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Razor Blade Smile

Razor Blade Smile

List Price: $19.98
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Rating: 2 stars
Summary: A cheep, and almost convincing effort.
Review: I had my hopes up a little too much for this one, only hearing of its name a few times, it sounded well done, so I bought it. Watching the intro of a gun duel, I wasn't too happy with the fuzzy visiuals. The low quality brought me back to the J.R. Bookwalter movies (check those out!) But then the credits came, and I thought this was going to be one hell of a movie. Then came the first gun fight. I almost cried. Lilith really like to show off her fangs for the camera, and it tends to get really annoying, add to that some bad acting, and uninvolving action sequences that are supposed to take place at night, but are really day shots tinted blue, and I began to feel an overwhelming sense of dread. Where's all those cool effects from the credits? Where's the booming original techno soundtrack? The movie itself contains a little of both, but it just doesn't have the same effect. The plot, if it was handled better, and the pace quickened a little, could've made this movie pretty kick-ass, but the effort seemed only half there, like they didn't have as much money as they originally planned. To sum it all up, the beginning credits, which ran at about thirty seconds, was the best part: a heavy techno beat in the backround while razor blades spiral around a two gun shooting Lilith. Why couldn't the rest of the movie be as good?

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Razor blade smile
Review: I have always been a vampire movie buff. I watched this movie and thought it had potential, but all in all, it had too much bad acting and too much going on, it would have been better to just concentrate on Lilith and her lover. The only redeeming factor of this movie were the costumes "Lilith" wore and the contrast of colors used, but that was it

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: A good movie
Review: I like vampire movies so I wanted to rent one. And this movie looked very incharesting and it was. I say if you like vampires rent it other wise you will most likely be bored with it.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Razor Blade Frown
Review: I love vampire movies. I even love bad cheesy ones. This is one of the rare exceptions. It's hard to say where Razor goes so wrong. It just does. Decent cast and look for a low budget film but the story fails to live up to its potential. This could have been so much better.

Rating: 5 stars

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Sabbat meets 007 without the good stuff.
Review: I really enjoyed the premise of a vampire Hit Lady, and the opening scenes were nice. Even some of the action was decent (though it looked like they were running out of money). The thing I objected to was the Satanic opponent and the ritualistic stuff displayed. I know its Gothic and cool to show minor stuff like that, but it was sooo hokey as to be laughable. It seemed like the whole movie was just a showcase to put "Dark Symbolism" in front of the masses, and then it wasn't even done well. Trite vampire "D" movie, wish they had kept up the opening levels of cinematography. Frankly it was so bad that I quit watching about half way through. Sure the star is gorgeous but she cannot really run or act semi athletic and she is supposed to be a hit lady? Not Cheesy enough to be a cult classic, not good enough for this die-hard vampire fan. They should have stuck with one theme or the other as when they tried to mix the two did niether well. Sabbat meets 007, hmmm teen wannabe meets an N'sync fan. WHeeeeee! The popcorn box became more interesting so I turned it off. Glad it was a freebie at Blockbuster!

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Fun!
Review: I thought this was a very enjoyable film - and I usually don't like modern vampire movies because they take themselves wayyyy too seriously. Eileen Daly (whom obscure movie fans will recognize as spokesvamp from the Redemption line of video releases) was perfect. It is no cinema masterpiece, but if you like sexy vampires in PVC catsuits and british accents this is a great time and has a good ending (even if the fight scenes are total cheese :-)

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: A vamp with sense of humor.
Review: I'll admit I'm not your typical vampire flick chick. I enjoy most of what I see on video because I might be a little too easy to please. But this movie had a twist that was most satisfying. I too get tired of the typical moaning and groaning vampires or those who dwell on nothing but the action side of vamp flicks. This movie displayed the action well enough, along with your regular love of beautifully sculpted dregs of the dead. But Lilith goes through it all with a sense of humor that belies the opressive atmosphere. It loves to poke fun at the usual stereotypical vamp flick. Something I feel sets it above the rest. I also like the low-budget side. It's almost as though it's thumbing it's nose at Hollywood. It's worth it in the end!

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Not quite bad enough to be funny
Review: If there's anything worse than a horror film that can't be taken seriously, it's one that also takes itself too seriously on top of it. 330-year-old female vampire works part-time as ah hitman in London, and gets caught up in a silly plot involving a bunch of other vamps. What should have been a cute romp gets weighted down with bombasticity and pretension, and the occasional comic relief is more like a curiosity than it is actually funny. Credit is due for making something fairly good-looking on a zero budget, though. But that's no reason for you to follow along.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Not bad for a no budget Vamp Assassin movie
Review: If you're looking for another "Interview with the vampire" then you will be badly disappointed, this is low budget film making and has no expensive locations or known actors. It is however an odd movie that grows on you and does have a nice twist in the tail. If it was more consistent I`d give it four, but the quality of production and acting at the start isn't too hot, being reminiscent of a bad pop promo. Don't give up however persist, it improves in leaps and bounds and ends on a high. It has a hard edge too it and is a nice counterpoint to the sanitised vampire tales of Buffy or Angel.

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