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Battlefield: Vietnam

Battlefield: Vietnam

List Price: $29.99
Your Price: $29.99
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Great Game
Review: A blast of a game to play multiplayer. Got this game on March 16th and all I can say is wow. Huge improvement graphically over BF1942 in my opinion and the online play is just as fun. The soundtrack to the game is awesome and sounds great when your in a tank driving thru burned out buildings killing Vietcong. The jets and choppers give the game the Desert Combat feel with the Vietnam era. The game has a few issues out of the box but no show stoppers and I'm sure all will be settled with a patch or two. Worth every penny if you enjoy these types of games!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Some people complain, the rest of us play a really good game
Review: Video games are my main past time. Trust me, I'm a nerd.

A lot of people complain about this geme, yes, but they don't realize just what makes a game. I'm sorry if your 400 mhz CPU can't handle it but people really should know that nowadays if you really want to play games you'll want a 2 gig CPU or better. And don't be fooled by their protests, this game does not require a $500 graphics card, those people are probably just lacking proper CPU power like I said before. And lag is caused by poor connection speed on either your computer or the server, not the game.

All the technical stuff out of the way, BFVietnam is a great game. It does a fairly good job of capturing the supense and tension of the Vietnam War. Choppers are handy and can be used to move spawn points and vehicles across the map. But choppers are not safe from Vietcongs with heat seeking missles, hiding just below the trees. If you liked battlefield but want to fight with something more modern, like in Desert Combat, this is a good game. In vehicles, the ability of your passengers to shoot out of the windows come in handy, and often nessicary to protect yourselves from Vietcongs popping out of tunnel networks, which, if your the Vietcong, can be used with devistating effectivness agianst you enemy, allowing you to sneak up easily behind them.

A vey fun game, with intensity and that magic number of realism to make the game fun, but not impossible.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Looks decent, but read the fine print on the box!
Review: This game appears to be good, but unfortunately, after purchasing it, I was shocked to find out that it will not run. If you buy this, and have anything less than a Radeon 8500 chip, it will not run. Thus, I had to buy a new video card (A GeForce 5200 Ultra). This makes the game playable, but considering that I have a decent computer system (Athlon 2400+, 768MB) and I still cannot play the game on the medium settings without choppy graphics. Any higher setting makes the game simply unplayable. Great game if you have a very high end video card and a fast processor however.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: BF Vietnam - good but not great
Review: Broken down quick review of current game, implies existing knowledge of the BF franchise.

Graphics (B-) - Certainly not next gen or anything, in fact very BF '42ish overall. Looks almost like the same engine. I kinda expected this, you simply won't get dungeon crawler realism when trying to render large outdoor environments, but i thought it would have been a little better.

Characters (D) - Worst part of the game imho so far. I think the character models look weak. Thin and grangly, movements look forced and not smooth in their motion and action. I was expecting bad a** looking soldiers, instead we got so-so stick figures. Very dissapointed.

Guns (A+) - Most improved part of the game hands down. The guns are phenomenal, you can tell a lot of time was spent here. Models are incredible, the kick, flash, sound, all of it is to a tee. Lots of choices and variation too. Best guns i've ever seen in a game imho.

Vehicles (B+) - I like them in some ways more than BF '42, in some ways less. Not as much effort put in on them as the guns, I think more work is needed on some tanks and boats, the planes are stellar. I do think they are better integrated into the game than in the old BF though and fit this environment well.

Stability (B+) - No issues so far, no crashes, no glitches, and im running on an ancient system. I had to take my graphic settings down 1/2 way to get it running smoothly, but considering how the graphics are kinda dated, i shouldnt have to. Heard of many issues with trying to run at full tilt.

Maps (A) - Always the strength of the BF devel. team, the maps are outstanding, each one blew me away. Detailed, multiple levels of action, attack/defense paths, wonderful. 14 in all.

Gameplay (B) - Nothing too new or amazing here, which is a shame b/c i think this area really needed improvement. The interface is smoothed out which is nice, some flags take multiple people to get the take time down, but overall its the same BF in terms of gameplay. (A little more dynamic and mobile due ot the airlifts)

Overall - (B)

I have to say, there are things in the game that disapoint me, but no biggie, i wasnt expecting to be blown away. What i am really disgusted at are the character models. They stink. Did they do those over a weekend? I hope they fix them, it ruins the feeling of realism. BF '42 models were 10 times better. Forward not backward developers.

