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Battlefield: 1942

Battlefield: 1942

List Price: $19.99
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Updated Review of Retail Version
Review: My earlier review discussed only the multi-player demo, which is still available from the Electronic Arts Battlefield 1942 website. This is an update which reflects one week of online gaming with the full version.

This is the game WW2 shooter fans have been waiting for. Not only can you pilot every single vehicle in the game (aerial, naval and mechanized), but you can also choose the style of play you prefer based on the map you choose to play in a given session. Want in your face action without those annoyingly accurate pilots (aka - me)? Fire up the Stalingrad or the Battle of the Bulge maps, no planes on those. Sick of the infantry combat grind and looking for a change of pace? Play the Midway map, where ship to ship combat rules the day. Want everything? Play Bocage, Guadalcanal, Iwo Jima, etc... . I think you get the idea. All in all there are 16 beautiful maps which fall into the above categories, which gives this game a replay value that is beyond measure. And oh yeah, it's pretty freakin' fun too!

To the reviewers who say this game is choppy/laggy, poorly executed, has mediocre graphics I sympathize with you. But I will say it is probably time for you to update your PC if you choose to purchase games of this caliber. Admittedly, I am running this on a high-end system (Pentium 4 2.0, Geforce 4 TI 4600) with a cable modem, so I have absolutely none of those problems and have to say that with the proper system this game is the most visually impressive WW2 multi-player shooter I have ever seen (yes, it even beats MOHAA and Wolfenstein). The view distances, the map sizes, and visual details of the building exteriors and interiors (such as the church in the Battle of the Bulge level, incredible) are amazing.

Bottom line, the best online first person shooter available.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: [great] war game
Review: This is the most amazing and realistic war games I've ever played. The demo is a work of art. Fly planes, drive boats (including Aircraft Carriers and battleships), drive tanks, jeeps, and all kinds of vehicles. Instead of just going by plane or ground, you can do multiple things. I would say this game is a combination of Medal of Honor: Allied Assault (foot battles) Command and Conquer Renegade (vechicles) and Crimson Skies (similar air battles). I highly recommend this game when it comes out.

Rating: 5 stars
Review: OK I DLed the demo and the Wake Island patch, which added Wake Island map, airplanes, jeeps, ships, etc. IT OWNS! I love being a japanese zero and dive bombing the amerikansi. this game is so beautiful and not laggy. its funner then pretty much everything ive ever played. The game is arcadey, yet realistic,but its not a sim by a long shot. That is great, becuase it isnt tedious like Op Flash Point or WW2 Online,b ut its fun like MOHAA, DOD and Tribes 2. This is honestly the best game ive played in years. I definetly will buy this, and so should you...

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: World War 2...need I say more?
Review: The place...Europe and the Pacific...the backdrop...the world at war! In Battlefield 1942 the action of the Second World War comes to life. Take command of an infantry soldier and from their, build your own image of war! Jump into the seat of a Sherman, grab a jeep, hop into the cockpit of a Me-109, sail a battleship, or just remain as a soldier on foot wreaking havoc on the enemy! This game lets you do it all, the game play system makes even the most computer inept people masters at the game, no realism to deal with, jump out of your plane and parachute to the ground, commandeer an enemy tank and roll down the road plastering anything you see! Once your number is up...do it again!

After the debacle that was World War Two Online, many of the WW2 gamers fell away from the respected titles that followed, and Battlefield 1942 offers the same that WW2OL offered, but this time it doesn't intend on making the same mistake! There will be no pay-to-play requirement (no need for internet at all with the bot program!) The game gives a reliable system that will allow the player to achieve what they really play these games for in the first place...to have fun!

The game will get people back into World War 2 and will have them begging for more! Though the game is labeled "1942" it takes place at any given time during the war, with technology that would have existed not until 1944, but there is no need to look down on the game for such a small oversight! The battles that you fight in will be ones that any WW2 aficionado will recall with little trouble, Tobruk, Stalingrad, Normandy, Market Garden, Midway, Guam, and fictional Pacific and European battlefields to boot! The game also sports a single player campaign as a sort of introduction to how it works as well as recognizing the fine AI the game employs.

There is no ten minute walks to get in the fight, no time consuming loads after you die, no technical capture points systems, or realistic vehicle specifications. You play the game like any game, point and click, watch and enjoy! With the World War 2 backdrop, this game will reintroduce the word "war" to the gamers vocabulary with whole new meanings...I hope you will enjoy this game as much as I will!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Finally a WWII online
Review: The dream game has come. Battlefield 1942, a WWII game playable rather online or single player. And it's better than that other junk: BAM BAM - uh oh my life is halfway down. This is actually REAL, 1 to 3 normal shots from maybe a pistol will kill you. Besides the pistols, there are possibly any war weapon or vehicle you can think of. Let's take a look.


