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North Shore

North Shore

List Price: $14.98
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Required Therapy
Review: That's what this movie is all about - Required Therapy - at least three times each year. Never get tired of it. If you love the Islands, this movie will give you a good dose of "local Oahu" rather than the typical tourist version. The movie does a good job of presenting surfing from the perspective of the locals and the "haoles". Not meant to be taken seriously, the movie has great scenery (including Nia Peeples), great characters (Turtle is just too cool), great surfing at Pipeline, just the right amount of romance and a great (soul surfer) story within the story. Laird Hamilton also has a great part in the movie. If you can't be catching waves, North Shore is the next best thing. Drop into it.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: North Shore
Review: Best action movie since Chariots of Fire. Lots of action, speed, and sweet romance. Interracial issues dealt with in a very realistic fashion. Great examples of treating people right, freindships and their great value. For action films this movie has taken over the #2 position in my favorite videos list. No profanity. Yeah! Great surfing scenes. (I am not a surfer but I do love water skiing and gymnastics, flying rings and the horse) For you gymnastics fans I just dated myself. I'm 53 and I still love getting behind a boat and on a set of rings. For individual sports movies this is beyond a doubt the best of the best right behind Chariots of Fire. Great lessons for kids about being coachable and learning what is important and what's not. This one belongs in the library of anyone that likes being the best at what the do.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Classic 80's surf flick
Review: North Shore. Simply a classic. My friends and I have watched this movie religously since its release, and will continue to for years to come. Rick Kane is the ultimate weasel and luckiest man alive! Here is a guy who goes to the NS with nada, and leaves a legend? Only in the movies from the 80's could this happen.

Five stars for the classic dialouge, decent surfing, and sketchy plot line. The old school boards and surfers are enough to take you back. "So check it out...kook!"

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Living in a dream
Review: Every time this movie is shown on TV the critics slam it terribly. I wonder why? Probably snobbery towards anything to do with surfing. Along with Big Wednesday, this is one of the greatest surfing films ever made. It captures the atmosphere of the North Shore perfectly from the Hawaiian gangs ("the Hui") to the local idiom ("Hey haole", "howly to you too!"). The inclusion of Mark Occhilupo in an acting role perhaps wasn't the best casting decision. As far as acting is concerned Occy is a good surfer. But the story and the surfing scenes are well worth the cost of admission. Everybody can identify with this movie. It gives a nostalgic insight into the last carefree summer of our lives before life decisions such as choosing a career and "settling down" change life's compass permanently.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: hot
Review: hot movie, with hot waves and with some not so hot acting. But it makes me want to surf with my friends.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: I'll be back!
Review: Ya you got Turtle, Rick, Chandler, Kiani, Vince, and of course Lance Burkhardt....This movie is almost like a Religion, if you watch it, you must watch with emotional ties to the Surf, and love being a FOB or JOJ, respect your surf skills when you watch this cause Rick does not really become a World Class Surfer over night....Chandler is Good and all but not that good, so watch with Hype and desire to remember every line you can, and when your finished tell me about it..and I'll say SHAKA TO DA BRADA!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: That's no hodad
Review: In Hawaii... everybody surfs. Turtle said it best. And you turn old redwood boards with the toes on your back foot. You don't mess with the Hui. These are just a few things you'll learn from The North Shore. Plus, you get to see Occy and Robbie Bain and Laird Hamilton in what I'd agree with Tim Layton and say IS a classic. I saw this in the theater... top that! I'll watch it over and over again, just like Rick Kane would take his lumps in Hawaii over those bogus wavepool ripples in Arizona over and over again. I'm headed to Costa Rica this spring for a surf trip with my cousin Josh and buddies Mark, Steve, and Kevin, and we're all siting around watching The North Shore to get revved up! Don't miss out, Haoles.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Five stars for all the wrong reasons
Review: Yeah so I gave it 5 stars, but I am not treating this movie seriously. I've been surfing for one third of my life and understand what a true surfing movie is. This movie is not true. IT IS CLASSIC. My friends and cusins have been reciting lines from this movie since I don't know when. Whenever we see Matt Adler in a movie someome would yell Rick Kane! And bust out some line off the movie such as "He's out surfing...with rick" A classic humorous movie to an open minded movie watcher. So watch it for that reason, and bust on all your hauli friends. Because when it comes down to it we are all a bunch of Rick Kanes. "when you are ready, but first you must master all the rest" WATCH IT OVER AND OVER! THIS MOVIE ROCKS.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Weak
Review: As a movie it doesn't work. A kid from Arizona going to the North Shore and dazzling the locals, unlikely. Maybe if the movie had a single bit of wit, intelligence, or comedy it would work but it takes its plot too seriously. Its surprising that a movie with such a weak plot and bad acting could be made. The surfing scenes are excellent but they're not anything that hasn't been seen in surfing documentaries like the "Endless Summer" films. This bad movie is just an excuse to show the beautiful waves of the North Shore and a couple of famous surfers.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: haole meets locals
Review: i've been watching this movie since it's release. wore the tape out! reminds me of when i was JOJ in 1979. fortunately, for me, the prettiest wahine , i met, married me; and we still watch it together. many typicals in this one...rick/haole, turtle/localhaole, and vince/localsurfgod. laird hamilton does good job of acting his opposite, as he is a cool guy, and very pleasant to speak to. This film is a must own, and combined with the Byrds of Paradise, it helps us mainland-locked folks relive the Aloha Spirit, plus...the waves are 'da kine!

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