Not the ground breaking game most would have hoped for, but more of that BF action many gamers have come to know and love.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: (-(-_(-_-)_-)-) |3attlefield VietCong !!!
Review: Offline play is not so fun. Played it through 2 maps just to get the hang of some vehicle and weapons. Graphics are not as good as Americas Army (completely free game). However, Online play is exciting. Helicopters and jets make for a fun battle. Seems like lots of time is spent searching for the fight though. If there's not lots of players, you may find yourself running across the map 80% of the time. The only other bad part that comes to mind is the chat doesnt work while the next maps are loading. So inbetween each round your stairing at some loading screan and cant talk to your squad and opponents. All these bugs aside, i'll be online making war for many days to come. Still a fun game. Hope it helps, b-real DataCypher

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: To all the negative opinions
Review: Give this game time. BF42 had its problems when it was released and its negative opinions from UI, to realism, graphics, compatibility, etc.

This game has been on the shelf for 1 day and people want to bash it.

Dice and EA will continue to fix/upgrade the problems. In time just like BF42 it will stand alone as one of the best games on the market. Not only that, look to the mod community to take this game engine and build off it. This engine is capable of more than the older BF42 game engine.

The new features and environments are worth the money. If you love BF42, DC, EoD, etc its worth the buy.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Vietcong-style arcade meets BF1942-style simulation
Review: Great game and a must have for any true war-gamer, obviously. I was a little let down by the maps and first version typical bugginess. This is one small step for Battlefield enthusiasts, one giant leap for the gaming industry.
AMD 2500+, 512K DDR, 128mb Geforce

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Not like EA Games made it look like it would be!!
Review: What a letdown...I must say..All the HYPE EA Games made about this game and it is NOT EVEN as good as BF 1942. BF 1942 "Desert Combat" is far better than Battlefield Vietnam. The wepons suck, the maps suck, the game is FULL of bugs,etc...Half of the so called "NEW" features don't even work.All the maps have the same "feel"
I must admit.The choppers handel much better(not as hard to fly)..The tanks and other veichels are LAME at best..Tanks (seem to), not get damanged as much for hitting a small bump like before.MY OPTION: EA GAMES COULD HAVE MADE THIS GAME MUCH BETTER. It is just a sloppy put together game. With all the snapshots and video clips they promoted, you would think this game would be better. IT IS NOTHING LIKE WHAT YOU SEE BEING PROMOTED. Over all...I played it out (all maps,etc) and got board with it within 3 hours. EA GAMES. NEXT TIME, DON'T TRICK THE PEOPLE INTO BELIEVING YOUR GAMES ARE SOMETHING THAT ARE NOT EVEN CLOSE TO.


Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Doesnt meet the standards
Review: UI is really poor. Production value is incredibly bad. Weapon balance is bad. Game play is terrible. They scored big with the Invasion of the Philipines map and raised the bar of expectation. Battlefield Vietnam is an incredible letdown to a huge fan of BF1942.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Some people have no clue, even though they rated it right.
Review: This game is great, but dont say it has "gripping single player" action. Single player is good for first timers to learn how to play because the AI bots are not that good, but still give you enough fun to keep playing it for the sake of learning.

Dont say it's taxing on your computer either. The only reason you get lag is because your computer is below average or your connection is laggy at that time. Any average computer can run this (mine is a 512mb ram, 160gb hd, 128 mb Nvidia video card, 2.6 mhz processor, your average computer). 2 gigs is nothing for todays games buddy, so learn some basics before you make groundless comments.

Obviously this game owns if it's BF1942's sequel. How could it not, you've got much better graphics than BF1942 (which were average, not great but just average), cooler weapons and vehicles (helicopters!!), lots of new strategy (shoot out vehicles as passenger, which you couldnt do in BF1942), more game types, etc...

If you like FPS online action then you owe it to yourself to get this, you wont be dissapointed.

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