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Things That Go Bump

Unseen Evil

Unseen Evil

List Price: $14.95
Your Price: $13.46
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Rating: 2 stars
Summary: A definite B-movie
Review: A group of archaeological students ventures into the woods to find an ancient indian burial ground. Once they find it, their teacher (played by Richard Hatch) decides to steal the treasure that's hidden inside. Unwittingly, the team releases an invisible monster that starts hunting the students and killlling them one by one until the treasure is returned.

A very B-grade movie with a bad script, lots of overacting, and a comupter-generated creature that is so two-dimensional in appearance that even the creature from "Alien" would be laughing hysterically. And, like with any B-movie, you alternately groan and laugh at the screen albeit unintentionally. Tim Thomerson is good as the park ranger and the scenes involving attacks by the creature are done fairly well. But, the ending makes no sense though the effects are okay.

DVD picture and sound quailty are just okay, and there are no extras. Get this film if you enjoy Mystery Science Theater 3000 because they would have a field day with this film!!!

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: A definite B-movie
Review: A group of archaeological students ventures into the woods to find an ancient indian burial ground. Once they find it, their teacher (played by Richard Hatch) decides to steal the treasure that's hidden inside. Unwittingly, the team releases an invisible monster that starts hunting the students and killlling them one by one until the treasure is returned.

A very B-grade movie with a bad script, lots of overacting, and a comupter-generated creature that is so two-dimensional in appearance that even the creature from "Alien" would be laughing hysterically. And, like with any B-movie, you alternately groan and laugh at the screen albeit unintentionally. Tim Thomerson is good as the park ranger and the scenes involving attacks by the creature are done fairly well. But, the ending makes no sense though the effects are okay.

DVD picture and sound quailty are just okay, and there are no extras. Get this film if you enjoy Mystery Science Theater 3000 because they would have a field day with this film!!!

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: This one sucks big time! Its a dog! It MOOO'ssss.
Review: BATTLESTAR GALACTICA'S Richard Hatch has aged well...that's all I can say. His acting in this is so bad, it looks like he had constipation the whole time he's on screen. The special effects are cartoon worthy, circa 1979. The script, what little there is, derives all its horror from countless B movies of the 50s and 60s without the flair and charm they possessed.
This is really a pretty lame flick!

Rating: 2 stars
Review: BATTLESTAR GALACTICA'S Richard Hatch has aged well...that's all I can say. His acting in this is so bad, it looks like he had constipation the whole time he's on screen. The special effects are cartoon worthy, circa 1979. The script, what little there is, derives all its horror from countless B movies of the 50s and 60s without the flair and charm they possessed.
This is really a pretty lame flick!

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: What was Tim Thomerson doing in this film?
Review: I caught this last night on Cinemax. Ok, I understand that the acting wasn't all the great but I do not always fault the actors with this. I think the one person who should be held responsible is the director.

The plot is simple...read the other reviews to get it, I won't repeat it.

The actors are a product of the director...like an orchestra they need a conductor. A good director knows what to say to an actor to get the reaction he needs. An inexperienced director has no clue, which is what we see here.

Tim Thomerson is really the only actor of note here and I hope he just owed the director a favor. He's a veteran of some pretty good films in the past...Hong Kong '97, the Trancers films, as well as tons of TV appearances from Mannix to Sabrina the Teenage witch. I have no idea how he ended up in this movie as his career can't be in trouble. Being a professional, he does give a good performance because he can deliver - even under abysmal circumstances such as this.

But I do hold the director responsible for plenty of things:
The bad acing - learn how to direct your actors.
Out of focus shots - There are plenty in this movie. There's no excuse for bad technique.
Bad Angles - There a many, many bad angles and cuts. The director, cinematographer, and the editor really should know better. Again, there is no excuse for bad technique.
The ending is very confusing and sudden. This is just bad writing and directing here. I still don't know why the guy turned invisible at the end, why his cut "stopped stinging" and what the golden spearhead thing had to do with it...

I know some say that the monster is laughable - but I am willing to work with the film's budget on this. Not everyone can afford Lucasfilm's Industrial Light and Magic to do the effects... The computer graphics did enough to convey what the creature looked like and how he got there.

