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Slasher Flicks

Teen Terror
Things That Go Bump
Jack Frost

Jack Frost

List Price: $14.98
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: frost
Review: jack frost is not what i expected better actuley jack is a maniac who looks like doctor lector,anthony hopkins. who gets hit by acid then melts in to snow there is chessy and corny parts but hey killer snowman jack frost is actulleuy funny and pretty suspensful.jack has some funny sayings were he buts this axe in this guys throut and sais i only axed you for a smoke.and how jake killed the family that lived next to sam the son chopped his head off the father axe down throat wife tied with lights hit with bulbs and hanged the daughter anti freze then jack pushes and tugs her to death then her boyfriend throwin ice sicles ate him..

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Da Carrot.
Review: I give this movie 3 stars:
1.The box art because if it wasn't for it i probably would have never rented it.
2.The "SnowBall Joke" that gets told a couple of times within the film
3.Ah the 3rd star would have to be the when shannon elizabeth met the wrath of Jack's carrot.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Jack Frost took lessons from Evil Dead!
Review: Jack Frost is a low budget slasher/horror flick released in 1997. I loved this film for two reasons.
1. This film uses the same Horror/Comedy ingredient which made the Evil Dead series so popular.
2. The girls death scene in the shower has got to be the weirdest thing I have ever seen in the horror genre. I think its only a matter on time before Jack Frost becomes a cult classic like Evil Dead! If you would like to see another Horror/comedy film then check out Bad Taste!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Great
Review: I think this movie was the best I've seen. Esspecialy when he freezes the girl in the bath tub. A buy for all movie fans.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Intentionally hilarious; great group film
Review: Jack Frost is not scary, nor is it meant to be. While built within the framework of the horror genre, Jack Frost is meant to elicit laughs, not screams, and it does so with fair consistency.

Rather than fearing their low budget, the producers have embraced it, using props and editing techniques in some sequences that convey the message: "Yeah, it's a low budget film. We know. So what?"

The characters are rather one-dimensional, but that's okay, as it serves to highlight even further the absurdity of the villain and the situation, rather than offering distracting character depth. Jack Frost is not, after all, about the townspeople or their lives, but rather, how funny it is when they're brutally murdered by a giant mutant killer snowman.

While definitely a spoof in some measure, it's worth noting that unlike "Scary Movie" and others of its ilk, Jack Frost keeps its lampooning within the structure of a horror movie. In other words, while aspects of traditional horror movies are amplified to the point of absurdity, there are no fart jokes and very few pop culture references.

This is a movie best enjoyed by groups of people at three in the morning, and is definitely most suited for fans of B-movie fare. Those seeking serious horror should look elsewhere; those in need of a laugh will appreciate Jack Frost.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: You've gotta be kiddin' me...
Review: Was this a movie? Well, if it was, it's the worst one I've ever seen in my entire life! Oh, my God, this movie was so...so...terrible! The acting was absolutely ridiculous, the special effects were sooooo stupid and cheesy, the story was about as deep as a rain puddle and the cinematography was absolutely laughable (there's one scene where the camera zooms in and out from the snowman's face repeatedly, and it was so stupid it was funny!) This movie is pure Ed Wood material and I put it with other bottom-of-the-barrel movies like: Plan 9 From Outer Space.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: corny is the key
Review: personally i thought the "b" grade was the look Cooney was goin for with this, sometimes stupid is funny, ie the great Evil Dead. Anyone that can watch a 7ft tall tall killer snowman standing in the raod with a stop sign, and not laugh, has no pulse if u ask me. maybe its not a Oscar caliber performance, but thats what makes it great, 3 more thumbs up to the sequel...

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Alright so it is cheesy;so what!
Review: This movie in question, i.e., Jack Frost (1997) VHS ~ Michael Cooney has all the ingridients of a subpar movie indeed; crummy acting, special effects that look date, stupid premise (a killer snowman), horrible acting (especially the kids who seem a bit lost when it comes this kind of profession). It is so bad that you are wondering if the movie was not done in the 70's instead of 1997 when one considers how bad the production, special effects are and you are also seriously pondering if this movie was a highschool project gone wrong. However all these obvious negatives is what makes it great. It is like watching a myster theater 3000 episode and you are the critic. How much better then that can it get; and one finds oneself making sly, sarcastic and mean spirited comments whilst watching this movie.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Goes through the motions of a standard slasher movie!
Review: As the title indicates; this, i.e., Jack Frost (1997) VHS ~ Michael Cooney that "Goes through the motions of a standard slasher movie!". What I mean by this is that we have the standard plot, e.g., tons of gore, bad acting, cheesy lines and a budget that is weak at best. However, I still give this movie three stars since it does not sink to the abonimable level thatother horror flicks do, e.g., Childs Play III and therefore can not be called a complete failure. If you know what you are about see, i.e., a typical slaher flick and you do not come in with any hopes of stellar acting or a well written script; then this movie is for you.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: if you want a good laugh.......
Review: Its hard to say if this movie is good or bad. All I can say is that i deffinantly reccoment it. If you like hilarious horror movies than you will love Jack Frost. I saw this movie last summer with a friend. We were searching for a funny horror movie and when we saw the great cover of it at blockbuster we knew we had to watch it. The movie is basically about a mass murderer named Jack Frost who was just caught and about to sentenced to execution. However of course things dont quite work out as planned. Jack Frost gets into an accident and somehow transforms into a killer snowman. Jack in the form of a snowman continues to be a psycho killer. He goes after a family with an exremely annoying child who unfortunantly is not killed and the people in this town. What makes this movie so funny is the way the snowman kills people. At one point he kills a woman with christmas lights and as a snowman rapes a teenage girl in a bathtub. oh yeah where did the carrot go around this point? Also while he kills these people there is strange upbeat music in the background. The acting in this is also horribly funny. i reccomend this movie for anyone who gets a laugh out of cheesy horror movies because id have to say this is about the cheesiest i have ever seen.

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