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Asheron's Call: Dark Majesty Expansion Pack

Asheron's Call: Dark Majesty Expansion Pack

List Price: $19.99
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Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Little framework....just running around killing things
Review: I got Asheron's Call: Dark Majesty two days ago and am still running around confused(after many hours of gameplay). When I sit down at a game, I like to have some idea of what the game is about. The new player training is great: it's structured, you aren't just running around killing things, and you know what to do.

However, when you get into the game, except for a few quests all this goes away and you are left to "level-up" your character by mindlessly running around killing things. This is boring.

Diablo II, has an excellent storyline, structure, and actually makes you feel like what you're doing is for a reason or some goal; rather than killing just to get your character level up.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Definitely a great game
Review: Asheron's Call DM is a very worthwhile game. The game interface is easy to use, compared to others that I've seen and worked with a bit. (Can anyone say EQ?) And although the mages seem to be overpowering in the world, melees can still get along quite well. The only thing I'd wish to see more of is houses and quests that make different types of characters work together. Other than that, Asheron's Call is a very developed game with a good plot to keep us running each month at patch time.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: The Best MMORPG, but don't overplay it.
Review: This is a must have for any MMORPG players. Turbine has done an excellent job of providing a game that easily beats out Ultima, Anarchy, and Everquest. I wouldn't reccomend getting into it right now though, with the advent of Asheron's Call 2 coming this winter. It is extremely addicting, and I overplayed it, leaving me to stop playing the game a few weeks ago.

If you insist on playing, or your computer won't be able to handle AC2, I'd suggest trying the PK world to keep you from getting bored of the game, but probably only after learning the gameplay in one of the standard worlds. The PK world gives you much more exciting gameplay.

To sum up - I'd only suggest this if you already play the non-expansion version, or if you aren't planning on playing AC2. Either way, this is still an excellent game that Microsoft doesn't deserve to have their name on.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The Best Game in the world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Review: The game is the best you can ever find. it is a ever lasting game.you get to buy your own house. have patrons and vassals. kill monsters and people (if you are PK) go any where you want. you can pick what kind of char you want to be. Like Bow sword axe mage crossbow mace UA dagger staff. the only bad thing about it is that you have to pay [money each] month. other than that the Game it the best.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Yawn
Review: I played this for awhile because a friend had it but it was really boring. There were some good moments but it was mostly extremely tedious and worthless. Worst game I have bought it awhile and to think I actually payed monthly for it. I will not waste my money on another MMORPG again. BAH!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: WOW
Review: All I can say is, "WOW" this is the best Online RPG ever! I played Ultima Online, Everquest, Dark age of Camelot, Anarchy Online, and this is the best! You can do anything including hunt, be a homeowner, be a cook, alchemist, or fletcher, you can be a male or female character, the envirement is amazing, and eh everything about this game will make you drool including the allegiance system. You can even get your own apartment. The only drawback is the word "Gimp" in this game which means that ur characters skills and stats are bad hehe and that your character is weak but thats the only drawback. This is a must have game! I have been playing it since it came out in 1999 and im not even a tiny bit bored of it now, in fact im actually more addicted to it then I ever was before. And if you're a gamer who likes games with a good storyline then this is it, this gmae has an amazing storyline UNLIKE EQ and DAoC. Get this game! You must! You will be an addict for life or until AC2 comes out!

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: It's sooooo not Everquest
Review: Honestly people if you want to just goof around online go ahead and buy AC. When your ready to play a real online game it's prolly time to move on to Everquest. EQ offers a huge world with tons of characters and classes. Stop trying to invest your points in melee with a weenie human. Get a troll and bash some heads! EQ doesn't limit it's people to a linear world with no real flair. Experience the real thing buy EQ today simply search for Everquest on the above toolbar and buy your copy today!

Friends don't let friends play Asherons Call!

Rating: 5 stars
Review: If you've ever played Diablo II or any other RPGs (including Anarchy Online), Asheron's Call AND the expansion is far superior! A totally customized character! Fighting/patron/experience systems are sweet! well I do have to say that the melee fighting aint that great....well it's good if u have good buffs on ya but my friend, Arthell lvl 49 Solclaim, I've seen him fight in the Linvak Tukal...lugians...yes it's kinda boring when u have 3 extas on you and ur just attacking, stamina elixer, and healing kit...but then thats by himself! If you are in a party, it wont be that bad! Mages I would have to say that they are pretty unbalanced, but you have to make the perfect template to make him strong (i.e. OB Mage or Battlemage). And no this game will not be boring when u finished every quest in the game BECAUSE! There are 2 PK Arenas (I think there's 2) that you can go to and kill everyone there if you're strong enough! But there will always be someone stronger than you... unless you're a lvl 126 Battlemage! So this game CANT be boring!! IT'S THE GREATEST!!!! And the part about lag...not much problem if u have Cable or higher, I've never been kicked out unless my cable stops working for some reason.

The Pure Mage
Level 26 4-School (gonna make an OB mage when I get DM)

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Still The Best
Review: I've been playing AC off and on for nearly two years now. I routinely leave for a few months but am always drawn back simply because Turbine makes it new and exciting every month. There are many things wrong with AC but no more so than any other online RPG.


1) Customizability - Your character is unique. You choose eyes/forehead, nose, mouth/chin sections of your face. You choose hair length (or none at all). And, of course, you can have them wear any type of clothing or armor you want. All this leads to your character looking different from any other character. Moreso than any other online RPG, you can recognize someone exclusively by the way they look.

You can also train or specialize your character however you please. You are not restricted by anything but your imagination. Want a healing mage who can swing a sword and pick locks? Sure thing. How about a warrior who can unleash a lightning bolt? Go for it.

2) Patron System - Since you tend to solo a lot in this game, it really needed some kind of way to get people to interact. By becoming a Patron or Vassal, it's very easy and beneficial to meet people.

3) Choice between solo and group play - Many of us don't have time to spend getting a group together just to go out and lose everyone and not get anything done. Sometimes you just want to jump in and battle a vicious olthoi or a lumbering tusker and then log out feeling that you've accomplished something. This game allows you to do that.

4) Unique and changing monsters and story - Completely different and orginal is the world of Dereth. Every month there is a free patch that adds monsters, items, story line, etc. This keeps the game fresh and new.


1) Boring hack and slash is the same as always. Nothing has really improved upon this type of experience system. If you power level too much, you will get burnt out very quickly. The people are what make online games fun so be sure to sprinkle some downtime with friends in-between your power leveling.

2) Housing? Only for a few. There should have been a small room available to everyone who wants it. Then offer the houses rarely like they do now. Currently, less than 10% of the population has housing. That's sad.

3) Too much power in magic. In order to battle most things, you need magic. At high levels, a monster with magic will destroy a pure melee character easily. There is no defense for a character against magic.

4) Although you can make your characters skillset exclusively unique, you are gimping yourself to do it. There are only a few "templates" that allow you to do battle with the highest level monsters. Don't get me wrong, even if you don't have the best template, you can fight these monsters but you will have to be a much, much higher level to do so.

In conclusion, it's still the best online RPG out there for my money. This pack makes it better and it's a fantastic value.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: AC Dark Majesty: Review
Review: Great game. Although the ten dollars a month is a pain it is still great. Don't go to Marae Lassel unless lvl 35 or higher. Morningthaw kicks. warrior w/sword
-Chari-ohmorai Morningthaw Soldier lvl 16
find me in Hebian-to

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