't prudent to interpret comedies as life lessons or role models. I definitely recommend this movie to older teenagers (that is, those few that haven't seen it already); it serves as a good laugh about the steamier side of high school. Without a doubt, "American Pie" has quickly become one of my favorite movies of all time.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Ok, gets boring to watch more then once though.
Review: This movie is ok, I own it, but I wished ida saved my money. This is a one time see movie, after that it becomes uninteresting. The comedy in this movie is not witty at all, in fact, it almost insults your intelligence. This is a rent once movie, nothing more.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Not That funny!
Review: This movie is not that funny, it's just another teen sex comedy like the many teen sex comedies before it and some so much better than this!

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