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American McGee's Alice

American McGee's Alice

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Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Stunning graphics and great storyline
Review: When playing the demo of Alice, I was afraid this game was going to be similar to the boring Tomb Raider series that provides you with dozens of places where you must jump at the right millisecond or die. Not so! I bought the full version and was delighted to see that not only are the graphics stunning, but the storyline is interesting, and the jumping-climbing-swimming-killing playability is very forgiving. Although the game doesn't have "puzzles" to solve, the strategy for killing your enemies (and there is an incredible variety of them) keeps the game interesting. I also didn't find myself getting stuck for days in a level trying to find a secret door or almost invisible cliff to get me out...just good Alice in Slaughterland fun!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Visually Stunning
Review: Although powered by the Quake III Arena engine, American McGee's Alice isn't a 3D "shooter" or anything like Quake and it's predecessors. It is a romp through Wonderland as we've never imagined it: Hitchcock meets Disney with Timothy Leary producing. Unlike so many games that use dimly lit scenes to portray a mood, Alice excels in the area of graphics. Swirling vortexes, surrealistic skies, even a level in black and white where Alice and an item or two are the only color to be seen. The game is linear in fashion, like Carroll's novels. This is an interactive story that moves along as you (portrayed as Alice) solve problems and puzzles. The cut scenes move the story along as well, and provide clues as to what to do next, and the mine train ride will steal your breath. The background sounds include a soundtrack by Chris Vrenna (former Nine Inch Nails drummer) which adds much to the disturbing mood of the game environment. The elements in this game create enough "suspension of belief" to submerse the player in an incredible fantasy world closer to Carroll's than any movie depiction we have seen. The "M" rating is questionable: the violence here is hardly that of a Quake or Duke Nukem, but the general mood of the world is depressing indeed, and the image of insane children is disturbing. All the more reason to defeat the Queen of Hearts and set things aright (I do love a happy ending.)

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Short but absolutely engaging
Review: First, the bad news. Short game (<20 hours for me) and no replay value.

Now the good news. The story, the humor, the *total eye candy* in this game was so deeply engaging, it had me riveted to my seat. This was one of the most fun games I've played in a long time. The game play was varied, but definately scripted. In all, hats off to McGee, for ruining my productivity that week.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: I DO Want To Go Among Mad People
Review: I recieved this game only a few days ago and have been playing it non stop. I love the characters, Alice's attitude, the cat, the enemies. I also love the animation and scenery, worth just pausing to take a look at. This game reminds me a lot of Quake, in the way it's played and it the graphics, although Alice is on a much higher, better level. My only complaints are in the controls, using w/s for walking is hard to get use to, and using the mouse for weapons sometimes puts you at a disadvantage, because may not always have your hand ready. I was able to fix those things for myself using the game settings, which made everything easier. Also, as other reviers have noted jumping can be a pain, and sometimes the 3rd person view is a hindurance, but these things do become easier as you continue to play. One last thing, I will probably replay this game on the higher difficulty levels, but I don't see myself playing it over and over all the way through if there isn't going to be anything new or surprising to discover the second time through. But, this highly addictive and pleasing to the eye game is enough fun and challenge to keep me up all night. To those of you worried about the 'M' rating, I personally have never played a game with that high a rating before and I found this game no more violent or bloody than shooters of the lower ratings. But I wouldn't suggest it to most children, but teenagers will probably get a kick out of the warped take on the Carroll classic. I know I did.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Awsome!!!!!!
Review: This is a must buy. You have never seen a game a cool as this. The game play is kinda like tomb raider but the graphics make the game. You wont be disapointed

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Alice rocks!
Review: Ok, I'll admit that I am not a serious gamer. I don't have a whole lot of time and energy to invest in games. But when I saw Alice on the shelf there, with the 'M' rating, I knew I had to have it. I'm a huge fan of Alice in Wonderland and I have been extremely pleased with this game. I agree with whoever said this was probably a lot closer to what Lewis Caroll had envisioned than Disney's rendition. The scenery is surreal and I just wander around looking at stuff. This was definately worth buying.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Welcome back, Alice...
Review: American McGee's twist to the Disney classic is delightful. How fascinating to see the world of Lewis Carol in the manner that he might have actually intended it.

Built on the idSoftware's Quake3 engine, the graphics don't disappoint even with a mediocre 3D video card. Often, I find myself stopping to take in the scenery which is odd because, folks, this is a video game -- not an art project... right? right?

From a game play standpoint, Alice has occasional glimpses of brilliance that actually reminded me of my first impression of the classic, Prince of Persia. This is not a shoot-em-up Quake style game, it's puzzles... it's platforms... it's the Cheshire cat with an earring.

Unfortunately, playability quirks also can make the game annoying. Being trapped underwater and have no clue why you can't move up will frustrate you endlessly. In some of the high-pressure sequences with the "bosses", Alice often did something completely nonnutritive when she shouldn't... Also, I often found myself simply running in circles in an effort to avoid these baddies... I'm not sure if this was due to my incompetence or a lack of tactical imagination of the designers.

Lastly, this is definitely not for the kiddies. There's a reason Alice has blood smeared on her dress.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Not what I expected, but still a very fun game
Review: The graphics are great - except when you get too "close up." Movement is easy, although walking, running, jumping, climbing,etc. are done with the keyboard (or joystick). The mouse is only used for using weapons. The storyline itself is pretty cool, and the character actors realistic. I had a bit of a problem with the install - it had to do with OpenGL - but the game includes a (beta version) install to fix any problems with your video card. Although the game is different from what I expected, I'd still recommend it. It's rated "M" for mature, and rightly so.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Delightfully Demented & Wonderfully Wicked.
Review: This game is totally & completely amazing, a "must" buy! If you have had any second thoughts about purchasing this game, go scope the website... and download the fully functional demo! Don't miss out on this one.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Good story line but a little disapointed
Review: I was very psched up about getting this game when it came outbut when I finnaly got the game i was a little disapointed. I think that the story line to the game is a good one but I was hoping for better graphics and the camerah is a little anoying. It doesn't move as smoothly as one would hope for. I think that people will have fun playing this game but do not expect it to be the best game you have ever played.

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