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I Still Know What You Did Last Summer

I Still Know What You Did Last Summer

List Price: $14.94
Your Price: $13.45
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Rating: 1 stars
Summary: I don't want to know what you did the summer before last.
Review: "I Still Know What You Did Last Summer," if nothing else, should at least get an Academy Award for Longest Movie Title of 1998. In fact, the title could be a testament to the movie itself: unnecessarily long, cheesy, and a big letdown as a sequel to a movie that is only slightly better. The plot is pure contrivance for the conveniance of putting its characters in unspeakably tedious situations, the acting and characters are equally uninvolving, and the overall message gleaned from this film is one that portrays it as a pointless excuse for bloodletting and gore.

The movie picks up where the predecessor left off, with a silly dream sequence that seems to belong in a comedy spoof of these films instead of here. Julie apparently has been haunted by these dreams for many months since her last encounter with the killer from the first film, Ben Willis, who fell off the boat in the end of the movie and was never seen again. Until now, but more happens before then. Julie's best friend, Carla, wins a trip to the Bahamas by answering incorrectly to the question requiring the capital of Brazil. Of course, given the mentality of this film, I wouldn't expect too many people to know the right answer, and I guess the filmmakers were counting on that, too.

Anyway, Julie calls up long-lost Ray, asking him to go to the Bahamas with her, Carla, and Carla's boyfriend Ty. Ray refuses her, but then decides to surprise her. Of course, on his way to meet Julie at the airport, he is set upon by Ben Willis, and ends up in the hospital, from which he escapes and spends the rest of the movie trying to reach the resort. That resort is Tower Bay, where the group, along with newcomer Will Benson, who has it bad for Julie, finds out that the resort is left entirely to them due to the incoming of heavily inclimate weather. "This is our version of winter," says the hotel clerk. So pretty soon, the rain is falling, and so are the bodies, moreso than the first movie, and much more gratuitously.

The movie really has nowhere to go but down from here, relying heavily on gore, blood, and useless plot twists to create what they hope will be a sense of tension and suspense. No such luck. Yes, we do spend some time wondering who is going to meet the fishhooked Ben Willis next, but since we never get the chance to know the characters, we never can care for them once they are killed, sauteed, gutted, and what-have-you. There is never a moment in this movie where you'll find yourself saying, "This is such a good film," because there's never any reason to. What makes it even worse is that the movie makes itself out so that it is not necessary to see the first in order to get the second. It spends so much time dwelling on the past that its concern for its own events are missed by a longshot.

Nothing but contrivance for this film as well, bringing us the same, tired situations that its characters dwell in, going over the same old routine until we feel like we've seen every horror movie known to man. Ben Willis was supposedly killed in the ending of the first, and even if he's alive, he missing a hand. Not a problem. Slap a new hook on him in place of the severed hand, one that's permantently attached, so he can kill quicker and easier. Now the characters need to be placed in the most vulnerable of positions at key points in the movie. All taken care of; just send them to a secluded island paradise that is about to experience a major weather crisis. Need a couple of simple characters for extra bloodletting. Hotel management: 'nuff said. Are you seeing a pattern here?

And what is with the secondary characters of the movie, anyway? One of them is the waitress in the hotel bar, who always seems to be giving us hints that she may have something to do with the killings going on, but trust me, thinking that way leads nowhere. And what about that pot dealing freak with the dread locks? This is as hokey a character as you can get, and never have I seen such a waste of plot on such a stupid character (though I kept wishing he'd hand me a joint to get me through the rest of the movie). The character of Will is a wuss, enough said, and even when it comes time for his major involvement in the plot, it turns out to be one of the cheesiest and most contrived aspects of the story.

I had a hard time trying to decide as to whether or not this is one of those bad movies that happens to good actors, or if they should be held responsible for getting into it. Hewitt and Prinze, Jr, who reprise the roles of the earlier film, should have known better when they read the script that this material would not be sufficient enough to live up to the standards, however low, set by the first film. Brandy Norwood and Mekhi Phifer are the newcomers in the places of Phillipe and Gellar, and Phifer is the most amusing as the oversexed boyfriend who turns sexual frustration into comedic relief; Brandy is okay on TV, but I think in this case, a bad movie happened to her as an actress.

