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What a Girl Wants (Full Screen Edition)

What a Girl Wants (Full Screen Edition)

List Price: $19.96
Your Price: $10.47
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Very cute, clean and enjoyable
Review: I loved this movie. It is a movie that any age can watch and not be offended by scenes or language.
Colin Firth is my all-time favorite actor, and he was especially adorable in this movie. I have collected several of his movies but this is my favorite. I hope he will do more of a similar type because my teen-age grandaughters also love him.
Amanda did a terrific job in her character. She is cute, and has a very "sweet, fresh, clean" look.
Kelly Preston is as pretty and talented as ever.

I would strongly recommend "What a Girl Wants" to anyone who wants to sit back, relax and really not want to have to endure vulgarity and promiscuity. I would give it 10 stars if possible!

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Nice Family Fun
Review: "What a Girl Wants" is a nice family comedy sure to please audiences.


Raised by her single mother, Daphne Reynolds (Amanda Bynes) longed to meet the father she never knew. Lord Henry Dashwood (Colin Firth) was an English gentleman destined for political greatness. Little did he know that his life would be turned upside-down when the daughter he never knew suddenly showed up on his doorstep. For Daphne, her life changes as well as she learns to adapt to the "good life" of a British aristocrat full of snobs and paparazzi. In the end, both Daphne and Henry, through the help of family, friends as well as lovers, learn the true meaning of family and staying true to their hearts and selves.


This is simply just a really nice movie on several levels. The humor, while not bust-out-loud funny, is simple, nice and intelligent. There is no profanity, no sexual innuendo, etc. It's just a nice, pure, wholesome movie. The movie's themes about the importance of family and of staying true to yourself are timeless. The characters and situations they are placed in are simply charming. Overall, this is just a plain nice movie to kick back and watch with the family.


1. Breakfast at the Dashwood residence

2. The fashion show

3. Daphne and Ian's date

4. Daphne's presentation ball


The DVD comes with a decent set of extras for your perusal and listening pleasure. Here are the goodies you get.

1. Amanda Bynes commentary track

2. Director commentary track

3. "Fashion and Etiquette 101" - 8 ½ minute featurette on the cast's wardrobe and etiquette lessons for the audience.

4. "What's a Girl to Wear" - Mix and match game wear the player needs to mix 3 sets of Daphne's clothes. You get rewarded with a short special video if you match all three sets.

5. 3 deleted scenes. Nothing special

6. Theatrical trailer

7. List of cast and crew


"What a Girl Wants" is just a charming movie to watch. The moving story of family and love is a refreshing change of pace in this world of sex and low brow comedy (not that there's anything wrong with that). The humor of the movie is low-key and intelligent. The DVD extras, while not overflowing like most new releases, add a nice touch to this already charmning movie. Overall, this is just a "nice" movie to see.


The Movie: 4 stars
The Extras: 4 stars
Final: 4 stars

Highly Recommended

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: So Cute
Review: Okay, this definitely could be classified as a "chick flick" but it's such a touching story. I too, originally wanted to see it because of Colin . And I'll admit I used to watch "The Amanda Show" on Nickelodeon which was pretty funny. I'm glad Amanda Bynes finally gets to show her stuff, acting stuff that is. Anyway, I rented it and 20mins into the movie, I knew this was one I had to add to my DVD collection.
Kelly Preston is great as the trippy hippy mom. The pairing of her with Colin Firth was great as well. I only wish they had more scenes of them falling in love...you know, good dating stuff in Morocco. The story follows Daphne (Bynes) to London on her search to meet her real father, the political candidate for Parliament, Lord Dashwood. Can she fit in to his new life? What about his fiancee and her daughter? With touching moments and the great physical comedy provided by Amanda Bynes, this movie is great entertainment. Great movie for a quiet night at home or as a family movie and the soundtrack is awesome. It even includes two of my favorite songs of all time, "London Calling" by The Clash and "Rock and Roll Hoochie Koo" by Rick Derringer.
Watch this and you won't regret it.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: What A Girl Wants
Review: Amanda Bynes is a breath of fresh air in our formula world. Her bright face and wit is a pleasure to watch. The story line has been done many times, but is still nice to watch. It is nice to see a clean movie. Colin Firth is a pleasure to watch. See it!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A movie without violence, bad language, or bare everything??
Review: Yes this is a predictable, happily ever after film. It is nothing like the awful Princess Diaries (which this film has been compared). Because of this comnparison I didn't bother seeing "What a girl Wants" in the theater. I am pleased to say that this is one of those films which is just fun to watch. It wasn't meant to change the world but is entertainment that the entire family can see together. Amanda Byrnes and Colin Firth are wonderful together as father and daughter. Kelly Preston is beautiful in the part of Daphne's mother. In my opinion this film is more like a cross between: Cinderella (because of the future evil step-sister), Snow White (because Amanda finds her prince), and Parent Trap (because....can't say because that would be giving the end away).

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A movie to please girls (and women) of all ages.
Review: I took my 7 year old sister to see this movie and we both loved it. With Amanda Bynes in the lead role it had her attention and Colin Firth has been a favorite of mine for years since he played Mr Darcy on Pride and Prejudice.

The story, though convenient and perhaps contrite is good clean fun for the younger audience.Amanda Bynes did a great job. I really liked her in this role. Can I tell you how amazing Colin Firth is as Henry Dashwood. I know now why he his my ideal man. Is it ridiculous to have a crush at 27? If so call me ridiculous.

Anyway, we rented it the other night and my 50 year old mother liked it as well. She has declared that it is one we will be purchasing for the collection. It is definitely worth a watch. It will not change your life, but is good clean fun.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Very excellant movies for all ages!!
Review: I just watched this movie last night and I absolutely loved it! It made me laugh and it made me cry..it had a good mix of everything! The plot to the movie I found was somewhat similar to princess diaries and I also love that movie. The clothes in this movie were incredible also and Amanda Bynes was untterly amazing in the Role of Daphne Reynolds Dashwood. Her father was also a very good actor He's one of my favorites!
I definately recommend that people see this movie it has a good message and it's very enjoyable!

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Underutilized talent and plot
Review: Everyone loves the Cinderella story and its variations, including this one where the father is still alive. However, the movie lacked for any real plot. The concept of self-discovery (e.g., "Bagdad Cafe"; "Malcom X") can in and of itself sustain a movie, but it's probably not the best device for the teenage genre.

That said, I really did like Amanda Bynes as the guiltless, guileless straight-talking American teenager and Fitzpatrick Dar- er, Colin Firth as the stuffy British lord trying to break free.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Stupid
Review: This movie is so predicatable. If you're not a nine year old girl, stay away from this.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: About what you'd expect.
Review: Like many others, I watched this movie only because of Colin Firth. He doesn't disappoint. Well, neither does the movie, because it's exactly what I expected it to be--a teeny-bopper
chick-flick. It reminded me a lot of "The Parent Trap"--except Colin Firth is much more my idea of a dream dad than Brian Keith.
It is a cute, harmless movie, and I enjoyed it more than I thought I would. Colin Firth is definitely leading man material.

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