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Yoga Zone - Power Yoga for Strength and Endurance

Yoga Zone - Power Yoga for Strength and Endurance

List Price: $14.98
Your Price: $13.48
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: An Underestimated Video that is Actually Excellent
Review: I think this disc is better than some comments would suggest. From my perspective, I saw little or none of the infomercial tone some reviewers commented on. Perhaps previous negative experience with other Yoga Zone productions sensitized some viewers. I also found the warm-up at the beginning of the disc quite sufficient to build heat, especially if practiced in a room that is heated and/or not over air-conditioned. Also, viewers should of course take it easy with the first few poses till they warm up.
Overall, the disc contains a clean, relatively simple flow-oriented routine which does a nice job of building heat and deep breathing. There are relatively few of the more complex standing or seated postures, but the postures that are included are entered into in unusual and interesting ways.
The disc includes a standing one-leg balance with a twist, which is not very common on yoga videos. It also includes sequences in which you move from a twisting chair (thunderbolt) position back into a twisting lunge. This presents a new challenge and brings the body into the position in a way that opens up new sensation and insight into the posture.
For the money, this is a simple, enjoyable, challenging and very rewarding routine that is well worth checking out. It is accessible and challenging at the same time, which is nice. This will allow many viewers to have a great yoga experience without getting caught up in the details of a lot of unfamiliar poses. Experienced yogis will like the chance to flow through a clean routine and build heat.
I was surprised at how much my wife and I enjoyed it.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: not for beginners
Review: Despite what the box says, this tape really isn't the best for beginners. I had been doing yoga for years and this tape was very challenging for me. It is also too fast. This tape might leave the novice exhausted instead of invigorated and refreshed. It is highly recommended for more advanced people though.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Great Intermediate Video
Review: Don't let the picture on the box fool you - unfortunately, this video never features that particular pose. Otherwise, I recommend this video if you really want to strengthen and tone your muscles and work up a sweat! This video is hard work and features many poses that will work EVERY muscle group but is well worth it. I use it every other day.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Awesome for Athletes!
Review: Easy for intermediates, yet challenging enough for those seeking to improve their skills. You will definetly not grow out of this tape!!! Athletes or those seeking to improve their flexibility will definielty not be disapointed with Power Yoga.

I wouldn't recommend this tape for beginners, as the instructors often fail to provide adequate instruction on the warrior poses. And as anyone can attest to, proper form is key in any type of exercise.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Not for beginners, but an excellent workout!
Review: For those who really like to feel the effects of their workout! While there are adjusted poses demonstrated for the beginner, most of the poses and the flow series in general are pretty strenuous. I have only taken a few yoga classes in my time (and consider myself low-intermediate) but I was familiar with all of the poses presented. Lisa Bennett is an excellent instructor, managing to explain how you should feel in each pose while still keeping up a good pace in the series. I really appreciate the first half-hour of the tape which is a gradual progression from one pose to the next with lots of up-dogs and down-dogs in between. There are lots of twists for the spine which feel wonderful, as well! The video moves on to balancing postures next, which are really challenging (including some excellent hip work) then into a bit of floor work before corpse pose at the end. I have tried Yoga Zones Flexibility and Tone also, but this video is much faster paced and a far better workout.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Takes lot of Strength & Practice to do the Poses
Review: I agree ...that this Yoga Zone video is excellent. It really does make you sweat, more than if you are doing a regular cardio workout. However, in one segment, you have to be really strong at doing the balancing poses to continue as long as the assistants in the video do. Overall, I don't think this video is meant for beginners. You must already know some yoga poses to do the workout as they move pretty quickly from one pose to the next. But all and all...this video kicks [behind]!!

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Good Workout -- Definitely NOT for beginners!
Review: I agree with the reviewers who said this is not for beginners. I consider myself a low-intermediate, and I could only do about 3/4 of this program. This is an excellent workout for those who want a challenge. (Alan Finger promised an athletic workout, and this certainly is that!)

I do have one big problem with it, though. Lisa spends a LOT of time on one side of the body before moving onto the other side. You might do 10 Warrior I's and II's with one leg, before moving onto the other. The problem with this is that if you can't do the entire thing, you get an uneven workout. Either that, or you have to keep track of how many times you do the pose on each side. I think that many people will be unable to complete the entire workout at first, so this is a big flaw, in my mind. Why not alternate from one leg to the other?!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: WOW this is hard but great
Review: I am an exceptionally active person, working out 1.5 hours every day, and continually find this video challenging. I can only do it once a week because it is so challenging, but I absolutely love it. It works your legs, back, arms, and sides. The instructor Lisa is very cheery, and the music is upbeat. I recommend this for anyone that is very in shape, and desires a challenging workout. Go for it!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Ashtanga yoga here I come
Review: I have been an avid user of the "beginner" Yoga Zone videos but after using them for a long duration (over six months now) I needed something more challenging -- enter Power Yoga. Power Yoga contains a lot of yogas asansas which are familiar to a regular yoga practicioner but "arranged" in more challenging ways. Ashtanga yoga really works out a sweat and I saw some muscle tone after a few sessions. Furthermore, the video is "friendly" to both beginners and advanced as there are two students demonstating the different stances throughout the video and was filmed outdoors - a real welcome relief to all the other studio-filmed ones. All the instructions were clear and thorough. A real worthwhile video!!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: My Favorite Yoga Workout
Review: I have used about eight other yoga tapes and this is by far the best. I still can not do everything in the tape, but I love that I have some things to look forward being able to do. I don't think it's too advanced as long as you know your limits and there are modified forms of the poses demonstrated to keep you on the right track. The verbal instructions are great (especially since you are usually upside down and unable to see what to do). I feel strong, energized and cheerful after each workout. Highly recommended!

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