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Anarchy Online

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Rating: 1 stars
Summary: There is just nothing there.
Review: Simply unplayable. Even if the game was not full of bugs and exploits that just ruin gameplay it is simply a boring game.

You will be doing the same things at 100th level that you did at 10th level. Wearing the same armor and using the same weapons. Only difference is a number will be higher.

And if you thought the level treadmill of Everquest is bad, this one is a nightmare. In addition to getting character levels, you have to make sure that the armor and weapon quality levels are near your character level. And just when you get a good set of arms and armor for your level, you're not that level anymore and have to go get new stuff! It's endeless and pointless.

And don't buy into that ever soon to be starting storyline that will make the game into a paradise. It is just another tactic used to keep the players strung along.

Save your $...and $... and priceless amounts of frustration.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Don't even think about buying this "Game"
Review: I played it in beta and never bothered buying it cause I saw then how this was turning out. The only right thing funcom did was allow us into beta to see how horrid AO is. Heed the words of the other people here- the game just plain stinks.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: never again
Review: I would have given it a zero, but there is a one star minimum here.

Never again will I buy another Funcom product, or for that matter quite possibly any Norwegian software. These peopel have no clue how to program.

The game itself is grosely imbalanced with unimplemented and/or very poorly implemented features such as the imbalance between the Clans and Omni Tek, the 2 primary factions.

The developers lack of foresight, product testing and aoverall ... decisions have made it even worse causing the vast majority of players to leave.

Currently there are between 3500 to 5000 players out of original 35000 people that played this game still logging in. These are mostly new players that havent had the chance to experience any of the games problems yet...

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Worst Online Game Ever
Review: This game is without a doubt the worst excuse for software i have ever tried. The game is buggy beyond all belief. It you can get past the games bugs then you have to get past the billing dept's bugs which even though they charge your credit card the freeze your account and send you an e-mail saying you have not paid them. Once in game the graphics are great. However the game plays is repetitive, combat is hit the "Q" key and wait for the outcome. I wish i had back my money and time from this ... game.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Like a Christmas Ornament. Pretty, fragile, and hollow.
Review: This is not worth 12.95 US per month. You will be paying to beta test the patches Funcom writes, as the currently seem not to. Check the boards. Look for the fallout on patch 12.6.

The graphics and sound are beyond anything else out there. Support, storyline and content are non existant. Gameplay is repetitive and dull. You can hunt until about 80th level (1 week or so to get to), then you will be doing missions. Until 200th. It's just hunt, level. Do missions for loot, sell, buy new implants/nano/equipment...rinse and repeat.

Exploits are legion, most tradeskills do not work...there is no PvP balance.

This game is not ready to be called a "retail release".

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Nice graphics, bad programming, bad customer support
Review: Just say no. There are tons of lag, messed up skills, virtually no tradeskills, only a few weapons worth using, every patch screws up at least 1 profession, sometimes more, monsters can hit you from where-ever they are(another client lag problem). The only way to advance in later levels is to group, but you can spend 2+ hours looking to join a group only to have the playfield server crash, or people on the team get disconnected(LinkDead).

There were so many upset customers complaining that instead of addressing their concerns, they changed the AO Forums to be moderated. Now the only posts you will see are either saying how nice the game is, or has so many gross mispellings that you question the intelligence of the poster.

Funcom doesn't appear to care too much about their customers. Alot of people had invested hundreds of hours into their characters, only to have them made inept by changing the affect of a major skill in a patch.

How do you think you would like it if they took your character that can barely kill monsters that give very little xp(when you need 500,000 to level) and made it so you didn't do 1/10th the damage that you did before? How about if they made the monsters more powerful and had them help each other(even all the way across a mission)? Well, that's exactly what they did in ONE patch. Have they reversed this situation? No, they just stated "We wanted to make the game harder".

They have professions that are basically useless. The professions with pets are left with impotent helpers who will get stuck on any little part of the landscape, not to mention the monster will completely ignore them and attack you if you are anywhere near.

Most of the high level characters(80+) have cheated their way to get those levels. There are tons of exploits that they use to get there, but they rarely get banned. Every patch that "fixes" and exploit seems to generate at least 1 more.

They do say they have a story they are starting, yet it's only 7 months out of the year. You can participate in events where 60+ high level characters will attack some huge monster that will kill everyone but the person who gets the last hit(and is the only person to get the loot and XP). You'd have more fun watching reruns of X-Files or Roswell.

This game does have some positive points though: it looks nice, has awesome music and has alot of skills to explore. Too bad only 15 or so of the skills are useful, actually necessary, so it's not like you have an option.

Bottom line: Don't even waste your time trying it.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Avoid this title
Review: Avoid at all costs. Still bugs being ignored from Beta.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Horrible development and upkeep with even worse cust service
Review: I will never EVER buy a product from funcom EVER again.

This is the WORST developed game I have ever played. It devlievered on nothing it promised. It had horrible crashes for at least 2 months and now they reintroduced even more problems.

Worst of all they have NO customer service. Something goes wrong with your game? Tough! Wait for a patch. No quick fixes and completely moderated forums so you can't even voice your complaints anymore!

I canceled my account and I urge you to never EVER buy this game. That also includes any funcom game including their upcoming MMORPG.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Level 79 Martial Artist - tired.
Review: I can no longer recommend this game to anyone. There is alot of good art and music to experience, but the gameplay hasn't lived up to what it could be.

So, I will try DAOC. I had a good time playing other Mythic games, so I have high hopes for it.

Signing off,

Blackwand, 79 Omni MA.

ps <sigh>

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Frustrating
Review: The game is still full of buggs. Each new patch brings a new set of buggs. Boring; when you have done 10 missions, you have done them all. Unbalanced; you can get your character nerfed to become useless, and this without explanations. Tons of features that still wont work. The story line has not begun yet!

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