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Madonna - What It Feels Like for a Girl (DVD Single)

Madonna - What It Feels Like for a Girl (DVD Single)

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Rating: 4 stars
Summary: What It Feels Like To Be Banned
Review: Well, part of the Madonna legacy is her ability to combine her music with stellar and breathtaking videos. No exception to this latest controversy...
The reason why this video is banned is not fathomable. We have seen much more violence and sex on MTV, so cut the crap. The video is like a little Guy Ritchie crime craper. Who says a car thief can't be a woman? Who says a woman can't squirt water onto policemen's face? Madonna says you can...and if you look beyond the so-called violence in the video, you'll find the subtle message of the very superior original. The heart-thumping club remix that this DVD is cut to just serves to hype up the action.
It is a splendid work of visual, just one complain: there's only one video track here. Why not add another remix video or even have a version cut to the original song...I always thought the origianl version would turn out a great video too....

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Wasted talent
Review: Most user reviews regarding this DVD single are biased due to the user's admiration of Madonna. I purchased this single intrigued about what Guy Ritchie could do with a music video. With both Snatch and Lock stock and Two Smoking Barrels, Ritchie proved he could elevate a tired and cliched storyline with an energetic, and often frentic, use of visuals and music. Here Ritchie fails, resorting to asinine gags such as the oft-mentioned "Old Kuntz" reitrement home...a dismal joke that is more appropriate for the one-dimensional gross-out comedies that have plagued the theaters recently. With Ritchie casting Madonna in his next film, one can only hope it doesn't resemble this failed exercise in adolescent misanthropy. I would applaud Mtv for banning this video, if it had not been done for the wrong reasons. It's attempt to be shocking barely registers, but it's astounding waste of talent speaks in bounds

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Madonna will be Madonna
Review: What else could I say, but that the video for WIFLFAG is awesome! I really don't care for Mr. Ritchie and his fast paced movies, they're just not my style, yet Madonna has managed to express female frustration in an extreme yet humorous way. How many of us wouldn't love to run over and get rid of those who make our lives miserable? She, as always, is just saying what we all think but dare not say. The only "but" there is, is the fact that she could have included some extra material in the DVD, or at least the video for DTM, or some live performance, who knows? The mix is great though, in spite of including only the part of the chorus of the song and the intro. I hope that in the future there is a DVD with all the videos from "Music" and some extras, but other than that, I think the video is a really emotional journey into an abused woman's soul.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Madonna: WOW! What A Video!
Review: Bravo! to Madonna for forging ahead with the song "What It Feels Like For A Girl", I see no reason this video is banned on MTV and VH1. The video is a little violent, but all in all I think it is a great video. I just bought the DVD single(my first DVD ever) and it looks so good and so clear on DVD, I think the video is better served on DVD than TV anyway. Madonna is always thinking when it comes to different ways of getting her music out to the public. I think "What It Feels Like For A Girl" the song is good, but the video should have in no way been banned. I think MTV and VH1 have to ask why they banned this video, I mean isn't MTV the same channel that airs the show "Jackass", enough said, and MTV can play Eminem and Marliyn Manson and not bat an eye. But I think Madonna continues to produce great material and for people to ignore it just because MTV doesn't approve doesn't mean the public should, I mean I can see "Erotica" causing a problem(not to me), but "What It Feels Like For A Girl", is not a bad video, but Bravo again to Madonna for making it an R rating because it is not for the younger audiences. Three cheers for Madonna!!!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Brutal, Visual, Just Plain Madonna
Review: Directed by husband Guy Ritchie, Madonna's newest video "What It Feels Like For A Girl" shows a night in the life of a woman who obviously likes to display her anger in various ways. Banned from playing on MTV due to its' content, the video is somewhat strong in violent, especially with all the recent waves of school shootings and driving into pedestrians in the United States. However, Madonna has always been a rebel in whatever she does, and this video is no exception.

