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American Pie (Ultimate Edition - Unrated)

American Pie (Ultimate Edition - Unrated)

List Price: $29.98
Your Price: $26.98
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: I laughed so hard I cried
Review: Not the sort of movie you would watch with your mother...but I laughed so hard I cried.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: sexy and funny
Review: Great coming of age movie! and very funny and NASTY! GUYS will love it, most girls should to! and it is a VERY attractive cast! Jason Biggs reminds one of a young Adam Sandler only with a hot body! and NOVA is totally HOT! and STIFFLER! Yikes,. the boy is SEXY! the girls are alright to, but stifflers MOM has them all BEAT! watch the movie and you will see what I mean! Ciao

Rating: 2 stars
Review: I agree with Mr. Olson's coments below that the appeal of this film is limited to a certain age range. For those above 25 or 30, this picture may seem tedious, poorly acted, and above all, boring. The laughs are prdictable and are designed to provoke us through toilet jokes and crude sexual references; even to the younger viewer the movie seems to be insuling. Yes, in high school scoring and making out was on my mind a fair amount of time but so were other things: college plans, training to be a professional musician, concerns about my future, etc. I do think sex was either on the mind of those who made the film or they just  hought it was what preoccupied all teenagers.

The script and dialogue are unconvincing and they are not help by the mediocre acting of most of the cast. I should have rented the movie before purchasing it but was taken in by all the hype surrounding it.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Hilarious and Intelligent Movie + Great DVD = Awesome Value
Review: A definate buy--I could go on forever about how funny this film is, but I won't--so I'll just tell you that it's a good movie (Not as Great as Everyone Says), but still worth buying and watching over and over again, and the Unrated DVD version is a must--with a plethora of features, including a very entertaining commentary feature.

Buy it!

Also Recommended: Se7en, Fight Club, and if you like teen comedies-- 10 Things I Hate About You.

ABSOLUTELY NOT RECOMMENDED: Wild Wild West--I normally don't trash movies--and am generally optimistic, but this film could very well have been orchestrated by Satan himself, and I personally believe that the great director Sodenburgh was possessed by something vehemently evil when he made this movie.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Buy it, BUY IT NOW!
Review: I hadn't seen this film but it was reccomended by all my friends, so I had it ordered for me for Christmas. I popped it in my DVD player and was laughing b4 the credits at the beginning even started. This movie is about four guys that are trying to get laid before their prom night, but things don't go quite as well as they had planned. They think up several unusual, but promising ways of managing to meet their aims. Someone does mention the fact that being at third base is like hot apple pie....? I've gone right off pie now. Watch out for the web-cam scene....! This film has some of the best scenes I've seen in a movie. I've never seen a sock put to that use before, I always thought they were for feet. So summing this movie up, it's the best I've seen, even better than The Spy Who Shagged Me, so sign up to Amazon.com and order you're copy right now.....you hear me? NOW!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A great movie
Review: This is a very origina movie, and it looks at teens in a very different way than most contemporary media. The whole movie is fun and funny, i'm glad that the directors didn't feel the need to tone down all the jokes. Having been a high school senior during the school year previous to this movies release, and consequently attending Cornell (go Big Red), this move has a very special place in my heart. Oh, funny story: While the movie was being screened at Cornell, some guy yelled out in the theatre in reference to Tara Reid's character: "Where IS that chick? ". I guess you had to be there. . .

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Bringing High School Home...
Review: This film had me reminiscing about my own High School days. So much of every teen's post-graduation experiences are right here in this hilarious and touching movie. From the awkward parent-child talks about the birds and the bees, to the sporty jocks boasting of conquests never made, American Pie is one of the most right-on-the-money teen flicks you'll ever see. And one thing is for sure...you'll never look at apple pie the same way again.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: WOW! That was the funniest movie I've seen in a while
Review: I had no idea that anyone could actually capture what life was like during highschool. I don't care if you are in highschool now or graduated ten years ago, this movie will effect you. The laughs you will have and the things you will see will leave you in awe!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: American Pie
Review: This movie was great. Not since 'Dazed and Confused' has a movie shown a humourous yet sentimental picture of teenage life. A must see!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The Best Movie Ever Made.
Review: It has definately been a while since I've seen a movie as goodas American Pie. Before I even saw this my favorite movie was Life isBeautiful but Im afraid American Pie beats LIB in being my favorite movie of all time. I had heard it was good and I had heard it was bad so I really wasn't sure what to expect. So I put it in and loved it so much that once it was over I watched again and then again. The next day I watched it three more times and so on. The story is simple: Four friends make a pact that by graduation they will lose their virginity. Jim (played by Jason Biggs whos great) is an unlucky guy who has a taste for apple pie. His friends Kevin (Thomas Ian Nichols) is a guy whose girlfriend is iffy on the fact of having sex but wants to, Finch (Eddie Kaye Thomas) is a regular guy who all the girls go crazy over because of some rumors and Oz (Chris Klien) is a jock who has a soft side. The four have some very different adventures from Jim getting caught by his parents in various acts, to Kevin using some techinques of his own, to Finch having a bathroom incident and Oz getting Mina Survari (lucky). What surprised me the most was the fact that American Pie was not as raunchy and shocking as I thought it would be but was very funny. I realized half-way through that this was a true to life movie that the audience could compare themselves to the characters. American Pie stands as a classic to me and is my all time favorite movie. Of course that will change in the near future but until then American Pie is the best.

The DVD is loaded as is most other Universal Collector's Edition. First off we get a 10 minute behind the scenes look at the film which goes pretty in-depth on the making with interviews. Then we have a showcase of the soundtrack and music video "You Wanted More" by Tonic. Universal Showcase which contains two trailers one for "Man on the Moon" and the other for "Snow Falling on Cedars". The outtakes which are very funny and contains the alternate pie scene. A commentary track which is very informative and entertaining not to mention hilarious is also on the disc. As is reccommendations with three trailers one for Blues Brothers, American Grafitti, and Animal House. There is tons of stuff packed on and the picture which is in widescreen 1:85:1 aspect of ratio which is well preserved. The Dolby Digitial 5.1 soundtrack which uses great surround sound in some scenes is very clear and overall great. So American Pie stands to me as an American Classic that I just cant get enough of. Ratings (out of 4 stars) Movie: 4 Sound: 4 Picture: 4 Special Features: 4 OVerall: 4

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