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Battlefield: 1942

Battlefield: 1942

List Price: $19.99
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Game has so much to offer-Redefintion of replay value
Review: Throughout this whole game, the different levels all pose a challenge. Being able to control any vehicle you see is the best way to have fun in the levels. This game has by far the highest replay value of any first-person shooter multiplayer game. This game is Medal of honor to the next level. WOrth buying and worth playing.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Amazing
Review: I have got this game on demo and i have 2 say as a dedicated games player this beats all!i used to be glued to Counterstrike but now i hardly play it!withonly one level on the demo and im adicted to it i cant wait to see what the fullgame is like it should be AWSOME!Any way buy this it a grate game!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Nothing short of amazing
Review: Battlefield 1942 is absolutely incredible. The graphics are gorgeous, the gameplay is great, the sound is amazing. This game also has a free-rooming type of feel to it in its multiplay. there are over 30 different machines to command, pilot, and conquer. There are several different aircrafts and tanks and ships for players to use based on a well rounded assortment of WWII-based maps. I'm buying this game the day it comes out. I suggest you do the same.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: One word: Wow.
Review: Holy hell this game (as far as the MP Demo goes) is awesome. The troop combat (on foot) is a bit rough but that is the only flaw i think :) (that and the hellishly unstable servers). No greater thrill than to hop into a Japanese zero and kamikaze into the waiting mustangs at the Allied airfield or taking a troop transport boat full of friends and tipping it over for no reason. D/l the demo, you'll love it. Then buy the game. You'll love that too. (Whenever it comes out). BTW, im a 56k user, so even I get great thrill from this :D

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: A good premise, bad execution
Review: I will only give you the negative comments in this review. In Multiplayer, whether you join an FF server, you will be surrounded by people who have no clue how to do anything and of course the few TK'ers that ruin the fun. Lag is horrible, even with a ping of 35ms you would warp around frequently, and once you climb down a ladder on a moving ship you have a 1 out of 5 chance of warping out of the ship in to the ocean. Lag is horrible, I must stress this. Also, the weapons are uneven among different classes, and the poor accuracy combined with lag causes people to run around in circles shooting and reloading most of the time.

This could all be fixed by some updates, but as of now those are the main problems in multi-player.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The next big step in multiplayer gaming.
Review: The multiplayer demo of this game, which just has 1 map, 2 sides, and not all of the vehicles from each of those sides, has already proved to be extremely addicting and fun to play. There's just so much you can do and so many possibilities, since you can jump into and out of any vehicle instantly and play as one of 5 infantry classes. Even your infantry class selection is flexible, because you can quickly drop your current kit and pick up a dead infantry's kit from the ground, effectively changing your infantry class on the fly. Also, the weapons and vehicles are all very well balanced. For example: the rocket that the bazooka/anti-tank infantry class fires doesn't do much damage to infantry, unless if it's a direct hit. This makes players have to choose the best kit for what they want to do, and ,unlike Quake and other action games, rocket launchers wont dominate all aspects of combat. They are, however, good at what they're meant to do: destroy tanks, with their shaped-charge explosives. Just the way everything fits together is so beautiful, and there's always a counter for every weapon and vehicle. The gameplay is so open ended that you can get pretty creative. I've done things throwing all my explosive packs into a japanese jeep (as an engineer), getting my detonator ready, driving to an enemy base or battle, jumping out of my jeep and letting it roll into the middle of enemies, and then blowing it up to get a few kills (especially when they get inside to drive it while my explosives are still in it, hehe) and other crazy things. Also, the demo has already become the 2nd most played game on GameSpy, beating all others except Half-Life (which has a ton of mods since it's been out so long). The system requirements may be a little steeper than some other games, but it is well worth it, and the game runs beautifully. (I can run the demo, all graphics options maxed at 1024x768 32bit, on my athlon 1.4 ghz 512mb ram GeForce4 ti4200 128mb at a smooth and high framerate) The models are very well detailed, you can see the eyes on the infantry moving and blinking, and their mouthes opening and closing. The level of detail system allows this by scaling down the polygon counts and stuff as vehicles and infantry get further away from you, and increasing details as things get closer to you, so there's no wasted visual performance. This game is like many games in one, and has something for everyone that likes action or war games. My favorite genres are action games and flight sims, and the way this game mixes it all together, in an accessible, balanced, and action packed sort of way, is perfect.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: BF1942 is a GREAT GAME!!
Review: I have to say that Battlefield 1942 is a great game!!
BYW- It does work on Win 2000 contrary to what it says here!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: AMAZING
Review: That word is all I need to describe this game. The sheer beauty and the ability to do WHATEVER you want is incredible. I'll give you a brief sample of what I did in just ONE round.

1) I spawned as an engineer, and immediatley jumped into a Mustang and began to dive bomb the Jap aircraft carrier. Eventually, a Jap fighter got into a dogfight with me. We were flying right at each other and i'm thinking "OMG we're goign to crash!!!" and at the last second we both tilted to the right and flew RIGHT past each other. If you remember the "chicken" scene from Pearl Harbor it was EXACTLY like that. That goes down as the coolest thing I've ever done in a video game, period.

2) A guy in a battleship was doing very well with his point-defenses and kept shooting me down. So when I respawned I hopped in a jeep, drove to a coastal battery, and blew his precious battleship to bits :).

3) On my way back, a few of my men were tied down by a Jap tank, so being an engineer, I snuck up to the tank, placed a landmine, and blew it to hell.

4) I then took a sherman tank, and together with my fellow gunner, we proceeded to wreak havoc on Japanese ground troops, fun fun!

5) Using the Mustang, I flew over the Jap aircraft carrier, jumped out, parachuted on to it, ran up to the control room, and ran the thing aground, making it easy for my teammates to take out Japs respawning.

that's just a BIT of what i did (i don't have enough room for everythign) so do yourself a favor and DL the demo!!! (I think I won't be playing CS for quite a while now!)

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: AWSOME...no other word describes!
Review: Absolutely the best. Great game play. Great graphics. More fun than you can believe. Got to have this game.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Great game, but the platform spec is wrong
Review: This is possibly a Counter Strike hier. It has all the potential, only the future will tell. Anyway it rocks. I've been playing the beta, singleplayer demo and multiplayer demo and they where all great :-)

But the platform specs are wrong, it should be:
Windows 98, Windows Me, Windows 2000, Windows XP.
Windows 95 and Windows NT are not supported.

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