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Age of Empires 2: Age of Kings

Age of Empires 2: Age of Kings

List Price: $19.99
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Rating: 3 stars
Summary: It is fun...
Review: It is fun, and the campaigns are ok and it is really good with some friends to play multi-player, but it gets boring.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Awesome strategy game
Review: I was never a fan of strategy games, especially after seeing the excitement of FPS games. Probably I never had the patience to sit in front of the computer for hours and not see any real action.

Then I discovered Age of Empires II. This game is really cool. The best part of it is that it actually provides real training online rather than some sucky manual (try playing simcity 3000, you will know what I mean).

This game can be played for hours without getting bored. The AI is farily good, especially if you jack up the plang level to hard. At the same time, beginners can get the feel of the game in 'easiest' mode.

It also has different civilisation with different tools and features (even their languages sound different). Sometimes it is a bit unfair (the teutons are really heavily loaded with features), but if you play cleverly, then you can be a real threat to anyone.

Another great part is the different tools and technologies avaible. They can greatly enhance the fighting powers of your people. Be sure to do a lot of research in order to make use of these powerful enhancements.

It is also a very education game as it teaches us to use resources in the most optimal way possible. Plus it has a history section with a description of various civilizations, way of living, technologies, warfare etc. (Probably Microsoft got a lot of help from Encarta here)

Parents dont need to worry about buying this game for their kids since the violence is minial and not very realistic. There is not a lot of blood and gore either.

Overall, an excellent buy.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The Whole Game is Splendid!!!
Review: Age of empires 2 is the best RTS or game I have ever played,
First I had the orginal AOE then got persuaded to buy AOE2 and
now I am hooked on it!
The best thing about AOE2 is the gameplay and the wide range of chooses you can make, different technolgies, different unit
and great AI management. There was a great improvemnt in AI,
in AOE the AI was like playing with a dead person, when you
want to have some tribute, your allies never give you
any. But in AOE2 the AI player ask or send tribute, sometimes
they ask for certain amount of tribute and then they turn into
your! The gameplay is great so much options to choose from
like changing diplomacy, setting attacking mode, making formations and trading.
The graphics was one of the best in RTS, the units the buildings are all very finely detailed. Especially the scale
between the buildings and units. It's like real life! The campaigns were great, I can tell many more but...
but if you liked the orginal and cossacks you would definitely
love Age Of Empires 2.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The Best of the Age of the Empire collection
Review: Age of the Empire: Age of Kings is the better of the three launched versions of Age of the Empires. With great graphics, more options and greater control of your game, Age of the Empires allows the player to control what kind of game they like. Unlike the original version of Age of the Empires you can increase your total population to up to 200, which many times is what is needed in order to achieve world domination. One hint, you must have a very fast proccessor in order to play the game smoothly.

The campaigns on this set are incredible and allow you to progress from the simplest and basic rules of the game into a situation where you are incredibly out-numbered and you have to resort to every strategic bone in your body to win.

The only downside is there is not as much control as I would like when it comes to making your own campaigns/scenarios. The fun part of that the heroes from the campaigns can actually be put into your scenario. William Wallace, Joan of Arc and even King Richard the Lionhearted.

I would recommend this to anyone who likes strategy games. But mind you, patience is a virtue and be careful to whom you make your allies and who says they want to be your ally!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: pretty good game
Review: this is good game. Some people compare this game to Empire Earth. come on! desinger of Age of empire 1 made that game so it has to have improvement. I think aoe2 is good game and good game play. they need to work on graphic little but other then that everything is fine.
so don't refuse to buy this game. i like games that made by microsoft personally.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Most Amazing and Fantastic
Review: This game intices beyond comprehension. Superb and exciting. A Strategist heaven.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Great fun
Review: It's no wonder that this game was rated "Game of the Year" by USA Today. And although the honor was bestowed upon it a while back, it still holds true today.

For those of you who have played or own the first award-winning Age of Empires, I can assure you that the upgrade is well worth the money. And with rebates, you can get the game for what, about $10 now? I will share some of the updated features that make the game more enjoyable and why you should buy it.

The gameplay is much better. As you probably know, in the first Age of Empires, you could only build one unit at a time per building, and the "Rise of Rome" expansion only allowed you to build multiple units of the same type. The Age of Kings allows you to que multiple units of different types, up to a maximum of 15 at a time.

The units are also able to move much easier. As it was easy in the first version to block and trap your own units with buildings, The Age of Kings makes sure that your units can always find a way through.

There are also features that allow you to set the stance and actions of your units. For example, you can set units to guard another unit, to patrol, and to follow an enemy unit at long range. You can also set to aggressive, defensive, stand ground, and no attack stance.

The units, and especially the villagers, work and move much faster, which I have found as a huge plus.

The graphics are much better, more detailed, and the motions of the units are better.

This game is like RollerCoaster Tycoon, SimCity, and Command and Conquer all rolled into one. What a great combination! If I can give you one piece of advice, I would say to buy this now.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The best game ever
Review: It gives you totall controll of everything. It is awsome destroying your enemies. If you dont have this game its a must have.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Fun single player mode, multiplayer is lacking.
Review: To be fair, I'll sell you on what its audience enjoys. Then I'll throw in my opinion. There are two Real Time Strategy genres out there: Starcraft and Age of Empires. Everything else can be linked to these two games, and anything preceding it isn't very good RTS.

AOE is nothing like Starcraft. It's slower, more defensive, requires more muscle and less craftiness to win. If you like to take it easy, this game is for you. It does have nice graphics, more upgrades, more resources, allows bigger armies, and has walls.

The negatives? It doesn't have a lot of variance, each race you use is almost identical, the computer's AI is terrible, the micromanagement is way too clumsy, tactical maneuvers are kept to a minimum, strategy is not as comprehensive as in other RTS's, and units are very slow.

It does have a professional gaming crowd with it, but so does Starcraft, and in my opinion Starcraft is a greater challenge.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Age of Kings
Review: This game is quite a step up from the original Age of Empires game. The graphics are a hundred times better, and game options increase, also. Aside from the goal of the game and basic actions, II is very different, and much better than the original game. Campaigns improve, and there are all sorts of animals. This game is a little confusing for someone who hasn't already had Age of Empires.

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