After abducting an elderly woman residing in a nursing home, Madonna goes on one hell of a joyride, crashing into street hockey players, crashing into a cop car, and mugging a man at an ATM via the use of a stun gun. I loved the video, but the most annoying thing about it is Madonna's annoying British accent. I know that she is an Anglophile, but the girl is from Michigan! Director Ritchie as usual displays his directorial style of violence and high energy scenes just like he did in his past films.

Love her or hate her, Madonna is the ultimate music video star. Check this and her other videos on DVD to capture the quality of her music and videos in your homes.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Madonna--Nihilistic, Pissed-Off Chic
Review: The video, directed by Guy Ritchie, is worth mentioning only for the fact that its art direction stands out in the face of run-of-the-mill alternative/rock stage show & pop/hip-hop sex/eye-candy videos. After viewing the video though, I was once again disappointed with Madonna. While the video plays on numerous themes (i.e. suicide, random violence, and basic revolt against all things MALE), it doesn't quite fulfill its own prophecy. It alludes to story line that is multilayered, but all the audience is left with is a promotional vehicle. . .another jumble of images flashing across the screen left unresolved at the end. The creator(s) I'm certain must have had something much more concrete in mind when they went into production, but in the end it's just what it appears to be: A violent video about a scary looking woman, who kidnaps and old lady and after hurting random MEN for reasons only God knows why, or Satan as the video wants you to believe, she kills both herself and the old lady (unless you truly believe that they either (a) jumped out and survived hitting that LIGHT POST, or (b) The air bags in the car were REALLY GOOD!!). If the creators really wanted the audience to get something more from the video, then maybe the creators should get to know their audience better. Guy Ritchie stated about the video that "all the answers were to be found in Greek mythology." Mr. Ritchie! Do you actually think that the majority of TRL/MTV viewers, let alone adults, are able to recall major themes from Greek Mythology that they were FORCED to read while attending high school? You obviously don't believe that art is for the masses do you? (but you also don't mind cashing in on the masses either, eh?) Video is a form of art based on brevity and impact, but when the plot is not portrayed clearly through the visuals then the point is lost. I think it might have saved itself if the ending had summed or tied up loose strings which it unapologetically dangles in front of the audience, but no such luck. Lastly, Madonna gives herself no credibility at all in my eyes, when I read about her describing the video as being about some "nihilistic pissed-off chic.....acting out a fantasy and doing things girls are not allowed to do." Ok, Madonna, that was ssoooo deep. Excuse me for being aware, but it's not as if there haven't been strong female characters in violent action films before (albeit not many). Plus, when is acting out violently something people are or should be "allowed" to do (male or female). I do understand the juxtaposition of the song's theme about the positive aspects of femininity alongside the negative aspects of male inspired violence, but it still doesn't quite work artistically in my opinion. Madonna, why not try to make a video that MAKES SENSE both visually and lyrically. Not just one that LOOKS cool.