Outstanding. 8/10 maybe? Really good grpahics that make the game look absolutley real.


The guns firing and walking and everything else gives me one word to say: REAL


This is the best part...you can snipe people or run and kill them. (hmm, I want to blow up this guy....BOOM!! muahaha you dead)

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Good...but no missions really
Review: This game is for people who just want an arena to fight in. The game contains no real mission and therefore no scripting. The absence of scripting can be good because it basically deletes predictability. I, for one like having a mission. I know I gave it 4 stars... but it's closer to a 3.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: My Favorite Multiplayer PC Game
Review: A Very Excellant Game... <br /><br />The bad:<br />Single player mode AI is lousy. Not very bright. Your comrades are oblivious to your orders, doing as they wish when they want. EA has been guilty of putting out some poor patches with sound and graphic card compatability issues, but, are quick to correct them. Finally, the learning curve is a bit steep at first and can get frustrating especially during multiplayer mele. Ventrillo not included in the game interface.<br /><br />Now on to the good: (far outweighs the bad)<br />Superb realistic graphics with great sound. An open battlefield environment leads you to endless possibilities in order to reach your objectives, which are basically take flag points and hold them if you can. You can drive and fight in numerous vehicles..tanks, planes, jeeps, apv, ect. Multiplayer mode is intense. Teamwork wins your battles. Provide fire support and eliminate enemy positions with defguns or artillary from ships. Scouts snipe and spot for artillary. Pilots provide air support. Infantry supports armor. You get the picture. Communication is a breeze via game chat or ventrillo on servers who support it. Game interface also provides an ample menu of general battle comands at the touch of a key. History relived:) <br /><br />So much more to tell, but, must return to battle.<br /><br />Cya on the battlefield<br />SSgt Thumper<br />P.S. EA...Battlefield 1942 blows away Battlefield Vietnam. Don't be so rushed to change great things. Do better on Battlefield 2.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: World War II in a box!!! (Yes it is buggy... needs work)
Review: ** Get the most complete Battlefield 1942 Game with add-ons by choosing Battlefield 1942: World War II Anthology. If it is not available then you need to get the three games in this pack - Battlefield: 1942, Battlefield 1942 Expansion: The Road to Rome and Battlefield 1942: Secret Weapons of WWII Expansion Pack that work out a little more expensive. Battlefield 1942: Deluxe Edition has 1942 original and Road to Rome. So all you need with the Deluxe Edition is to get Secret Weapons. To be honest the steepest it works out at is. The Anthology is $30.00 and is the same price as the Deluxe Edition plus Secret Weapons. Getting all three separately will cost you nearly $40.00 so get the best deal in bundle packs.**

Want to play the best war simulation? Go play the old Operation Flashpoint and pray that the spring 2006 Operation Flashpoint 2 deadline will be met with the best war multiplayer simulator ever conceived. Want to play a single player war game that matched the experience of Medal of Honour: Allied Assault? Then go play Call of Duty and get the expansion pack Call of Duty: United Offensive. Want to the play the best SWAT type tactical one on one? Then go get Half-Life 2 and play Counter-Strike. Fancy a futuristic sci-fi multiplayer with huge maps? Then get the latest Unreal Tournament. So what else is there? Well to be honest Battlefield 1942 is straight up probably one of the best multiplayer games I have played, but be warned, the simulation experience does call for infinite amounts of patients and the game is extremely buggy to install. There is very little good technical support except for what the community offers, updates can be patchy, people end up can't playing it, and it suffers from fatal spawn point easy target syndrome that has rendered many of the maps unplayable... however new maps are updated, but just don't expect the BF1942 community to be as responsive as let's say STEAM. The bottom line here is that even single player mode is not supported. The game comes pretty much as it is served so expect to spend more than a day, maybe a week, to get it to work on your machine with lots of google searches for your problem. The solutions should be found in forums troubleshooting guides. Be prepared for discs that don't appear to like firewalls, anti-virus checkers and other background processes. This is the game of games in terms of installation bugs and crashes. In short - Requires broadband INTERNET.

