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Denise Austin - Fat-Blasting Yoga: 21 Days to a Yoga Body

Denise Austin - Fat-Blasting Yoga: 21 Days to a Yoga Body

List Price: $14.98
Your Price: $11.98
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Rating: 4 stars
Review: Although I find Denise Austin's voice extremely annoying, this Fat-Blasting Yoga video really works. I love the low-impact full body workout that I get everytime I use the video. Even after the very first workout, I could feel the difference, and after 4 workouts, I could SEE the difference. What I like most is that it's easy, and produces results. And for that, I can deal with the annoying voice and UGLY facial expressions of Denise Austin.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Give your muscles a new challenge.......
Review: As an experienced intermediate exerciser, this workout was a little something different. It begins with a faster-paced 30 minute yoga workout that does increase your heart rate a little and challenges your muscles. Sometimes however, the faster pace interupts the usual flow that yoga has, and you kind of stumble into the moves the first few times. For safety I recommend practicing the moves by pausing the vcr throughout the first section the first time using it. Honestly, I do wish Denise held the stretches longer. I can feel the strength and flexibility benefits though, and after the first time, I had a mild soreness the next day to show I'd challenged my muscles, but no lasting pain of any kind. The second workout on the tape is a 15 minute strength and flexibility workout, where poses are challenging and held longer. It challenges the arms as well, which is good, to provide balance since the first workout used mainly the lower body muscles. The tape also includes a workout for abdominals and total body conditioning, which recommends a "stability ball", this portion gives your abdominals and back a good workout. All in all, this video can add something different to your workout routine, once you get used to the rushed pacing.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: get ready for...aero-yoga!
Review: Denise Austin is an aerobics instructor--not a yoga instructor. Thus, her yoga routine seemed fake and forced. However, if you really, really love aerobics and Austin's teaching style (and have no experience with yoga yet) I guess this would be the tape for you. Personally, I was looking to try a "power" workout and her delivery made me cringe. She jumped and hurried throughout the poses and didn't explain much of anything. This, plus too many "Let's go! I LOVE this stretch! Hooray--yoga!" made me feel like I stumbled into some kind of cheer-yoga or aero-yoga class from hell. If you can't see yourself spending the money on proper yoga workout tapes like "The Flow Series" but still want to give yoga a try utilizing an ex-aerobics instructor, try Kathy Smith. At least she tries to conduct her workout in a relaxing fashion and seems far better trained.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: AWESOME DVD!! :-)
Review: Denise Austin really is an awesome and motivating fitness instructor! I just bought this on DVD yesterday and I haven't worked out in months, and I have a 13 month old baby and 6 year old, it's important that I keep in shape, and I also am in the military, so I HAVE to be in shape. This is an awesome, motivating way to start your Weight Loss Goals in 2004! Way to go Denise, another awesome VIDEO! :-) I felt so good afterwards, I actually had the energy the next morning to get up and run my 1 1/2 mile run on the Treadmill. Thanks Denise. :-)

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Austinized Yoga...or Denise's Fat Burning System
Review: Denise is one of those unique fitness gurus. You either love her or hate her. I happen to think she is great and a real motivator and this is only the 2nd DVD I've bought from her. This DVD is a great workout. I have studied other forms of Yoga and while purists will scream this isn't yoga, it's Denise taking traditional forms of yoga and blasting it up.

She begins the video with a good warm up before she goes into the Yoga Aerobic Conditioning section. In this section, you do one traditional yoga pose then she modifies and speeds it up adding extra movements for a flat blasting routine. Poses such as Warrior, Balancing Stick, and Tree are modified effectively here to give you a good workout (it will make you sweat!).

The second section is Strength training with yoga postures. This section can be tough as you hold a lot of postures with your weight for periods of time but is all around ok.

Be forwarned, for the 3rd and final section, the "core" section you will need a Stability Ball. I bought a ball but maybe mine is too big I'm not sure as this section always gives me problems. I also haven't had much ball use and find this very tough, but not unenjoyable.

Overall it's a good yoga based workout, decent music, and Austin is very motivational and informational through the work out. Not bad, but not perfect. Typical Denise and that's not a bad thing!

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: not always consistent
Review: Doing this video actually frustrates me. Some exercises are done 2 on one leg, yet four on the other. There are times she says one more, when it is quite a few more. For those of us that are not coordinated, it makes it hard to follow, at least until you've memorized the video. I am not sure I will do this one enough times for that though. Rodney Yee's Power Yoga - Stamina is much better...

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Jane Austin Videos
Review: Her exercises, especially the Yoga workouts, are MUCH too fast paced. Not only do they defeat the purpose of thoughtful, stress relieving exercise, it would be easy to hurt yourself trying to follow them. After one viewing, I gave all my tapes to the Library.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Not for beginners
Review: I absolutely love this DVD. The workout is quick (30 mins or 15 mins segments)and invigorating. I would not recommend this DVD to beginners, however. Many of the moves need to be familiar to have the best effect. I would recommend Denise Austin's Yoga Essentials for someone who wants to learn the basic moves in yoga. Once the basics are learned, following along with this DVD is easy.
I do wish there were alternative exercises for those who do not have the exercise ball in the 15 min ab segments. I skip this part.
Contrary to all the negative comments about Denise's perkiness, I find her helpful and uplifting, and she keeps me on task. The reminders about body positions are necessary.
I will recommend this DVD.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Not for beginners
Review: I absolutely love this DVD. The workout is quick (30 mins or 15 mins segments)and invigorating. I would not recommend this DVD to beginners, however. Many of the moves need to be familiar to have the best effect. I would recommend Denise Austin's Yoga Essentials for someone who wants to learn the basic moves in yoga. Once the basics are learned, following along with this DVD is easy.
I do wish there were alternative exercises for those who do not have the exercise ball in the 15 min ab segments. I skip this part.
Contrary to all the negative comments about Denise's perkiness, I find her helpful and uplifting, and she keeps me on task. The reminders about body positions are necessary.
I will recommend this DVD.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Can't stop singing its' praises!!!
Review: I absolutely LOVE this workout! I have read some of the other reviews and here is my opinion: it is fast paced but very easy to follow, I never noticed the music, and the poses are not that advanced (I have never done yoga). I had reservations about buying this tape because Denise Austin is not my favorite workout guru....but WOW!!! Did she ever suprise me? This workout is fun and I look forward to doing it everyday. You will be sore the next day, but not to where you can't move and do your day to day tasks. It is a good sore, like you know you're muscles are being worked. It is also a very good stretching tape. I lost all my flexibility during my pregnancy last year, and this has helped a great deal. I also had reservations about a workout that promised a yoga body in 21 days, but again, I was pleasantly suprised. I have been using the tape 4 days a week for 3 weeks now and I can actually SEE a difference. My thighs and butt have NEVER been this firm. It truly is "Fat-Blasting Yoga."

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