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Black Knight

Black Knight

List Price: $14.98
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Rating: 1 stars
Summary: A waste of good talent
Review: this movie was terrible. Martin Lawrence's humor and talent were wasted. The plot was predictable and stuipid and there was not one funny scene in the whole movie. Save your money and your time and rent "blue streak" or "nothing to lose" both movies in which he is a lot better.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Martin hits home *Again*
Review: Unbelievable what I read in these reviews. People that went to see Martin and apparently wanted Marlon Brando. You want the Godfather pick Marlon, you want laughter pick Martin!! Martins acting has definetly improved over the years. I.E. Big Momma (which can definetly be compared to Eddie Murphy's Nutty Professor), if you found nothing funny there u must be dead! This is not a documentary it is a comedy and if you want to laugh GO SEE BLACK KNIGHT. Oh, and lets not forget little Mr.Thomason OHH LA LA, thats all I can/should have to say. :o) This film is good warm comedy not intellectual comedy, it's the kind of comedy you sit back eat popcorn and giggle sometimes and laugh out loud other times. If you dont believe me ask people as they exit the theatre 5 out of 4 had a good laugh and thats what your there for right?? I don't usually give reviews but some of these reviews really pissed me off!! Peace

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: A likeable and enjoyable film
Review: This was a fun film. It is basically the old "Connecticut Yankee in King Arthurs Court" story that we have seen so many times, but Martin Lawerence adds a freshness to it and he is enjoyable to watch as usual. I have to disagree with the reviewer who said that it is 4th grade humor. I didnt think so and I am way past 4th grade and have been to college. This would be a great family movie except for the many instances of vulgarity, and the thing is that Lawrence is charismatic and funny enough that he dosent need to resort to the vulgarity to be funny. Oh well. At any rate, this was a pleasant time killer.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: What was WRONG with Martin?
Review: What was WRONG with Martin Lawrence when he agreed to do this mess? Essentially, this is a low-grade millennium version of the 1931 Will Rogers satire "A Connecticut Yankee In King Arthur's Court", which itself was based on Mark Twain's novel. Will Roger's original film about a modern man who dreams he is transported to the middle ages was bad, but this is even WORSE! Bad acting, corny story, gross-out humor, ad nauseum. However, the scene with Martin teaching the medieval musicians to play Sly Stone's "Dance to the Music" is mildly amusing, as his outrageous speech to rally the peasants against the King (a wild mixture of Al Sharpton, Rodney King, and John F. Kennedy), and Marsha Thompson as his love interest is rather easy on the eyes. These latter factors give it 2 stars instead of 1. But if you like Martin Lawrence, stick to his TV show.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Silly Movie!
Review: This movie was very silly, but I like Martin Lawrence, so I rented it. It's about a guy who gets zapped back in time and ends up being a knight and etc. Like I said, it was silly, but I enjoyed it.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: funny
Review: its kool. its funny. its got martin lawrence. what else could u ask for in a movie. it also features the song dance to the music and its easilly compared to robin hood men in tights. this starts off stupid but is very funny after he gets to midevil times.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: This Movie [stinks]
Review: This movie is a remake of so many of those throwback 90's movies with the same plot, stupid idiot goes back in time, does great things, makes not a single funny joke, and then comes back from the past a changed and better person. This might have been good for 6 year old kids, with a 6 year old actor - but oh wait, that was already done and it [stinks] too! This is a dissapointing film from mildly talented comedian who must be hard up for cash. I only hope that he didn't help write the dialogue, because at least he could say "hey, I was broke, naw, I didn't write that stupid frappucino line"

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Good God Almighty! This Was Bad.
Review: Has Martin Lawrence ever appeared in a good movie? Actually, he has: "Do the Right Thing." Then again, that appearance was so brief and quick, it hardly counts. So, no, he has NEVER appeared in a good movie. "Black Knight" is the latest in a string of catastrophic mishaps that deserved to flop at the box office. And how did Tom Wilkinson, recently nominated for "In the Bedroom," end up in this film? We need an explanation! Regardless, "Black Knight" is another disaster that should really be avoided.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Funny show
Review: I thought this movie was pretty funny and Martin did a great job. The fighting scenes and the plot was pretty stupid and unreal but hey! what does it matter for a comedy? It could uuse less of the classical medieval times music but the others was pretty good. I'm still wondering what the Beenie Man song is t the beginning of the movie. ...

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Truely a great film
Review: This movie was awsome. Martin Lawrence was funny yet he displayed his great acting skills. Marsha Thomason is absolutly gorgeous...The Director couldn't have put a better team together in this movie. The movie is a comedy but the action and plot of this film has everything, From Romance,and tradgedy to Suspence, and Action this film has it all. I myself as well as the people in the movie theatre would all recommend this movie to you, the reader.

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