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Teen Terror

Things That Go Bump
Sleepaway Camp

Sleepaway Camp

List Price: $19.98
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Rating: 4 stars
Summary: "I thought you were the killah!"
Review: Yes, heavy New York accents are just one of the many delights to look forward to in this little gem of a B-movie. What might be seen on the surface as a standard teens-at-camp stalk 'n' slash fest is elevated to the level of pure camp (in all senses of the word) ecstasy through the use of some truly bizarre plot devices and themes.

First, mention must be made of the overt gay themes and homoeroticism in the movie, unheard of in most films in this genre. Young Angela and her brother Peter are being raised by a gay couple, while activities at the camp are pervaded over by thickly-muscled Italian jocks wearing short-shorts and midriff T-shirts. There is also a gratuitous all-male skinny-dipping scene. Even stranger is the fact that director Robert Hiltzik is, apparently, straight.

Now throw into the mix some acting that is either outright bad or sublimely hammy and scenery-chewing. Loony Aunt Martha and the venomous Judy (who wears a T-shirt bearing her name, in case you forget who she is) give the ultimate in over-the-top characterizations which end up being loads of fun. The three youngest actors (Jonathan Tiersten, Felissa Rose, and Christopher Collet) give the most natural and convincing performances.

Then add some clever murder sequences (Judy's nasty demise being one of my all-time favorites) which fulfill the gore requirement without resorting to buckets of blood. In fact, I think only one death scene contains any significant amout of blood.

Now, for the piece de resistance, give the film one of the most jaw-dropping endings in horror cinema. Another, more famous film used the same idea ten years later, but let's remember that "Sleepaway Camp" was there first (Once you see the scene, you'll know exactly which other film I'm talking about). You've got to give everyone involved in this movie credit for having the guts to give the film an ending like this.

One word of caution: if you are not a fan of slasher pics or grade-B cult classics, you will not like this picture. If, however, you have a real affinity for the genre and a true affection for the considerable charms of low-budget, campy horror films and have not yet seen "Sleepaway Camp," give yourself a real treat and get this movie.

(A Note: the DVD contains a commentary track by director Hiltzik and star Felissa Rose, but it is maddeningly uninformative. When asked how a certain scene was shot or an effect was achieved, Hiltzik most often simply states that it was "movie magic." A disappointment for those of us who were waiting for this DVD.)

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: This movie ends when we discover that...
Review: Oh come on! You don't really think I'd give it away, do you? I just wish the author of an otherwise remarkable book entitled "Men, Women, and Chainsaws" felt the same way. I borrowed this book from my school library because I am a rabid horror fan and this book offered psychological insights into certain horror films. Just as the book was getting interesting, there it was in black in white: the amazingly hyped shock ending to Sleepaway Camp. I was outraged. The author should have included a disclaimer in the beginning of the book if she was going to ruin certain films by giving away their endings. So when I finally found Sleepaway Camp on video I felt upset because I already knew how it was going to end. And when the film was over I felt even more upset because without any prior knowledge I never would have seen that end coming! Seriously, this otherwise mediocre film gives no hints at all to the perversity that occurs in the final scene. It would've knocked me on my ass if I didn't already know what it was. So I urge anyone who hasn't seen this film to find it and see it at all costs. The end IS worth the price of rental alone. Just don't read "Men, Women, and Chainsaws" until after you've seen it. And even though this should be considered common courtesy anyway some people obviously still don't get it, so to all film reviewers: if you see a film that contains an unexpected ending...KEEP YOUR DAMN MOUTH SHUT!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: classy!
Review: sleepaway camp is filled with more 'shady' moments then almost any other film! from the creepy chef, to the curling iron killing, to the final scene (a truly great surprise!) there is enough strange and 'uncomfortable' material to make anyone laugh (and probably cringe, as well.)

honestly i think it's one of the best 'worst' horror films of all time!

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Hold On To Your VHS - The DVD is EDITED
Review: Anchor Bay screws up Big Time. Their DVD release of SLEEPAWAY CAMP is edited missing a few brief scenes (a male skinny dipping shot and several moments of a later death scene). Hold on to your VHS until a definitive version ever gets released to DVD. It will be interesting to see if Anchor Bay does a recall or just tries to shove this one under the rug. Another DVD disappointment. Is anybody awake out there?

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: not as good as some say, but ...
Review: Although much of the acting is way beyond 'camp,' the aunt, in particular turns in a substantially brilliant, bad performance. After seeing this film, my college suitemate and I went around imitating this woman for most of our freshman year. And I can still hear her saying something about "tying a string ... around [her] fin-ger".

The campers' deaths are pretty hilarious and as has been said before, the shocking conclusion is nothing short of bizarre. Could this film have been directed by the ghost of Ed Wood? It's a toss-up, but my vote is 'yes.'

If you're looking for a scare, I'm not sure i'd turn to this film. But if you're looking for someting well within the realm of truly terrible horror movies, give "Sleepaway Camp" a look. Rent before buying, though. I doubt the widescreen version featured on the new DVD makes "Sleepaway Camp" seem more theatrical.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Sleepaway Camp
Review: Though this movie is this franchise is rare and out-of-print. This movie is well-worth 30 bucks. Not only is the acting classic for the normal camp, woods, cheesy thriller, it has a classic ending that set up the two sequels that are more than owrth it too. Buy and enjoy.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Original 80's Slasher!
Review: When I finally got my hands on a copy of this elusive film I was not disappointed! The suspensful plot concerns shy girl Angela leaving home for the first time to go to camp. An idyllic summer turns into a bloody nightmare when campers and counselors start dropping like flys! All of this suspense leads up to one of the most shocking and unforgettable endings in slasher movie history! Definitely a winner!

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Classic 80's Horror
Review: This movie is a classic 80's horror movie where you know what's going to happen before it does. I recommend this movie to all horror movie fans because it is a classic. Just enough blood and a psychotic killer.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Sleepaway Camp: a film I'll never forget!
Review: Plot, characterization, screenwriting, or acting might be the conventional criteria that most film buffs use for grading a movie's greatness. I used to believe that too. At least, until I saw "Sleepaway Camp." After that, I drew a new template for my own evaluation, based solely on sheer audacity. This movie is poorly written, very poorly acted, and it ends as if someone just slammed the brakes on a tractor trailer that was leisurely cruising at 200 mph. This movie stops and you are never the same again. It's bad in a USA "Up All Night" kind of way. But you love it because the effort it puts forth is indellibly charming. My theory on this film is that the filmmakers were writing it as they went along; carefully constructing a "Psycho" meets "Meatballs" extravaganza when one day the producers must have told them to wrap up the film in the next two minutes of screen time. Believe me, they do. Watch this movie, then make your friends watch it. They'll think you're out of your mind, until the movie ends.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: About average for the genre but with a great (killer) endin
Review: This 80's slasher movie is about as good as many others, except for the ending. I real shocker.

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