Single player like we said is not supported. Multiplayer is one big CAPTURE THE FLAG, but what a game of CTF! Problem right away is the lack of classes that looks restrictive but it is actually okay, with five types of soldiers to choose from - sniper, machine gun, rockets, medic, engineer... so it is closer to Team Fortress than Operation Flashpoint that allows full configuration of up to twenty classes. Having said that it does not reduce the impact of the game, but does leave the realm of simulation, deviating into more Unreal Tournament territory where there is very real possibility of just leaving your team behind and going on a frag-a-thon across the map. If you are into that sort of thing then maybe the more recent, but certainly not as good, Battlefield Vietnam, can offer you that type of solo bush mission multiplayer experience like Far Cry with lesser graphics, but if it is Pearl Harbor, Petersburg, German Forests, French Country, Operation Overlord, multiplayer style, where you can pilot lots of vehicles, and use a little team commands, then sir, Battlefield 1942 is really what you should be playing across that 1MB connection you got jacked into that modem.

So limiting by its nature of being a multiplayer only game, with a difficult install, that is quite old'ish by today's standards, still manages to provide the best World War II multiplayer entertainment you have ever seen with Operation Flashpoint beating it for realism and detail as a simulation, but this is the war game that people play online, and it still has quite a large community, meaning plenty of 60 (30/30) servers are still up and running with Battlefield 2 coming out sometime in 2005 (hopefully early) you can still live with getting this just because it offers world war II as you want to play it, on-line. I must say that even though I am an avid CS:S player, this one has stolen it for a bit. Battlefield 1942 really is worth it, after you get it running, and after you have the patients to actually play it like a solider ---- crawl for 2 minutes before sniping 3 enemy over the space of 10 minutes with guys above you on a score of 44... patients is the virtue while playing this if you want to win.... Or if you have the skill, grab a bomber and go drop some bouncers on a spawn building for mass kill. Personally I prefer to play to the sneaking sniper. You know I 0wned u. 

- Multiplayer must-have.
- Fairly realistic simulation experience that you will play again and again.
- The only World War II simulation worth playing on-line right now.
- Good game engine. Solid playing.
- Replaces Operation Flashpoint as best on-line war simulation game.
- Really big player numbers of servers.

- Harsh reality of enduring install problems and updates.
- Expensive.
- Needs broadband.
- Spawn points have exploit bugs.
- No voice-com.
- Not much of a team communication interface either.
- 2002 graphics... but still nice. Models need work.
- There is a bit of a learning curve.
- Not as vast as Operation Flashpoint.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: It will not run and there is no tech support
Review: This game looks like it should be fun, but it has just been 4 hours of frustration. I have a recent Sony Pentium P4 computer, a NVIDIA RIVA TNT 64 video card, the latest DirectX, 512 megs RAM, lots of disk space and it won't run. There is no help in the website or read me files. AND NO EMAIL ADDRESS FOR QUESTIONS OR FEEDBACK. Don't buy this.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Laginness + waste of money + no single player = This game
Review: I disagree with all those who tell you not to get this game if you are only interested in playing this game as a single player. I only play games off the internet and as a single player. I got the game only after much delay and looking at many reviews, worried that I might be disappointed. I am very happy that I overcame my doubts and finally got the game. I have been playing it with great zeal and determination for hours on end! I do not find it boring at all! I love the variety of missions it offers all around the globe. and the option to play either side: Allies or Axis. I love the ability of going from a sniper to a tank and then to a bazooka. The game is realistic, but not over gory - which I like. It is only a game after all! I do admit that there is a thrill of seeing the victim of your sniper rifle fall down in a heap with one shot or seeing an enemy tank getting blown sky high by your own tank or bazooka. However, I would have liked the single player to have had the options for endless ammo and another option for becoming practically invulnerable (Forgotten Battles and Pacific Fighters has these buttons). This would allow for an action packed game without the hassle of looking for ammo and then reloading and also being spawned - all this eats up so much time. Also I wish they had a button for fast running mode for my player so that I could get him to a far off destination quickly, and another button to access a tank/halftrack/jeep/plane/etc immediately. Aside from my personal preferences I can't recommend this game enough to SINGLE PLAYERS who enjoy a seemingly real live arcade shoot out war game. I just ordered the 2 expansion packs: Road to Rome and Secret Weapons to enjoy this game even more. I love the thrill of the action, the sound and video effects which are pretty close to the real thing. I guess I must be on a different wave length from those others who put down the single player part of this game - OR ELSE - the multiplayer mission MUST really surpass the single player experience by leaps and bounds which is really great for those playing multiplayer.

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