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Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Murder Mystery Marketed as Horror Film
Review: "Autopsy - A Chilling Slab of Unspeakable Horror"

Or so we read on the box of this DVD. Of Italian origin and first released in 1973 as "Macchie Solari", Autopsy has not aged well as a horror movie. Interestingly, I believe the original title referred to suns spots, which are a recurring theme in the movie.

Autopsy starts brilliantly depicting a number of suicides that invariably end up in the autopsy room, where we meet the protagonist played by Mimsy Farmer. Mimsy is studying forensic medicine and writing a thesis on how to distinguish between real and fake suicides. Something happens and Mimsy begins to see the cadavers moving around.

After this promising opening, the movie strays away from the moving cadavers and turns into a murder mystery. A young woman that Mimsy briefly meets in her apartment is found dead in what appears to be a suicide. However, dead woman's brother (played by Barry Primus) is convinced that it was murder.

Eventually, Mimsy realizes that the dead woman's brother, who is also a priest, is correct. By then, other suicides/murders start occurring around her, and even she becomes the target of one attempt. Suddenly, she doesn't know if she can trust the priest, her father, her father's business associate, her boyfriend (who also is a target of a murder attempt) or even herself.

By now, this movie is no longer a horror film. Instead, it has become a classic who-dunnit film, with occasional sunspot flare- ups depicted a certain intervals. Surprisingly, the mystery is actually well-done. Agatha Christie couldn't have written a better murder mystery.

Why the movie was titled Autopsy in English is beyond me. Scully and Mulder (X-Files) spend more time in the morgue than do Mimsy and Barry. Furthermore, the autopsies in the X-Files are sometimes even more graphic than in this movie. I can only speculate that the studios felt that "Autopsy" would draw more movie-goers than "Sun Spots". On the subject of sun spots, the movie tries to suggest a relationship between sun spots and suicides, which doesn't really fit into the murder mystery.

Overall, it is an excellent movie-if you like mysteries. But a horror movie it is not, certainly not one of "unspeakable horror".

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Murder Mystery Marketed as Horror Film
Review: "Autopsy - A Chilling Slab of Unspeakable Horror"

Or so we read on the box of this DVD. Of Italian origin and first released in 1973 as "Macchie Solari", Autopsy has not aged well as a horror movie. Interestingly, I believe the original title referred to suns spots, which are a recurring theme in the movie.

Autopsy starts brilliantly depicting a number of suicides that invariably end up in the autopsy room, where we meet the protagonist played by Mimsy Farmer. Mimsy is studying forensic medicine and writing a thesis on how to distinguish between real and fake suicides. Something happens and Mimsy begins to see the cadavers moving around.

After this promising opening, the movie strays away from the moving cadavers and turns into a murder mystery. A young woman that Mimsy briefly meets in her apartment is found dead in what appears to be a suicide. However, dead woman's brother (played by Barry Primus) is convinced that it was murder.

Eventually, Mimsy realizes that the dead woman's brother, who is also a priest, is correct. By then, other suicides/murders start occurring around her, and even she becomes the target of one attempt. Suddenly, she doesn't know if she can trust the priest, her father, her father's business associate, her boyfriend (who also is a target of a murder attempt) or even herself.

By now, this movie is no longer a horror film. Instead, it has become a classic who-dunnit film, with occasional sunspot flare- ups depicted a certain intervals. Surprisingly, the mystery is actually well-done. Agatha Christie couldn't have written a better murder mystery.

Why the movie was titled Autopsy in English is beyond me. Scully and Mulder (X-Files) spend more time in the morgue than do Mimsy and Barry. Furthermore, the autopsies in the X-Files are sometimes even more graphic than in this movie. I can only speculate that the studios felt that "Autopsy" would draw more movie-goers than "Sun Spots". On the subject of sun spots, the movie tries to suggest a relationship between sun spots and suicides, which doesn't really fit into the murder mystery.

Overall, it is an excellent movie-if you like mysteries. But a horror movie it is not, certainly not one of "unspeakable horror".

