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Zombie Campout

Zombie Campout

List Price: $19.95
Your Price: $19.95
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Death dealing Zombie Horror at its most Gruesome!
Review: Mind-numbing special effects and stellar acting propel an engaging ensemble cast through an adventurous saga that critics are hailing worldwide. Not a movie for the kids or the tender hearted, Zombie Campout, is the most frightening movie since Leprechaun. The underlying themes and social commentary of Zombie Campout are the stuff doctorate theses are made of, and will have the intellectual circles arguing and hypothesizing for decades.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Death dealing Zombie Horror at its most Gruesome!
Review: Mind-numbing special effects and stellar acting propel an engaging ensemble cast through an adventurous saga that critics are hailing worldwide. Not a movie for the kids or the tender hearted, Zombie Campout, is the most frightening movie since Leprechaun. The underlying themes and social commentary of Zombie Campout are the stuff doctorate theses are made of, and will have the intellectual circles arguing and hypothesizing for decades.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Libations make it better
Review: While visting an old friend one recent three-day weekend and imbibing in some intoxicating liquours, that same friend (who shall be known only as Bob,) suggested we watch his not-so-recent addition to his ever growing DVD collection, Zombie Campout.

I said "sure," sat down, and sipped upon yet another cold drink, deepening my inebriated state as he started the DVD. Unaware of what was instore I was caught slightly of gaurd as the opening campfire scene resembled that of a cheezy porno movie.

The film slowed down bit as it continued with a drawn out dialouge about "people driving naked" on public roadways, but in my drunken state, it was just right.

A simple plot makes the story easy to follow. Abounding half naked girls and a handfull of goofy looking guys, all running away from seemingly well preserved zombies. Interestinly it provides a social commentary I agree with, yes, it is possible for dorky looking guys like us to score hot chicks.

All in all, the film is immensely entertaining. Beautiful girls, silly dialogue, gory scenes, blood gushing and squirting, what more could you ask for in a multi-genre satire. It is just is an absolute scream. I will not say that I would have enjoyed the film nearly as much had I been abstemious that particular evening, but I can say I have not laughed so hard in a very long time.

Psuedo-critics, art lovers, and B-movie haters beware, this film is not for the faint of heart. I cannot honestly suggest anyone should watch Zombie Campout. But, I can tell you I have watched it, and I will watch it again and again.

I can promise you one thing, form here forward, every compatriot of mine will be exposed to Zombie Campout in one way or another. Most likey, there will be a driking game involved.


Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Not Even Any Camp Value
Review: Worst movie in every sense of the word. (...)

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Almost Great
Review: Zombie campout was one of those movies that you just really want to work. The story line is simple, the characters are funny enough to watch. They had appropriately placed gags, and didn't take themselves too seriously.

The gore in the movie was excellent. For such a low budget film, it was great to see limbs removed and eyeballs hanging out. I also enjoyed the crisp clean picture. Most of the low budget B-movies available are either from the early 80's or imports and have a faded or grainy picture.

So why wasn't this GREAT! The editing... They pieced the cut shots together in such a way that conversations often seemed choppy and disjointed. The other minor infraction of the film, though it won't go unnoticed to true fans of the horror in the woods genre, is the lack of at least one topless shot. The actresses were beautiful, and I am sure part of the agreement was NO nudity, but if you are going to run around in a bikini through the woods, and talk about skinny dipping, shouldn't there be some pay-off?

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Almost Great
Review: Zombie campout was one of those movies that you just really want to work. The story line is simple, the characters are funny enough to watch. They had appropriately placed gags, and didn't take themselves too seriously.

The gore in the movie was excellent. For such a low budget film, it was great to see limbs removed and eyeballs hanging out. I also enjoyed the crisp clean picture. Most of the low budget B-movies available are either from the early 80's or imports and have a faded or grainy picture.

So why wasn't this GREAT! The editing... They pieced the cut shots together in such a way that conversations often seemed choppy and disjointed. The other minor infraction of the film, though it won't go unnoticed to true fans of the horror in the woods genre, is the lack of at least one topless shot. The actresses were beautiful, and I am sure part of the agreement was NO nudity, but if you are going to run around in a bikini through the woods, and talk about skinny dipping, shouldn't there be some pay-off?

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