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Jasc Paint Shop Pro 7.0 Anniversary Edition

Jasc Paint Shop Pro 7.0 Anniversary Edition

List Price: $109.00
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Awsome
Review: This has to be hands down the best editing program I have ever used. It's easy to use and takes little knowledge of, well, anything. My eight year old sister can use it just as good as I. An excelent buy and cheeper than most photo editing programs. First class in my book.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Paintshop Pro, you are one great package at a good price!
Review: I've been using PSP (Paintshop Pro) since version 3.11, and Version 7.03 is by far the best so far. The filters are the same as Adobe Photoshop's, and the menu system and previews are great. Undo ability, or as I call it the "Whoops" factor, is unlimited to correct mistakes you've made before. Sure, you could pay a lot more for similar products, but why? As for using scanners, color printers, and digital cameras... it's all covered. Twain interfaces are standard, and the corrections you repeatively do can be built into automatic procedures. My biggest gripe... they removed the "fill pattern" tool. Minor, and overcomable, but still... it's a great photo/graphics editing program.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Beware
Review: Recieved package and it had been opened, the cd was not wrapped, which leads one to believe it was a return or used..

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Best graphic program out there
Review: I've been using Jasc's PSP for several years and absolutely love the program. I've tried the higher end programs and always come back to Jasc. This program is very easy to learn to use even if you don't know what a raster layer is, or a vector layer, or anything else. The help files are a great place to start, and unlike some of the higher end programs, there are a ton of user's groups and easy-to-understand tutorials on the interenet for PSP, which is just one more thing this program has going for it. With a little time and patience, you will be able to do wonderfully creative things with Jasc.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Paint Shop Pro Is a Winner!
Review: As an aspiring web designer, I was tired of using Microsoft Paint and other cheap graphics programs to get by. So, after getting hooked on a trial, I received it for my birthday. After picking up different aspects of it, I was quite impressed with its capabilities.

Many people see Adobe Photoshop as the primere of all graphics programs. (...) . This is the superior alternative. I started out simple with it. I learn basic colors and text. Then I moved on to touching up photos, transparency, gradients and more. Then, I progressed to optimization, image slicing & mapping, and other advanced features. Sound over your head? It was for me, but this program can turn you from a beginner into and expert (at least it did for me).

- great interface
- cheap price
- powerful yet simple

- none yet

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Give it a try
Review: Okay, PSP is seriosually one of the BEST programs that I use. Me, being a graphic designer for about 20 sites on the web, makes my life so easy. You can color images, and grid them up, and make invi-lines. I enjoy working with this program a lot, but you must have expierence from a few people that are above you, because it is sorta of fustrating at first. I suggest you play with Adobe Photo Shop before you try using this, however, PSP is way better than Adobe.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: PSP RULEZ!!!
Review: My fave program!! I downloaded the free trial version and I honestly don't know what to do when it's over because I, being a 12 year old girl, DON'T HAVE that much money!! *sobs*

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Too Difficult For a Beginner
Review: This is the most frustrating program that I have ever used. I am not a photographer, nor a graphic artist, but am trying to build some graphics for a web page. I had been using the Microsoft product...and was able to create images with relative ease, considering my zero experience. i bought this product, however, and have found myself pulling out my hair.
Bottom line- if you don't know what a "raster layer" is, don't buy this product.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: WOW!
Review: I was captured by Paint Shop Pro version 3.x and have been a slave to the magic of this graphical world ever since. I have been using PSP 7.0 since it was released, so why would I upgrade to the 7.04 Anniversary Edition? I debated, as I always do about upgrades, and finally decided to try it because of the special Bonus Package Highlights.

These created a provocative adventure that drew me in and stimulated that secret part of my mind where my creativity hides from the muses. Artistic filters add intriguing dimensions to my graphic arts, and play with my fantastical imagination. I enter the antimatter effect, and feel as if I am one of Picasso's canvases and surrealistic facets surround me. I am not in control of this artistic journey because the sensations of unlimited possibilities lure me to the next image.

Coming back to reality:
* To install the new version all previous copies of PSP must be removed, so make sure your data is stored in a separate location from the program files.
* You can create photo albums that can be exported it to HTML code.
* The software package contains two books: Getting Started Guide and Paint Shop Pro 7 & Animation Shop 3 Reference book. The small pamphlet Paint Shop Pro 7 Anniversary Edition Bonus Pack Highlights is an easy way to get familiar with the additional software.
* This includes a tutorial program that will teach PSP basics and is always available as reference material.
* There are both usable and demo versions of many filters. The demos will stamp the artwork with the word "Demo," but the opportunity to discover what Flaming Pear, Eye Candy, and Alien Skin can provide is a treat.

The editorial reviews describe the contents, but not the experience. This has been my 5 star program for years, and still is.

Victoria Tarrani

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Impressive!
Review: I tried the 90-day trial version and realized that I couldn't work without it! So I purchased the Anniversary Edition from Amazon. The software comes with 2 books...one quick start...and one reference(huge!). Very nice. Jasc Software should charge more money for this product. I HIGHLY recommend it for anybody who wants to create animated graphics for Webs or graphics for their own software products.

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