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Battlefield: 1942

Battlefield: 1942

List Price: $19.99
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Rating: 5 stars
Review: This game is just too good and unbeleivable, it has no lag at all online, not even with a dial up connection so dont belive ppl who say it lags, the game is so good and you can do almost anything you woould in real life, like going to air/ground/naval units... AMAZING!

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: do they have omaha beach?
Review: I have the single player and it was great with very nice ai... however i found that there was one incredibly annoying bug, sometimes i dropped dead for no reason, other times i dropped dead and was shown a corpse from 3 minutes ago, as well as sometimes i wouldnt respawn, also long load times. but if ea can adress these bugs before the release i will gladly buy... just make sure to check out a magazine reveiw first.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Yeah there was lag, but . . .
Review: When I first downloaded the multiplayer demo, I found that there was a lot of lag. Even when connecting to servers where the ping was low. However, through experimenting, I found it was my computer. Strange even though I have a 1800xp athlon with 512 ddr. I was running with a geforce2 mx200. I had been in the market for a better video card (newer), and I bought a ATI Radeon 7500. After installing, I found that the lag had gone away. Maybe the lag issue comes from the fact that this game has extensive detail, and my previous card, which I must admit wasn't half bad, just couldn't keep up. Or maybe the code isn't kosher with NVidia. I'm not trying to promote ATI, certainly both cards are wonderful. I am just telling you what I did to fix my situation. Also, they have a multiplayer patch out now for ASE (All Seeing Eye) (Get it, its worth the [money]) ASE is definetly greater than game spy. The ping times are accurate! Oh and they have also promised a linux version, or client, in the making. (Hopefullly not another Neverwinter promise:)) So that was it. Get a new card, or hope that they optimize code for NV. This is an amazing game. Surely will set a standard. (BTW at 3am on a monday morning there were over 8000 people online playing! This is gaming madness!)

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Almost Amazing
Review: I'll be the first to admit that I'm a WWII nut, I've been playing Day of Defeat since 1.0 and play a lot of Jane's World War II Fighters. When I heard about Battlefield 1942, I was really hoping that it would fill the gap between those two games, perhaps with a little operation flashpoint thrown in. I was suprised, somewhat. The game is truely amazing, the graphics are good for an Online game and the action tends to be fast. The various vehicles are there and they are rather amazing. Between them and the classes you can play any role you want.

The good ends there.

My problems with the game are mostly the controls. They feel a little loose to me, especially in accuarcy. I've seen 2 people with automatic weapons circle each other firing constanly and hit absolutely nothing. After reloading twice, this constant strafing becomes ridiculous. Accuary is horrible with any weapon and can make the game a true nightmare. Another problem, albeit a more personal qualm, is that the sniper rifles only does 1 hit kills to the head. In addition to the absolutely horrendous reolad times on bolt action rifles, it makes sniping weak compared to the other options one has. The servers are sparse and hard to get into, they're all either laggy, empty, or full. Those that you can get into are swarming with newbies at the game, understandable, but many of them resort to team killing after about 3 minutes of frustration putting a dampener on everyone's fun. Also, THE GAME DOES NOT SUPPORT JOYSTICKS. The full game will I've heard, so this is a minot issues as well, but try telling that to the Jane's nut who can't even take off.

In any case, the game has great potential. If some of these issues are worked out in the final version, this will cause both my Jane's and Half-Life CD's to go unused.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Amazing potential, partially realized
Review: This game combines the best of many recent titles, from Tribes2 to Medal of Honor and adds in enough different vehicles to keep any die-heard gamer in training for weeks to master them all. The creators of similar games expect you to pay [price]/month for what this offers for free after you open the box, which will certainly have an impact on the MMPO market. The sheer number of different combination of maps, (each of which has their own subset of vehicles available to either side) vehicles and character classes will be guaranteed to make this a popular game for a long time! The game also has the courage to throw out the old gaming standard of running over a floating icon to increase ammo or health. You increase these by standing next to lockers or crates of equipment which cause an indicator to appear in the right side of the screen, and after a short time you automatically restock. The same system is used to take over control points - stand close to a flag and after a time it will turn neutral, and if no enemy units are within the flag zone it will soon turn to your side. In that way a single competent player can keep a spawn point from switching to enemy control by hiding in buildings nearby.

