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Die Hard (Five Star Collection)

Die Hard (Five Star Collection)

List Price: $26.98
Your Price: $24.28
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Good movie, good transfer
Review: I'll not waste anyone's time with a review of this movie, everyone's seen it by now. My comment on the DVD is: great. Even with my very basic home theater, I was able to enjoy the quality of the transfer. THX is my favorite of the surround systems, so I was glad to see that the producers used it for one of my favorite "kill 'em all" movies. The sound was clean and dynamic. The video was bright and sharp with only one little hitch (a stutter during the scene change) in one of the scenes with Argile (the limo driver). All-in-all and good effort.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Layers
Review: Is it just me or Die Hard Trilogy was produced using Dual Layers for the three films??? Could someone confirm this, because all the DVD sites are saying Single Layer (Check at 70:29 in the first movie, and you will understand)

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: "Die hard" the action movie to judge all others by
Review: Die hard has it all action ,suspense,and lotsa comedy.A great performance by willis and a incredible dvd awesome audio(AC-3) so dont crank it up to loud or your speakers might blow up! Hope your speakers can take it!!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Die Hard Is Over The Top Action and a Great Story
Review: Fast-paced action, heart-breaking action. A must see

Rating: 5 stars
Review: Yeah I'll admit it there are much better films out there, 'Raging Bull' and 'LA Confidential' are but two vastly superior films..but for me Die Hard is the ONE!! This is the film that got me into films in the first place, before this I was watching Arnold Schwarzenegger and Sylvester Stallone running around killing people,I'm sure many feel that Die Hard is no different but this film has a power and energy that showed me how good and enjoyable a film can be. Now this is like a really good album for me, if I'm bored and lost for something to do I just bung Die Hard on the video and I can do anything...like an album I don't always watch it but it is a comforting familiar background. Even after 11 years (I actually only saw it 6 years ago) it is as exciting and thrilling to me as ever, I have never seen another film that I can view as frequently and not get bored of it, that is a testament to how good a movie it is.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: "Die Hard" is the new name for action!
Review: Bruce willis is the bomb! Explosions, gunfire, and blood!!!Could it get any better?The audience moans in pain as bruce stumbles around barefoot through broken glass and cheers as he slaughters the bad guys! This is the best action movie to ever come out in 1988 and it is still #1 today!!! Terrorists beware! Bruce is Here!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Yippie Ki Yea Mother F****r
Review: Truly one of Bruce Willis' best performances of his career. I think that Die Hard is one of the best action movies of all time. Every Christmas Eve I sit down and watch Die Hard from beginning to end. And this past Christmas I noticed something, how old Bruce Willis looks. That is, in his recent films. In fact, I hardly could recognize him. Can't wait till Die Hard 4 comes out.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: One Of The Best Movies Ever Made
Review: Totally out of this world John McTiernan created a new genre when he made Die Hard and Bruce Willis is great they really knew how to spend those 28M in the budget lot of action--------------- 40 STORIES OF SHEER ADVENTURE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yippee ki-ya mother f*cker!!!!!!!!!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A good movie
Review: Wow, a great movie. Who knew that Jack Nicholson ordered the code red? Oh man, I thought they were guilty all along....what suspense!!!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: the watershed film of the action genre
Review: McTiernan's best film is slick and polished and simply the most important action film of the genre. With this film was ushered in a new standard for action and adventure movies. Despite a few weaker characters in the FBI and LAPD, this is more than made up for in Willis' smug, smirking performance and Rickman's wildly genuine, super-sophisticated Euro-terrorist. If you've seen an action movie made after 1988, chances are it was borne of the Die Hard mold--often imitated, never duplicated (even in two sequels).

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