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Dickie Roberts - Former Child Star (Full Screen Edition)

Dickie Roberts - Former Child Star (Full Screen Edition)

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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Loved it !!!
Review: I saw this opening weekend and wasn't a bit disappointed.David Spade has done it again! This is a great comedy.I think it's something the whole family will enjoy.Greatly looking forward to the DVD release so I can build my Spade collection :)

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Fun...FUN
Review: Sometimes it's okay to have a little fun. Sometimes it's okay to laugh and snort a little. But should you admit it to the world when the film is DICKIE ROBERTS FORMER CHILD STAR? I'm going to but that's only because I'm a tad bit brave and I sure time will tell and many will come to embrace this fun movie.

Dickie Roberts (David Spade, The Adventures of Joe Dirt) was a former child star. At the age of 6 he had the whole world screaming "This is Nucking Futz" his signature line. After the show got cancelled poor Dickie was left out in the cold by everyone he loved. He grew up to be a valet at a trendy LA restaurant.

Now Dickie wants more out of life and he thinks that begins with a role in a new Rob Reiner film. So to make a long story short he hires a family, to relive his childhood, so he can prepare for the role. This is when the fun and frivolity begins.

DICKIE ROBERTS is the best thing that has come out of Happy Madison productions. It's smart and funny, and for the most part tries to keep the laughs coming. It's also the only Happy Madison film not to feature Adam Sandler and Rob Schneider. Hmm??

What works in the film far outweighs what doesn't. I loved the celebrity-boxing match with Emmanuel Lewis; the stilt dance, and even the slip and slide scene. They all work, and make you laugh. Spade himself brings that lovable sarcasm and caustic wit to the screen. It's the best he's ever done, without Chris Farley.

What doesn't work is that it gets incredibly bogged down with sentimentality. Who is the guy in Hollywood saying that these movies need all this fake drama? That the music needs swell, and lessons need to be learned? I just want a funny movie. DICKIE ROBERTS in not the worst offender, but it teeters pretty close to that line.

Mary McCormack (Private Parts) is delightful as Grace, the mother with a heart of gold. She's the kind of actress that lights up screens and is vastly underrated. She has so much charisma and raw power. I wonder why Hollywood doesn't use her more. If I were a power player she's would be making 20 million and Julia Roberts would be a supporting player.

Even the kids (Scott Terra and Erin Murphy) are pretty good. Murphy is far better than Terra but he has some really great scenes that work.

I do question a scene in which a girl, who can't be more than ten, slinks around like a slut. I understand why the scene is in the movie. I just thought it was tacky and went on far too long. It's made everybody in my party squirm.

But other than that, I recommend DICKIE ROBERTS for what it is. A fun movie, I also recommend you stay for the closing credits, you'll get to hear Marsha Brady well... I won't tell you. But the scene also shows Fred "Rerun" Perry getting down. Some of the best closing credit moments I've ever seen and it beats having to watch stupid outtakes.

If you're in the mood for a little light fun DICKIE ROBERTS FORMER CHILD STAR is a good movie for you.

***1/2 out of 5

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Spade with Heart
Review: I just saw this film lastnight, being an avid David Spade fan. Being disappointed with the mere gross-out comedy of Joe Dirt, I was hoping this would be a lot better (I'm a big Spade fan, but I try not to be an overly *biased* Spade fan....I don't love every single piece of his work).

I wasn't disappointed this time.

Dickie Roberts is a washed-up former child star who hangs out with the likes of Corey Feldman and Danny Bonnaduci for poker on Thursday nights. He longs for another shot at the spotlight; not necessarily for the money, but to regain the attention of his mother, who left him when his career did.

His only friend who's really stuck with him since he was young - his agent, Sidney - tells Dickie that there's a new Rob Reiner film called Mr. Blake's Backyard. Dickie thinks this could be his way back to stardom. He goes to see Mr. Reiner, who is sympathetic with Dickie, but tells him that since Dickie never had a real childhood or true adulthood, he would never be able to properly convey the character.

So desperate, Dickie actually hires a famliy for $20,000 to "re-live" a childhood. And so comedy ensues, as you could probably tell. Some jokes fell a little flat but for the most part it was hilarious. My boyfriend who was a little reluctant really ended up loving it.

But not only is it funny, it has heart. I really loved the family scenario that Dickie grew to love more than wanting to be a star. He learned what it really was to have love.

If you're a bit wary of this film because it contains two words: David Spade, please give it a try anyway, you might be surprised!