The game itself could be better though. The graphics requirements will make gameplay on anything less than a GeForce 4x00 or better card choppy, and even on a nice card the levels lack the detail or quality of effects seen in Return to Castle Wolfenstein. The processor requirement for servers is also quite a bit higher than other games - thankfully Digital Illusions has added an indicator in the multiplayer selection screen to let you know if the server is trying to host too many players so you can avoid the resulting mess. Even on a decent server some warping still occurs and can be most annoying when it causes you to miss with your limited ammo and very long reload times. Combat can be frustratingly (intentionally?) realisitic with a lack of good impact graphics to let you know if you are actually hitting your target and highly inaccurate weapons. Many of the long range weapons such as tank and ship cannons also have curiously short ballistic paths making targeting difficult. The UI system for respawning is clumsy and slow to respond, often missing a last second change in spawn points or class change and lacking automatic features to choose a spawn point for you if there is only one left.

Despite these problems, the game has serious potential to be game of the year thanks to its fast and furious gameplay and amazing variety of vehicles. Hopefully the creators will continue to work on some of the rough edges and also release more maps and map making tools for the public.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Best WWII game to date
Review: Speaking from having only played the Multiplayer demo, simply the best game I've ever played, and definitely the best WWII game. The best way to describe it in short order is as a cross between Medal of Honor, Team Fortress Classic, and WWII online (much larger scale than the two former, and smaller scale than the latter). There are no roleplaying elements though I hope they have a central score-keeping facility of some kind (I play Bif Powell, if you see me, say 'hey' :))

The best thing you can do is just download the multiplayer demo to get a taste of it, rather than take mine or other reviewer's words for it. That said, I have experienced little to no lag (cable modem), no warping or staggered movement, and the game seems very solid, with no crashes or freaky behavior in general, other than they could still use some work on the in-game server browser even after the MP patch. The graphics at highest settings are top-notch. Highly recommended.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: MP demo review, will update for full game
Review: Well, let's go straight into it.
The demo is on the Wake Island map which basically is a battle in the pacific where the japs storm an american held U-shaped island.
Since I lived in Japan for 2 years I chose the japs at first.

I spawned at the carrier and, well, I saw 2 planes. I've seen planes often in games, but the point is, I have never been able to USE one... So I went there and entered the plane. Happy I tried to lift off... And crashed ;-).

By that time my comrades had captured the island, so I decided to spawn there. When I spawned, right in front of me was a big, nice tank.
I entered it and started towards the american airport. Being a tankist was very fun. I felt very powerful. I could wipe any infantry man in one blast while being virtually invincible to them.
A few days later people got better when it came to killing tanks though and if I went into the pan with no infantry support I would die in a matter of seconds.

After some playing I actually learned to fly. Flying is very fun - you go into your zero, and then you zoooooom towards the enemy tank, you can hear the wind blowing, then at the last moment you pull up, let the bomb go and in 2-3 secs you hear BOOM! So much for the tank ;-).

There are jeeps, APCs, heavier tanks, bombers and fighters, artilerry (I saw a screenshot of the full game that includes... yes! Katyusha herself!), ships... Everything you need to wreak havoc.
The strange thing is that being an infantry man has its merits as well. Tanks usually need infantry covering them. Engineers are very useful since they can usually stop a whole convoy of tanks by themselves. Medics heal, scouts snipe... Every class has its role.

All this is done with one pretty good graphics engine. Now, the engine is heavy. There is a simple reason for that - it's beautiful. Everything from landscapes to planes and tanks is done in a very cool way.
In short, graphics are cool but heavy.

The sound is realistic I suppose, I've never been in WW2 and I don't want to be, except virtually ;-). The speech (when you give commands for example) is very well done... You should hear the japs swear when they are shot at ;-). I wonder how my old time favourites, the Russians are done ;-).

Well, that's it. This game is a must for any FPS lover OR WW2 gamer. Especially since Sudden Strike 2 is kinda dissapointing.

I will probably write a review for the game itself when it comes... Right now I recommend it, though to be honest I myself will wait for a few weeks to hear the comments...

But the game look VERY inspired, well-done, pretty and fun.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A well done 'combined arms' game
Review: This review is just based upon the demos (single and multiplayer).

Battlefield 1942 offers you the ability to run wild on the battlefield. The multiplayer demo offers a taste of each of the types of combat: Infantry, air, armor, sea. Infantry has several basic classes, and the other three categories offer a variety of vehicles to steal...er...use.

First off: The game looks and runs fantastic. I have a PIII-800 and it runs well. I know people with better machines, and they report it runs fantastic.

The first person shooter aspect runs fine. It isn't groundbreaking when compared to other contemperary FPSs, but it performs well.

