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Age of Empires 2: Age of Kings

Age of Empires 2: Age of Kings

List Price: $19.99
Your Price: $19.99
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Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Good For Real Time Addicts
Review: There`s no denying that AOE 2 is a great game . I have spent many a sleepless night staying up playing it . One word of warning: Don`t download any cheats from the internet !. I did this and it spoiled most of the challange of the game because I could award myself unlimited resources and arm myself with machine gun toting sports cars !

As good as the game is I could only award it 4 stars because I prefer turn based strategy games like CALL TO POWER . I also found the terrains a bit too similar for my liking . But if play turn based strategy games you`ll like AOE 2. If you play real time strategy games you will love AOE 2

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Best game of its kind since AOE
Review: This game is definately the funnest strategy game i have played ever played. There are 13 different clans you can chose from and each one as a special character that cannot be chosen with any of the other clans. There are many different types and classes of cavalry, archers, infantry, monks, siege, and ships. for all of these you can get upgrades to strengthen your army and try to face the enemy. One of the many great things about this game is, is that you cannot win with just one type of soldier, you need to mix up all your forces and fully upgrade them. You also need to keep up with building your town and fighting and cannot just pick one and concentrate on one thing which can be very hard at times and cause you to lose. I have only been playing this game for a short time and have found it difficult but endless fun. There also are 20 or more campaigns and you can chose to play single player or when you think you are good you can test your skills over the internet against other worthy opponents. You can also create your own scenarios and campaigns which is very fun. I would reccommend this game too anyone who enjoys a good challenge or just really likes strategy games. I hope you chose to buy this title over many others because you will not be dissappointed.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Damn Good
Review: This, for me at least, is the forth-best game this year, behind Homeworld, Unreal Tournament and Counter strike. This means that it's a definite must buy on my list, however I have it, so that makes it a must buy for you.
It is a great sequel to AOE1

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: An all round great game
Review: This is a fun, thought provoking game that will have you playing for hours. This game can be played by almost anyone. You can either put a lot of effort into planning your next move against the enemy or just barge your way on through. The only downside is that over time this game becomes a little boring with having the same buildings and people. But there is a solution. The expansion pack is also an excellent game and it just adds to your now experienced game stragedies. Both games are highly recommended

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Good, but takes too much time
Review: Indeed, this game is really STRATEGY. Or as close as the games got to it yet. I mean, take WarCraft II, for example. The strategy there is to build as many units as possible, and kill your enemy. Here in Age of Empires all different tactics are possible, and it's cool! The bad part is that one game takes too long. On average, a WarCraft game takes no more than 60-90 mins. For AOE, 60-90 mins is the average time for a game...

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Age of Empires 2 Review
Review: I thought that Age of Empires was an extremely good game. I would have liked to name it a 4 1/2 star rating but the computer didn't have it.I like it because it has so many civilizations that you can play with. My favorite is the Chinese. It also has campaigns that you can do that have many famous people. There is also a map editor that allows you to make certain maps that you can play on. There are three ways to play the first is a regicide which you want to catch the king. The next is a death match which is when you have to destroy everbody and everything. The last one is campaigns which is when you have to do what the computer says. THe one bad thing about the game is that it may take a little time to understand everything. You can't just sit down a play easliy. I would suggest using the handbook. Overall, I would have liked to give it a 4 1/2 but the computer didn't have it. I also thought that it was a really good game and is definetly worth its money.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: the best has arrived
Review: one of the best games for computer.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Hope You Are Retired With Lots of Time
Review: What a piece of junk! The 2D graphics and pitiful special effects (fire, smoke) aside, this game would have some potential if it weren't so hard to win. The easy level you can master after a few attempts, but I have failed the moderate level after more than a dozen attempts. In addition, I had to micro-manage soldiers and workers. Soldiers would not recognize an enemy from a few feet away, and workers had to be told to chop wood every once in a while because they periodically forgot what they were instructed to do. The historical realism is also questionable, at least on the lower levels. Every building looks the same way on each side, which I don't find terribly educational. If you do want this game, make sure you download the trial first. And don't say I didn't warn you.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The best Real Time Strategy Game I have Ever Played
Review: I love Age of Empires II. It is easliy one of the greatest RTS's in gaming history. Every review I myself have read of this game had said it was incredable. I agree completly. A faboulous game, I recomend fans of the first Age of Empires to buy this right away, and get the expansion too. There are no words to describe how awesome this game is.

Some Details on the Game:
The greatest part about this game is what they added. There are now many more units, buildings, and technologies than in the last game. The finer additions to AOE II are the unique units, castles, and gates. Each civilization has a special unit that is actually a unit that exsited in that civilization. Take the Briton's logbowmen for example. The logbow archers were the elite archers in the army of england during that time period. The English were feared during the middle ages for the masses of longbow archers. An the Mongolian's spcial horse archers. The lightly armored horse archers was an innovative tactic actually used by Ghengis Kahn. He used it to conquer most of Eurpoe and Asia. So there is a lot of historical base to the game.

The addition of other units and gates has improved the game tremendously. Gates have made a full defense system possible and has change the way you have to win. no more charging with hordes of soldiers on an un-protectable town. Also, large amounts of catapults can no longer win you the game. The new ongers (as they are called) are defensless agains all but the slowest troops and must be guarded.

The gameplay is very simple and is almost exactly like AOE I. For new players, I suggest reading the manual, but you won't have any trouble figuring it out after that. But don't think this game is easy. The phrase "Practice makes perfect" really applys to this game. You develop winning strategies and a favorite civilization over time, but to get there you actually have to play the game. The campagins aren't great, but are still pretty fun. Regular matches are the best though. You can even play online against other players.

This game is an absolute must-have for all RTS fans. And even if you're just looking for a fun game, this is a good one for you too.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: An absorbing game
Review: Age of Empires: Age of Kings, is definately one of the better realtime stratagy games on the market at this time. The graphics are very good, giving the game a fun edge to it that will keep you hooked as you play. There are many modes that you can play, either start your own war, trading with your allies, and battling your enemies. Or protecting your king and defeating all of the other fiefdoms before they destroy you. But you can also play as Joan of Arc, or Barbarossa, playing missions and liberating France. This game is fun, but it does have a few drawbacks. Alliances with people are hard to keep. The gameplay is a little difficult, making you keep an eye on 15 places at once. Also, as your town progresses, you can make your town better by moving forward in "ages". There arent nearly enough of these, more would make the game more inviting and fun to play. Also there is not nearly enough different types of weapons (ie. soldiers, calvary..etc) But, this game is definately engaging, and could easily pass a few hours of boredom

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