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Great Idea!
Review: I thought this was a really good movie. I liked the idea, being that there are so many child actors that we never hear from anymore. I thought this movie had some good laughs, but it gets out to a slow start in the beginning. The movie gets much better after about the first 20 minutes. If you like good comedies, I would check out Dickie Roberts.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Entertaining and often funny
Review: Alright. I knew this movie wasn't going to be amazing. Infact, I am not a huge fan of David Spade. His last few movies were brutal, but this one looked like it had potential-so I bought a ticket. I was surprised. Spade does his usual corny and mildly funny act, but other actors make it work, and I found myself laughing quite a bit. If you go into this movie thinking its going to stink, it's gonna stink. But if you give it a chance and not expecting too much, you may be pleasantly surprised as I was. The end credit sequence with Gary Coleman is worth the price of admission. Altough formulaic and cheesy, Spade gets it done finally. This movie isn't hilarious laugh out loud every second, and it barely gets 4 stars from me-(should be 3.5-3.75 stars), but delivers and makes you laugh. You could wait for it to come out in video/dvd, but with the lackof any good movies this september, its a good bet.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: not as good as joe dirt but good
Review: critics claim that this movie was funnier than joe dirt but i didnt think so there were some funny parts in it but a lot of it was serious. joe dirt was a LOT better than this movie. i thought the brady bunch singing part was cool but it wasnt as funny as it was hyped up to be.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: ADORABLE!!!
Review: I just saw the movie yesterday first showing and I LOOOVVED IT!!!!!! Ive been a huge David Spade fan for years and I think this is one of his best! The storyline is great and I LOVED the child stars in the poker scene.Go and see it you wont be dissappointed!! Also stick around for the end credits!

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Very cute!
Review: It's true that some child stars (Jodie Foster, Ron Howard, Shirley Temple) go on to successful, extraordinary adult careers, but there seems to be an unusually high rate of child stars who go on to do things that earn them tabloid front page coverage (the cast of "Diff'rent Strokes" comes to mind most easily, I guess). More than all the scandalous stuff, there's also that very simple question of how you succeed as a grown-up when you've already achieved the highest levels of fame as a child, and the very process of adolescence and maturity robbed you of what gave you that fame, when the cute little kid in that TV show becomes...(in this example) a guy who looks like David Spade? So, former child actors face that hurdle, and some choose to just get out of show business altogether (the "Brady Bunch" kids mostly did this, though some have since come back). This movie addresses all that in a very comedic way.

TV child star of the '70s, Dickie Roberts is now 35 and parking cars at a trendy Los Angeles resturaunt. Craving to regain the spotlight, he auditions for a role of a normal guy in the new Rob Reiner film, but the director quickly sees he is anything but normal. Desperate to win the part, Dickie hires a family to help him replay his childhood and assume the identity of an average, everyday kid.

This all makes for a very clever, extremely funny, and highly entertaining comedy. This is a cute film with Spade in top form--it's nice to see there are still roles for him. It's all very predictable, but makes for fun family viewing (despite some innuendo). Cameos by actual child stars add to the fun. Stay for the credits for a hilarious song about what it's like being a child star, sung by actual child stars themselves!

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: What a lousy movie!
Review: I had high hopes for this one, but, just like Adam Sandler's bomb shell "Mr. Deeds", this airplane crashed way off course. David Spade has a sort of bitter sarcastic personality about him that I have enjoyed watching over the years. However, ever since Chris Farrley died, Spade has failed to make it on his own. This movie proves my point. The movie as a whole just falls flat. I laughed zero times throughout its duration, and the storyline is lame and unrealistic (go relive your childhood so you are a real person? reminds me of Billy Madison, but at least there were those things called "jokes" in that movie). I feel kinda bad for David Spade, as he used to keep me laughing whenever I saw him. But remember "Lost and Found?" I know, you were probably trying to forget that godawful movie, but this one is way worse, I guarentee it! He just can't act anymore; nothing better sums up my impression of the movie than "boring". Just awful from start to finish.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: good, no great
Review: LOVED this movie one of the best I've ever seen. devil rabbit, insulting those punks, and the ever so hilarious:Brick wall water fall, Dickie thinks he got it all, but he don't and I do, so boom with that attitude, piece punch captain crunch, I got somethin you can't touch, bang bang choo choo train, wind me up I do my thing, no reeses pieces seven up, mess with me I'll mess you up! OH YEAH that movie rocks the house it's a must buy for all!!!

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