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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: you are inside the war
Review: It's a very good game, you feel like you are inside the war and the relation with the buddies is convincent.
The only thing i did not like is some retardation in movement.

I recommend a lot this game

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: BUY IT IMMEDIATLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Review: This game is amazing!! I bought it in September 2003 and have been hanging on for half of the year!! I also bought Purpe Haze with expansion Fist Alpha pack and a new video card (256 Mb). The game goes perfectly. Many weapons and missions. Multiplayer missions and more!! To cut the long story short, but it and buy quick!! Go to Vietcong website and download new 1.6 patch and multi player maps. The game will perform a lot better. Have a good fight!!

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: waste of money - don't listen to the other reviews
Review: I'm wondering if the people who write these customer reviews work for the manufacturers - this game freakin sucks big time. The graphics are nothing special and the control is totally lacking. I can't tell if I'm standing or crouching, I'm bored after about ten minutes. you also can't switch between 1st and 3rd person view.

total waste of money, had to give it away after a day.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: DON'T BUY IT!
Review: Save your money! After reading these reviews I bought Vietcong. I was excited to play it untill I actually started playing. This game sucks, the levels are crap and the multiplayer isn't that good. If you want a good game buy Counter-Strike. The multiplayer in counter strike is way, way, way better. I don't know what the other reviewers were talking about, this game sucks. You have been warned.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: most excellent game
Review: Vietcong is a really fun and immersive game. I have to say I've never played a FPS that made me jump outta my seat as much as this game. I just finished it and I've played all the best, CoD, MoHAA, Ghost Recon, Raven Shield, SWAT3, etc...and I have to say VC is right up there with em. If ya wanna compare it to any other game, I would say its a blend of Ghost Recon, Operation Flashpoint, and Counterstrike. It really fun and addicting...if ya like war shooters with a slightly slower but tons of action, team based tempo, GET THIS GAME...not to mention, it's quite humorous...I'm looking forward to the expansion pack "Fist Alpha." this game would be a "perfect" 5 stars but there were a few bugs b4 the patches, like getting stuck in a few spots.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Don't dismiss this game!
Review: The packaging is rather generic. Leaving you wondering ,as you stare at it on the store shelf, if this game about Vietnam is as bad as ALL of the other games that preceded it. The images on the box do not look all that attractive. Even the description is lacking in appeal. All of those things (plus the price, until recently when it dropped a lot) led me away from this title. Now, i own it, and have played it. All of my concerns are out the window. The atmosphere of this program is so immersive it is incredible. And, other than some really strange block textures out in the deepest parts of the jungle, the overall graphics structure is beautiful. One of the things that carry the game for me is the wonderful selection of songs from around that time period. The music has the feel of the movie 'AIR AMERICA' W/ Mel gibson, and our favorite jailbird, Robert Downey Jr. I really do think that this program is in my top 5 BEST shooters i've ever played. And i've played most all of them. I even finished 'Mortyr', if any of you are aware of that program. If you are not aware of that program, you are better off for it. When i finished it, i was ready to put a round or two in my own head. This game ran very smoothly on a moderate system. I had no install glitches. I have had no crashes yet. And, i am enjoying it as much now as when i first started playing it. My other favorite FPS games : Medal of Honor : allied assult , half-life , Chaser , jedi knight 2 , duke nukem 3d .

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Panzies need not apply
Review: Make no mistake, this game is difficult. But, so is trying to hit anything with projectiles less than 1/2" wide being fired from a weapon with a high rate of fire and recoil. This game tends to frustrate most FPS players only because most other FPS games make it very easy to hit enemies. All of the Rainbow Six games, even when Auto-Aim was not being used, were unrealistic in the ease with which one could aim and strike a target. How many reviewers have actually fired fully automatic weaponry at moving targets (who may or may not have been returning fire)?

That being said, the marksmanship of the enemy is truly amazing, but not unavoidable with standard military tactics. So sorry, but running in with guns blazing is a sure-fire way to get killed in both real life and in this game; Fans of other games like Quake Arena or Unreal Tournament will not enjoy this game unless they first put aside their desire to avoid being killed a few times. Just as in real life, sometimes it is unavoidable here.

I have never had so much fun playing a game in multiplayer. This game offers many types of games, but the standouts are the Hajong Port map for deathmatch, and all of the maps for Cooperative play. The detail in the audio effects is astonishing; One of my favorite moments is realizing that someone is walking above you in an attic (in the port map), and the ensuing firefight where bullets and pieces of wood are exploding all around as you fire up and down at eachother through the ceiling. Hearing a grenade drop right next to your feet is unmistakable and always invokes a delightful panic. The weapon signatures are faithfully done and visceral in feel, and the voices are authentic. The graphics are just as detailed as the sound effects.

Bottom line: Play this game with a good sport, and as a good sport. Play it against an insecure teenager, or with the same attitude, and you will give up very shortly. As for the extreme difficulty, the latest patch (1.41) has added the ability to alter the difficulty in Cooperative play, but I will personally not play this game on any setting lower than Hard.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Sweet Jesus! It's MONDAY! I started playing this on FRIDAY!
Review: Vietcong is as realistic as the come.
Vietcong requires stealth and the element of surprise.
Fabulous maps.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: not what i expected
Review: for the last month and a half i have visited the vietcong website and i couldnt wait for it to come out. i ordered it 3 days before it came out. when i got it i opened it and it wouldnt load. this pissed me off enough. when i got my new copy i played it for 3 hours straight. it was kinda boring. i got to the tunnel rat level and that was so damn annoying i stoped playing. who the hell wants to walk around in tunnels for half and hour with no where to go and no one to really shoot. after beating this level i was pissed enough. i beat the entire game in 4 days and i was in school for most of the day. the game was too short and it was kind of pointless missions. i only replayed a few levels and these were no longer fun. this game is now collecting dust in my desk.

-my 6 month old computer made the sound the best it could be and this was still not $50 worth

-only real good thing in the game. yes it had a few bad images but its the jungle, complicated cant rat ont them for that

-who buys games for the guns, otherwise not too bad

-kinda boring, too much walking, not enough fighting

my only advice is dont buy this game unless it is 15 bucks or something.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The US dont know what there missing
Review: In short buy this game and buy it now, get a DSL connection and go play online.

The SP is very good but i only played that 4 months after buying the game, i bought this for rumbles in the jungle with real people no pc AI.

This is THE best MP game out at the moment. It has the *MAGIC* forumla that no matter how many times you play you just have to come back for more. Ok people argue "its got iron sights and its far too hard" then practice practice practice. It took me a while (a week ish) until i got the "ah i get it" spark and since then i have been hooked.

Note* practice on none VC mode servers(with cross hair) to start with, practice with each gun and each class then go back and practice some more.But dont blame me if this eats up 20hrs a week of your time.

There are only about 10 maps at moment(tho there the best designed ones ive seen) but there is a beta map editor out and maps from this will work with the 1.4 patch which is out v soon, the expantions due in Jan with even more guns and maps.Oh join a clan as clan games are the dogs dangleys.

Its sad to hear the US have not given this game the credit it deserves. Anyone who disagrees has simply not given enough time to the game, the more you put in the more rewards you reap. This is no run-gun-die game, it needs inteligence, stealth, cunning.Stream with 50 people needs to be experienced by all.

This makes Halo look and play like the original Doom.


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