Yours Truly, Angel

Rating: 4 stars
Review: I just want to correct a previous review's comment. This DVD single (a Region 1 release) only contains the Video & "Above & Beyond" video mix. The Region 2 DVD contains more. Thanks.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Violent Femme
Review: Few would argue that Madonna is a pioneering force in the world of the music video. Countless times in her spectacular career she has re-defined the video format. Like she herself has said before, each video is like a little movie, vignettes that have truly defined Madonna as artist. Even her most successful film role to date (Evita) was nothing more than an extended music video. So, along comes "What It Feels Like For A Girl" the video. Not since 1990's "Justify My Love" has Madonna recieved such controversy over a video. Then, it seemed outrageous that MTV would ban such a high profile video from an artist that helped create and define the channel. MTV took a similar but less controversial stance with 1992's "Erotica" video, showing the clip only after midnight with a spoken warning/introduction. Now in the age of Eminem and Columbine MTV's ban of this kind-of-violent clip seems less a precaution and more a promotion. Madonna has said that this is an angry song with an angry video to match. Most reviews of the album cited "WIFLFAG" as a standout track, calling it Madonna's heart-felt advice to the likes of Britney and Christina. The anger seemes to have gone unnoticed. The video, set to a dance remix of the original song, depicts Madonna as a girl on a rampage. It's an over the top revenge fantasy with the material mom in full diva mode. While the clip, like most Madonna videos, deals with role reversals and a shifting concept of sexual identity, her tongue seems less planted in her cheek. Gone is the irony of "Express Yourself" and "Music". Gone is the bitter-sweet romanticism of "Bad Girl" and "Take A Bow". While the video is quite cinematic in its imagery (it was, afterall, directed by her film maker hubby Guy Ritchie) it lacks the poetry and elegance of her best work (see "Bad Girl" and "Oh Father"). Though poetry and elegance may not have been the goal for either Mr. or Mrs. Madonna, the video still falls a little flat despite its grittiness and Wile E. Coyote violence. Edited with a frantic pace, the clip seems panicked to squeeze in as many... ...scenes as possible. Visually at odds with the inherent sweetness of the song (perhaps that's why a remix sans lyrics was used), the video achieves a kind of "You-Go-Girl" punch but lacks the lasting charm of some of her earlier works. But does all this really matter? Of course not. Since entering our public consciousness in the early eighties, few of us have been able to look away. I, for one, welcome her shenanigans and watch with complete fascination. Madonna conitnues to challenge us after all these years and that alone is amazing. This video (along with "Music" her latest #1 single and disc, and the long-awaited "Drowned World Tour" this summer) is Madonna merely tapping the shoulder of the public to say "I'm still here" forcing us to realize she never left.

Oh, and by the way, she looks great!

The DVD contains two bonus audio tracks including the remix used in the video and is available only on this DVD.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Breathtaking and emotional
Review: I felt very emotional after viewing this video. It's hardly worth banning, and I think that everyone should view it. It shows poignantly what happens with a depressed, angry young person. I idolize Madonna for her ability to express what she wants without limitations, and for touching on the most sensitive subjects that most people shy away from. I think this video is very important to society and people who are open minded will be just as deeply touched as I was.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: This MADONNA DVD is Great and comes with 2 Audio Remixes!
Review: This MADONNA DVD is Great and comes with 2 Audio Remixes! What It Feels Like For A Girl was MADONNA's first video to be banned in almost 10 years. When the video came out it caused so much controversey, but the fact is it was not as bad as many made it out to be. The video starts out with MADONNA picking up her grandma at the "Old Kuntz Home", on the way to there destination MADONNA's character meets up with some young guys at a stop light who blow her a kiss, this upsets MADONNA and she takes off on the red light does a U-Turn in the middle of the street and rams right in to the side of their car. She also uses a stun-gun on this guy at the atm and takes his money. While leaving from a fast food Drive In, she sees these policemen and just happens to side swipe their police car than backs up and pulls out a gun and squirts them with water. She then takes off and the police get in their car and just as they take off she backs right in to them and there airbags blow up on them. She then decides to plow through a bunch of Hockey players and manages to hit one and causes him to fly over her car. Just when you think things have calmed down MADONNA stops at a gas station and decides to steal the guys red Firebird while he is puttung gas. She leaves her yellow camaro and sneeks her grandma in the passengers side while the guy has his music blasting and is putting gas. MADONNA than gets n the car and takes off with the guy chaseing her. She does another U-turn and plows right in to the guy and he flys right over the top even worse than the hockey player earlier. While all this is happening the gas hose is still releasing gas. She then runs in to the gas pump and pulls out her lighter then lights it and throws it out on the spilled gas and BANG the place explodes with her barely escaping the explosion. She then speeds like a maniac and ends up wraping the red firebird around a pole which many believe to be her character comming suicide in the video. The video is intense, but a Rated R movie is much more violent, but in a day of artists like Eminem and Britney Spears, MADONNA still manages to set the standard for music videos and is always providing us with something fresh and original! This DVD also features 2 audio remix tracks! Great Buy!

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