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Not bad, but not great either; 2.5 stars
Review: "Autopsy" has a few things going for it that sets it apart from the many other giallos competing for audience attention in the 70's: first, it has a great score by the equally great Ennio Morricone. Second, it has an intriguing element of natural phenomena woven into the plot (the heat of the Italian summer supposedly driving citizens to commit suicide, in fact, the film's Italian title is "Sunspots"). But the natural phenomena element is not explored enough to be satisfying and refreshing, and it actually seems like it was an afterthought. Adding to the faults of the film is the flat and innefectual performance by Mimsy Farmer. Her performance recalls Deneuve's role in REPULSION- cold and sexually repressed. The problem with the performance is that her bland aura simply doesn't allow her to convincingly reach the emotional plateus that the script demands. As a result, her sudden changes of heart and her motivations seem ludicrous, even absurd (for example, she suddenly becomes infatuated with a priest whom is a prime suspect in a murder case). Unfortunately her bland performance affects the rest of the film. The plot of the film is depressingly susceptible to common giallo trappings (red herrings, confused dialogue and nonsensical characters, not to mention poor dubbing). Perhaps the true problem with the film is the opening sequence: we are treated to a stunning (and disturbing) montage of suicides of various citizens of Rome, juxtaposed against footage of the burning sun. This opening effortlessly pulls the viewer in and tantalizes with its promises for the remainder of its 100min running time. But the result is far more pedestrian. The film unfortunately peaks during the opening. Most frustrating of all is that the angle of the "sunspots" as the motivator for the suicides IS NEVER EXPLAINED, and the real motive for the killings is depressingly derivitave. On the plus side though, Morricone's ecclectic score does add atmosphere to the sometimes dull goings-on, and the photography and direction does take advantage of Rome's splendor, and thankfully there is not a tremendous amount of zooming (a common giallo affliction). But even these tasteful technicalities cannot overcome Crispino and Battistrada's bland and unremarkable script coupled with Farmer's uncompelling performance. "Autopsy" is never quite a bore, and it does dabble in a handful of fascinating ideas, but the real tragedy is they are never fully developed, and the film remains a mere shell of what it could have been. OFFICIAL RATING: 2 1/2 stars

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Primo Giallo Trash
Review: By turns sleazy, stylish, shocking, silly, genuinely creepy and utterly daft - in other words, great. I love this movie, but I can't defend it. Some of the dialogue is so out there that you will almost certainly whiz on yourself. There is a real willingness to pile on the shocks and offend. American thrillers are hopelessly anemic and timid in comparison - while being no more intelligent and far less entertaining. All of the characters are typically unlikeable - another thing I love about gialli. (Everyone can be a suspect! Who needs an audience identifier!) And what can you say about Mimsy Farmer? ("I'll kill you! I'll kill you . . .!") Is she a great actress or a terrible one? See "More" and "4 Mosche" and decide! (I still can't.) By the way, Anchor Bay, when does all of America get to see Mimsy do her mimsy-freakout-thang in "The Witch Who Came from the Sea"? Scarrrry! It's atmospheric. It also keeps you guessing - if anyone cares about that. Just don't expect it to make TOO much sense. You can't really call this a good movie, but it's a real pleasure. The kind of thing that leaves me wondering why equivalent Hollywood product blows so hard. So see a REAL move, for a change. One that's not afraid to really give it to you. You won't be bored!

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: The film is not perfect, but very interesting
Review: Combining different elements of giallo in a highly rational way for sure is strange and disorientating. If you want a mind-puzzler, this is it. DVD quality is very good, and you find the original soundtrack, too!

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: The film is not perfect, but very interesting
Review: From the cover image on the Anchor Bay remaster of "Autopsy," you'd think it would be a hard-core horror film taking place in a morgue. Unfortunately, that kind of assumption is only wishful thinking compared to the VHS tape within.

This is a mystery movie (or a "giallo") masquerading as horror. It's slow-moving hoopla about a series of alleged suicides connected to someone wanting to get their hands on an inheritance. Yawn.

The only actor worthy of note is Barry Primus--as the screw-loose Father Lennox--whose over-the-top performance keeps things interesting. Mimsy Farmer as a medical student on his tail is ice-cold and sometimes irritating.