Overall, sadly this is a film that should and could have been better then it was had the director known his stuff. It's sad when poor skills bring down an entire film that needed all the help it could get. This is definitely a rental - not a purchase. It's good for a guilty pleasure.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Okay.....
Review: I really do not have much to say about the moviee, but if you have nothing else to do, and are bored, it is an ok movie for simple entertainment.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Fun B-Movie
Review: My friend and I watched this movie the other day and really liked it. If you are into B-movie, horror movies, you will really have some fun with this one. It has a lot of action, suspense, aliens, a scary monster, a wisecracking black guy and cool dude Tim Thomerson. Unfortunately, the only nudity was at the beginning with a naked Indian girl, but there is a hot blonde girl who is there throughout the movie who makes it worth watching even with her clothes on. It also has a great surprise ending which I won't give away. We give it two thumbs up!

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: This one sucks big time! Its a dog! It MOOO'ssss.
Review: Quite frankly this movie should not have been made, the script if ever they had one is terrible, the director should take up a new vocation - perhaps selling second hand cars? What utter crap!

The acting Pfffft. The star Richard Hatch seems to have forgotten he was in a movie and this is reflected on screen. He has hurt his career with this film. Tim Thomerson the other billing actor gets about four scenes does a good job but is wasted.

The other acters are well not so good, although one of the unknowns really out performs Hatch.

The plot such as it is - A college professor takes a group of people to plunder a tomb under the pretence of an serious dig.

The tomb has been worshipped by the (American) Indians for centurys and has lots of gold artifacts. The Indians themselves finally seal the cave with the beasty trapped within.

Our unhappy adventurers manage to locate the cave and in the process they release an invisible six legged beasty that looks like a giant ant.

The continuity is terrible all the artifacts are spotlessly clean, seriously! The beastly must use hospital grade cleaning products! No dust after centuries of been abandoned.

The beasty is bent on killing the looters, there is a flash scene of a UFO and a Alien dropping off the creature no further explanation is given. The effects here are appalling the scene serves no purpose - the effects look like they were done by a child.

Perhaps the beasty wrote the script and is being abandoned. This film quite frankly is terrible, it doesn't even rate to a "B" 1950's film some of which, at least some of the actors could act! Plus they at least had reasonable scripts.

This is an utter waste of 90 minutes of your time and effort. I cannot say anymore with using profanity!

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Don't Waste Your Time
Review: This movie is the dumbest horrier movie I've seen since Jeepers Creepers.Of caorse there was blood in gore which was cool but I like those movies but this was rediclous.It's about a guy named Peter and a crew of 4 go hiking to find a native cave to find out about the past.When they go into the cave a mysterious monster is awaked.This may sound cool but it's not!The monster is a type of a cartoon type thing.ALEINS had a lot cooler alien then this!I mean the giphs were total just drawn as pictures which was bogus.Now adays people can still use a flat tire and go for some miles I mean that since my familys done that.A lot of stupid things happen here.Watch it if you want too but take my advice and don't.For all the people who don't want to waste their money.

Rating: 1 stars
Review: This movie was disgustingly horrible. there are so many things that make this movie something to forget and regret. first of all lets talk about the script. IT was so boring and there is really no point to the movie. there is no climax to the movie and has very poor script. The movie is basically 5 people that go out to the woods and 4 of them die because of this very unrealistic monster chasing them.That is it. No climax at all. just people dying. The story does not make any sense. The acting is very poor. The actors are not well known and never will be. they SUCK! Now dont get me into the hidious special affects. The computer animation was so horrible! Now a days they have exelent computer animation but this movie looked like an kid drew the monsters. Very unrealistic movie. Another thing is if it was an "unseen" creature chasing them then why could We see them??? how stupid is that. I would also like to say that all the blood, the chopped off head and everything else that had to do with the deaths of the people was VERY UNREALISTIC.The whole time I kept saying "that looks so fake". I was especially disappointed in the end when the guy turns like purple, then red, then orange..etc. It was worse than those educational movies they force you to watch at school. And then it was so stupid when that lady threw that gold thing away. i mean what kind of ending was that?? there was no point to the movie, and no ending. This movie was categorized in the "horror film" section. I guess thats true... the film "horribly" horrible.Id advise EVERYONE TO STAY AWAY FROM THIS MOVIE! dont watch it! IT [stinks]! and for everybody that saw it...i feel your anger. it just makes me cringe when i think of this movie and i guess im speaking for all of the people that saw it too....forget it and regret it.

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