The 'flight sim' aspect also runs fine. It seems geared more towards close air support, as high altitude winding air battles ain't happening...but I still feel like I'm 'flying' an aircraft. Strafing and bombing can't be described easily in words...dropping a bomb on an unsuspecting enemy ground troop was a priceless first in my gaming experience :)

The tank/armor/vehicle portion is STRONG. It isn't fancy, but it is fast and furious action, and provided (for me) the most nerve wracking and exciting moments of the game.

The sea aspect of the game scores a little lower than the rest. It just feels a little 'cheesy.' It is hardly a surface warfare game, but then again, it never claimed to be. There is ample opportunity to put sea power to use. The destroyer in the demo MP game made for an excellent bombardment platform. Once you get over the fact that a single man can control a destroyer/carrier, it is rather fun. However, most players tend to ditch the ships for tanks/planes, as they offer more exciting ways to smite your opponents :)

For sheer gameplay, BF1942 scores all 5 stars easily. I have wasted many hours online, every moment of which was exciting and fun. The gameplay is fast, balanced, and easy to jump right into. It also runs great online, and I played in games with a server ping up to about 170, and it was hardly noticable.

My *ONLY* negative comment on the game is the 'realism' claim. In order to make it a fast, furious and easy game to get into, EA had to (understandably) simplify things quite a bit. Clearly, and engineer can't repair a destroyer in 20 seconds (as I was able to do in the Demo). Aircraft in real life can't buzz airfields and pickup teammates on the fly. There are several other examples, none of which take away from the game at all, but are hardly realistic.
The other realism complaint is the weapons and vehicles inventory they are advertising on the webpage. There was a missed opportunity to provide more historically accurate weaponry...specifically, the Russians had plenty of potential weapons that aren't reflected in the game (i.e. the PPsH40, a superb SMG). The final game isn't out yet, so they may very well have added more specific weapons/vehicles (or do a patch later).

Overall, my minor complaints have nothing to do with the actual gameplay. Grab hold and hang on for a gameplaying experience you'll not soon forget!

Rating: 5 stars
Review: Every few years or so, a game is introduced which totally revolutionizes gaming. For example, remember what Half-Life did for the first person shooter genre? Battlefield 1942 is such a game.

When the PC version of Medal of Honor (Electronic Arts) was released in late 2001, I and many other gamers immediately realized that game design had just taken both a technical, as well as an artistic, leap forward. No doubt, Medal of Honor raised the bar substantially.

But, when EA and DICE released their much anticipated multiplayer demo of Battlefield 1942, it became immediately evident that PC game design had dramatically pushed the envelope of both artistic and technical achievement. This game is so different, so awe inspiring, so technically advanced that I predict it will do more than just raise the bar - it will change gaming forever. In fact, it is so different, that I hesitate to call it a game, I'd prefer to call it a battlefield simulation!

The incredible complexity of Battlefield 1942's game engine is what is most fascinating. Think about the gameplay experience that is available in this Battlefield simulation:

All four major WWII theaters of operation!

More than 30 vehicles to ride, fly, or float around in, including surprisingly realistic look and feel of the original jeeps, tanks, and aircraft!

The Bad Guys (Axis) and Good Guys (Allies) in all their glory!

All of the classic WWII weapons!

Gameplay experiences that are both exciting, realistic, and true to the original experience!

State of the art graphics engine!

There is no other way to say it - this game is destined for greatness! Write it down in the history books - Battlefield 1942 is more than a noteworthy and significant event in the annals of gaming - it's a legend in the making!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A Demo of Battlefield 1942
Review: I got a demo of this game from PC Gamer magazine. It only had one level on it then, but now you can get the beta which has two. Even being just one level this game was great. I've played it for hours and am very happy with it. It has great graphics, not the best, but still very good. You can play as either Axis or Allies in this game and may control many tanks and other vehicles, or just run around on the ground. I have only two concerns about this game: the first being that for the demo, the game needed at least an 800mhz processor, 256mb of ram, and only supported Geforce based graphics cards with nVeiw technology or cards powered by ATI's Catlyst. I have a brand new ATI Radeon 9000 pro with 128mb of memory and it works great on this card (it's made by Powercolor). I hope EA will make it work on more PCs, especially slower ones with less memory and older cards. If they don't, then I don't know if the game will sell much because not a large number of people will be able to support the game.
My other concern is that the game developers say that the game can support up to 64 players, but I don't know if this will work and if it does will it be too slow? I hope this helped you. I'm trying to decide if I should order it or not.

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