In watching this movie, I kept thinking to myself, "People are actually going to like this." Then I found myself thinking of the demographic group who would gobble this stuff up and actually enjoy it. This is going to appeal mostly to young teens who want to be more like the older set of teenagers who have seen movies like this, one of those "in-crowd" movies that makes you look popular. To those who fit into this group, you're in for a sorely rude awakening.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Don't go there
Review: The original I Know what you did Last Summer was scary, suspensful, and interesting. This sequel is so bad, I don't know what I can say to caution you strongly away from it. Problem number one: There just aren't enough characters to sustain interest. Brandi, a definitely talented and charismatic actress/singer is totally wasted in her role. Jennifer Love Hewitt will grind relentlessly on your nerves, and your sympathy level for her plight will become nonexistent. Instead you will feel as if you, the viewer, are trapped on that island....and bored out of your mind.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: An equal sequal
Review: This movie is a great movie that is equal to the origanal but does not surpass it. It starts in a church and Julie is walking towards the confesion box. She confesses about the murder and the revrend says. Well I guess its not fair to tell the story.But it is an exciting thrillride from start to finish. Julie still is'nt ready to go back to her home town South Port to confront her fears with Ray. Her friend wins a trip to the Bahamahs an island called Tower Bay. She invites but all he said is he'll try. In a teriffying climax and a bizarre ending leave you wondering if theres more. It also leaves you begging for more. The weird ending leaves you puzzled and you wonder if they will make another one to conclude your fears.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Just a complete waste
Review: I don't think I could be more disappointed with this film. Basically, it took everything about the first film, bastardized it, and then asked the audience to be entertained...what a waste.

I personally feel that the original is a good film. It's dark and atmospheric and is definitely saying something of importance about the very nature of guilt. While it may not have functioned as well as it should have literally, it did have a fantastic atmosphere and good characters (especially the non-traditional heroine).

However, the sequel is just trash. Julie is now a typical heroine. All of her strength and power is gone. Any intelligence that had been presented with the original has since disappeared. Add that on top of the fact that the film is completely empty, and you're left with a film that is garbage.

All in all, any good the film may possess is totally outshined by its faults. This is the kind of film that gives the horror genre the reputation its gotten.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: I Still Know What You Did Last Summer
Review: I think that this movie was awesome. It was super suspensfull. I may be a ten year old, but I know a good movie when I see one. Even though I didn't see I know what you did last summer I got it pretty much. All except why the murderer is murdering the people. Maybe he is the little kid that got run over's father. Anyway I would reccomend this to anyone who is a horror type like me. Peace Out!

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: fisherman fever
Review: how can someone survive 6 gun shots????????????? this series just like ben willis will not die. whats the next one going to be called i still still know??????? however i really enjoyed watching it. one of the most tense movies i have ever seen, it may be a bit shallow on storyline but it makes up for it with brilliant jump effects some of which are pretty predictable. If your looking for a good old fashioned frightnight you should seriously consider this one.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: read please
Review: this movie isnt all that scary or doesnt have near the suspence as the originol. I would of given it one star but that one scene with jennifer love hewitt in the tanning box is to good not to give a star so that is really the only reason to rent this movie

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Ben WiLLIS - the new joke of the horror genre ...
Review: well, what to say about this trash other than "Don't waste your time watching it like I did !! "" Movies like this are responsible for the bad reputation sequels generally have !! Irc !! Only Jennifer is amazingly pretty here, the rest is a screenplay so bad that the producers must be laughing until now ...

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: What Trash.
Review: Well the killer is back and this time he wants to finish the remaining two teens in this (final)? sequal to an already over-rated movie. Maybe they should just fall into the sea and be eaten by Bruce the mechannel Shark from JAWS.?!

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: mr .hook
Review: even if you have seen this film and think it is quite rubbish then. your probably wrong because to fully understand all the hard clues takes at least two or three times to understand this, the first five minutes of this film is pretty rubbish , straight from their it gets quite good it's about four teenagers who are drunk and is driving a pretty expensive bmw end up running over him,thinking that he's dead they decide to dump his body in a sea, around the same time some ordinary man sucides into the water, weeks later when it comes up on the news that a dead body was found in the sea, the four teenagers think it's him, but it isn't and the man they ran over know who they are and decides after a year to haunt them down 1 by 1 he decides to kill them the same day he got ran over but first he has to toy with thim and to show them who's boss.for a small 10 dollars it's definatly worth it.

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