Don't buy this expecting horror--it's just a slow movie set apart from other low-budget Italian efforts of the time by it's appalling lack of action; the only violence literally comes at the very beginning and the very end of the movie. The rest of this is intriguing but ponderous--you may find it hard to stay awake for the full duration of "Autopsy."

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: misleading box art
Review: From the cover image on the Anchor Bay remaster of "Autopsy," you'd think it would be a hard-core horror film taking place in a morgue. Unfortunately, that kind of assumption is only wishful thinking compared to the VHS tape within.

This is a mystery movie (or a "giallo") masquerading as horror. It's slow-moving hoopla about a series of alleged suicides connected to someone wanting to get their hands on an inheritance. Yawn.

The only actor worthy of note is Barry Primus--as the screw-loose Father Lennox--whose over-the-top performance keeps things interesting. Mimsy Farmer as a medical student on his tail is ice-cold and sometimes irritating.

Don't buy this expecting horror--it's just a slow movie set apart from other low-budget Italian efforts of the time by it's appalling lack of action; the only violence literally comes at the very beginning and the very end of the movie. The rest of this is intriguing but ponderous--you may find it hard to stay awake for the full duration of "Autopsy."

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: This movie *does* need an AUTOPSY
Review: This has got to be one of the worst movies I have ever seen. I was expecting a scarey well written horror movie..wrong...What you get is a dimwit main character (Mimsy Farmer) who isn't even attractive and we're subjected to her nudity in some scenes in the film. It has a stupid plot (Ok she's seeing dead people come to life) The film has many chances to capture the audience but fails miserably. The sets [stink], the acting is bogus ..even the set locations are mundane
Stay away *don*t view this autopsy. The whole crew/cast missed the *autopsy* on this piece of [junk], or they all *had* an autopsy while making the film. Don't waste your money

Rating: 3 stars
Review: this so-so "giallo" was directed by ARMANDO CRISPINO, not Josè Marìa Forquè. Set during a sizzling Roman summer, "Autopsy" opens with a grim montage sequence depicting various people committing suicide/homicide. Straight after this we are plunged into a startling episode at the central morgue: as overwrought heroine Mimsy Farmer looks round, grotesquely leering corpses seem to come to life and get up from the slabs. Powerful stuff, but unfortunately the rest of the movie doesn't come up with anything to top it. What follows is an involved, but not very interesting murder mystery, fleshed out with exclusively unlikeable characters - Farmer included - and occasional touches of cruelty. Certain scenes - the deadly trap in the crime museum, for example - are effectively suspenseful, but the tricksy narrative outstays it's welcome long before the 100 minute running time is up. Picture quality, however, is excellent and the DVD includes a trailer for the film under it's official export title, "The Victim". If you're new to the "giallo" and are looking to build up a good collection on DVD, invest your money in films like "The Girl Who Knew Too Much", "Blood and Black Lace", "The Bird With The Crystal Plumage", "Deep Red" and "Torso". "Autopsy" is passable entertainment, but hardly essential.

Rating: 3 stars
Review: this so-so "giallo" was directed by ARMANDO CRISPINO, not Josè Marìa Forquè. Set during a sizzling Roman summer, "Autopsy" opens with a grim montage sequence depicting various people committing suicide/homicide. Straight after this we are plunged into a startling episode at the central morgue: as overwrought heroine Mimsy Farmer looks round, grotesquely leering corpses seem to come to life and get up from the slabs. Powerful stuff, but unfortunately the rest of the movie doesn't come up with anything to top it. What follows is an involved, but not very interesting murder mystery, fleshed out with exclusively unlikeable characters - Farmer included - and occasional touches of cruelty. Certain scenes - the deadly trap in the crime museum, for example - are effectively suspenseful, but the tricksy narrative outstays it's welcome long before the 100 minute running time is up. Picture quality, however, is excellent and the DVD includes a trailer for the film under it's official export title, "The Victim". If you're new to the "giallo" and are looking to build up a good collection on DVD, invest your money in films like "The Girl Who Knew Too Much", "Blood and Black Lace", "The Bird With The Crystal Plumage", "Deep Red" and "Torso". "Autopsy" is passable entertainment, but hardly essential.

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