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Basic Yoga Workout For Dummies

Basic Yoga Workout For Dummies

List Price: $14.98
Your Price: $11.98
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Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Do Not Purchase this Tape
Review: BORING. Too Basic. Dumb Sound effects and animation. if you do not like the "for dummies" books, you definately won't like this tape. the instructor is good. but the format for a workout is terrible.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Great "How To"
Review: This is a great "how to" for beginners. If you want to learn the names of some basic poses and make sure you're doing them correctly, this video is for you. The instructor goes through 12 poses, talks a little about some common myths, and gives you the scoop on some of the "lingo", too. If you have limited flexibility/range of motion, this video will be useful (and encouraging); the instructor provides a number of "alternatives". If you can't sit on the floor, for instance, she teaches you to use a chair. Speaking of the instructor, I like her; she doesn't take herself so seriously, and she encourages viewers to relax and work at their own levels of flexibility. She really gets that this video is supposed to be for beginners who may not be able to put their heads on their shins right away...One word of caution, though--if you own other yoga videos, you may expect a scenic background (Rodney at the beach) and relaxing music but you won't find it here. Just think of this one as your how to.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: A good entry to Yoga
Review: I found this tape was a nice introduction since I've never done yoga before. However, the instruction was so detailed, I found myself standing or holding a pose waiting while she talked a little too much, on things that could have been talked about before you start holding the pose. It would also have been better if at the end of the instructional part of the workout, there could have been a routine with just the poses and relaxtion without all in the introduction and instruction. I find it hard to put in a 50 minute tape every day and listen to the "basics" again and again. I want a short 15-20 minute workout, which it could be once your familar with it. Overall a nice entry to yoga.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: I'm going to get rid of my other yoga video tapes
Review: I have several yoga tapes. The problem is that they are often too difficult for me. This tape, like the Yoga for Dummies book, has basic yoga poses that are a good "daily dozen" that I can do. Just because they are simple doesn't mean they aren't good; these are the best basic poses and they good for strength and flexibility.

This tape is really great because it helps you stay on a routine to do yoga without getting hurt or discouraged.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Yoga rocks....you to sleep and flexibility
Review: I loved this introductory video to yoga. I once attended a "beginners" yoga class once and left feeling like an unbalanced, unflexible embarrased idiot. Plus everyone was paying more attention to who was more flexible, etc. It was a very competitive non relaxing experience. I loved to hear from the video that not all yoga is "not competitive". Wanting to escape that setting I opted for this video and loved it, I knew deep down that yoga was what I was looking for as a release for stress. I slept more deeply than I had in years after my first Yoga for dummies session. Plus, my back felt great, I cracked almost every joint in the streches. I am in love with yoga now, thank you so much Sara Ivanhoe!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Peaceful and Relaxing
Review: The day I received my yoga tape I immediately put it in the VCR. I have never tried yoga or even knew anything about the practice. This is a wonderful tape for beginners like me, who know nothing at about about yoga. I excersice regularlly but the next morning I woke up sore. I slept like a baby that night, all my stress melted away. I was so relaxed that I could have fallen asleep in the last pose. It's a very peaceful practice and I recommend this tape to anyone who is slightly interested in yoga. Sara offers modifications to the poses so everyone can do it. You are never too young, old, overweight or thin to do yoga and Yoga for Dummies is a great place to start.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: This video crackles!
Review: I am just beginning yoga and I loved this video. I esp. liked it because it showed modifications for people who need them (and I do, as I have significant balance problems). However, I found it distracting and very odd that you could hear the instructor's yoga mat crunching and crackling as she did her moves! I was surprised that wasn't edited out and dubbed over. Even with that distraction, and the other pop-up noise distractions, this is very worthwhile and enjoyable. (The crackling and crunching noises are the only reason I'm not giving this video 5 stars!)

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Great intro to a complex topic...
Review: I had taken a Yoga class prior to this video and wanted to learn more about Yoga without committing to classes(I also didn't want to look silly in front of people that were familiar with the practice!). I found this tape to go at the right pace, explain the poses thorougly and slowly and allowed me to gain a further understand of what I was doing. Sara Ivanhoe is a great instructor and I enjoy doing this workout everytime because she doesn't do these crazy poses and "leave you behind" while she goes on. I definately recommend this video to anyone that is curious about Yoga and the wonderful relaxation it can bring.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Great Basic Yoga Instruction
Review: Ms Ivanhoe presents an easy to follow introduction to yoga. I have tried one other yoga tape and I have read 2 yoga books. This was by far the best introduction to the method I have encountered. The poses are not too difficult, but they are a challenge to someone without a lot of fexability. The key is the low intemidation presentation by the instructor. I never felt as if I was being talked down to. Ms Ivanhoe is very encouraging and helps the student along with a winning smile and gentle support. The tape makes you want to come back and experience yoga again.

Well worth the money.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Best Yoga Video I have ever seen
Review: Yoga for Dummies with Sara Ivanhoe is really a fantastic video. I have tried many previous Yoga videos, but allways found that they assume a lot of previous knowledge concerning yoga. This is true even of the other "beginning" yoga videos. The great thing about Yoga for Dummies is that it assumes absolutely no knowledge. It starts with the basics and makes them fun. Sara is delightful, funny, and attractive. This is great way to start to learn Yoga. I am hoping that she will make a more advanced version once I am ready for it.

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